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Posts posted by MRToMRT

  1. I do hope this is the end of him. I know some of you will hound me for that but the man is simply a self serving liar, he is snake oil through and through,  though gifted with an incredible ability to handle interviewers and push his narrative, I concede.


    I am shocked at how many times he has shot himself in the foot since the election was touted. But he is not alone, Swinson is as bad as him, Corbyn is trying to win an election based on old fashioned spin and silly improbable catch phrases. And as for Mop Head, a stupid habitual liar trying hard to follow what his puppeteers tell him should be but he just keeps reverting back to character. And Sturgeon and SNP make my ears bleed I swear. 

    It time for a mass vote for the Monster Raving Loony Party. God bless Screaming Lord Sutch and all who sail in him. Our saviors?





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  2. 9 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


    I am 100% sure that NL is doing much better than the UK economically.


    What is left of the UK?  Maybe we can talk about car manufacturers?  I have been to the UK several times. I was often shocked by the mess I found there. In many ways it seems like a third world country.


    And yes, I know. The center of London looks nice. But when you leave that, you see the desolate mess, the economic downturn and misery.




    I agree. The industrial and post-industrial areas are a mess. The UK's image is based on London and picture post villages and rolling southern hills, something 90% of the country can only afford to watch on TV.

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  3. I have been to R haan. Its very good for a special occasion. Excellent service as well as the food. Just off Thong Lo (close to Bo lan actually which I also enjoy on a special occasion).

    I was not so happy when I left R haan though because I ordered a GRAB taxi to take us home home and the car parked on the side street as the carpark was full. There was food juice, open bins and a general foul smell where the car parked right next to the kitchen, I put my foot in an open grease trap! I think they should have higher hygiene standards. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Thailand was not colonized though was it, if it had been the standard of English would be better. The language has nothing to do with being white, all races speak English.

    But the general sentiment seems to be it would have been a better place for being colonialized? And come on ...... 80% of the posters here are white males from 3 specific global regions (Europe, America and Australia).

  5. 14 minutes ago, weegee said:

    So the UN is running the world ?....The UN is obsolete and run by ratbags now...Worst thing any Country can do is let the UN become involved with the running of it's country....

    What utter cock. The UN runs nothing, its a talk shop and the ones talking are the member states who have complete sovereignty.


    If you want to attack the UN do it for something it deserves to be attacked for like the power of veto of some countries, massive expenditures, high salaries and poor performance. 

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  6. 13 hours ago, The Man Who Sold the World said:

    Well, this "piece" kinda lost credibility when I read this; "In 2018, 680,000 out of 3,420,000 expats who visited the hospital didn’t pay their bills. The total unpaid amount was estimated at 305 million baht. 

    The majority of unpaid bills were from retirees." 


    Really need to provide some supporting documentation for this claim.

    Good spot!


    If these number are right then thats an average bill of less than 500 baht per non-payer. So are they not paying the bill or is the hospital simply not billing them? Anyone can afford an "average" price of 500 baht!



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  7. 2 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    ............ and no interaction with immigration for checks etc in that entire 5 years (90 day reporting etc) thats actually back to being interesting. .......

    My recollection is that you still do 90 day reporting, still do TM30 and you have to report to imm' annually (whether you have to do this if you left the country in that year I don't know). 

  8. I think the source is this forum, this "theory" (400/800 covers med) has been raised in many posts here by multiple posters. 

    The basis of many articles and writings on the entire web is by gleaning bits of information from various online sources and putting them together as a "guide". Theres also a "lawyer" on YouTube who just seems to read this forum and Facebook and then make bite sized videos "clarifying" the "situation".


    It's hard to trust much online these days as being grounded in truth. Would be nice of it were true though. 

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