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Posts posted by MRToMRT

  1. On 1/24/2020 at 5:10 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Did you not watch the U Tube clip a few pages back when she couldn't answer a simple question from a reporter at a press conference? Didn't come across as very clever then.

    Actually in that clip there is nothing that says she does not have an opinion or know the answers, she is however, IMHO, concerned at the press ignoring the presence of the other panelists. 

  2. 22 hours ago, stouricks said:

    Anyone any idea how that private letter got into the public domain.

    He "leaked" it to the Mail BUT after it was already being quoted in other sources. His other daughter has accused on record (I watched it on TV last week) that Meghan released information on parts of the letter through select friends to the media, prior.


    Strange story indeed. I read the letter in the paper and thought it was written in a style and text that already knew it was going to become public knowledge. Its like something drafted by the "palace", not something sincerely from a daughter to a father IMHO.


  3. The story is probably not the story, the story is more probably why is Na Neaw constantly pushing stories related to the "biometric" system and foreigners. Reading the "big joke" current stories in the press one would have to summarize someone high up in the Police/Imm is trying to flood the media with positive stories related to "biometric" and "foreigners" to try and drown out the negative ones about its price..

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  4. 20 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    Have you actually read about his background?

    Actually the first part of Rhydid's sentence is factually correct (re his background) and the second part would seemingly apply to all Thai politicians so probably correct (re his possible motives).


    He has just come up with bunch of lame excuses for the things he was acccused of and is actually guilty of them as far as I can see. The fact that others are more guilty than he does not make him innocent. Unjustly victimized by the potentially vastly more corrupt yes.  


    I see his rise as being a stepping stone for others becoming more ambitious in their politics and the people becoming more used to using their vote morally. I don't really see him as a knight in shining armor. He has witnessed the world through extreme privilege only as his background attests to. I do think he will be seen as a great motivating figure in modern Thai history.


    • Sad 1
  5. On 1/13/2020 at 8:29 AM, Momofarang said:

    For what it is worth, I have made the attached simulation to compare the cost of a Pacific Cross plan with 300000 deductible with TE. At 20 years Health insurance would still be cheaper than TE. That's only pertinent for people like me who would never make any claim, because the have a better cover elsewhere.

    I didn't go ahead with this because I haven't managed yet the toxic interaction between the two plans that may arise.


    HIvsThaiElite.xlsx 43.42 kB · 6 downloads

    Thats interesting thanks. I never considered getting a 300k deductible. Makes it at least affordable if it does come the "non imm O" and one has "real" insurance.

  6. On 1/5/2020 at 7:26 AM, mokwit said:

    Thailand is not a retirement destination and it is misleading to promote it as such. Thailand is a country that issues 1 year visa extensions to those over 50 meeting certain financial requirements. Currently this visa extension can be extended for one year at a time if you meet the financial criteria on renewal. In the last year these criteria have been changed at short notice without grandfathering, thus Thailand is no longer a 'retirement' destination.

    Best post in this entire thread.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    If Islam was a religion of peace surely the extremists would be extremely peaceful? The fundamentalists as you describe them are merely carrying out the commands in the Quran, Islam was never a religion of peace from the time Mohammad attacked the Meccans in violation of the truce he agreed to.

    Who is making all the guns and military weaponry in the world, a muslim nation? 


    Heres the top 50 ..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Companies_by_arms_sales No Muslim countries in sight.

    • Like 1
  8. Hmmmm. Impeachment hearings set, election this year. Let's play the nationalist/obfuscation card by setting up an enemy and a fight. 

    The electorate are lambs to the slaughter once again. Twenthieth century politics is sadly alive and well in the 21st. Trump for another term is more of a reality each day. Sadly real people are going to pay with their lives for this.



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  9. Its a good move. Not only is the use of plastics reduced but in my own case it will probably stop me from heading into a shop after the pub and buying something I think I need. Could save me a fortune!


    I still think plastic individual packaging of goods in Thailand is more of an issue than carry-out plastic bags though. Both should be banned if they are serious about this.

    • Haha 1
  10. On 12/27/2019 at 1:09 PM, AussieBob18 said:

    So here is the question - will Thai Health Insurance be mandated for 12 month O Visas and 12 month Extensions in the future - by the end of 2020.  Yes or No.

    Who knows, this place "amazes" me more and more everyday. Logic would determine that it must come into effect at some point otherwise there would not be enough custom to make the insurance companies want a piece of the foreign retiree action.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    How about superior coverage with domestic insurers

    Thats a good point jacko, and it made me think (this whole "Thai/imm" insurance issue makes me stew to be honest).


    I suppose (?) that the issue is that the insurance companies are being required to offer products that need approval from the gov/Thai insurance lobby. As such their "market" that they have to assess the potential liability on is just a) retirees who are already here b) retirees in general that may come here.


    Apart from the fact that we are all "old", theres also the factors that many of the historical data for "us" includes booze, womanizing, broken families, single men, pleasure seekers, risk takers, etc, etc. I am now supposing the deals on offer are because the "average" retiree coming or staying in Thailand is statistically a bad risk for insurance companies.


    I see the Gov to blame for only allowing "approved" insurance products. Its another Thai scam just like the rest of the scams we hear about.





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