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Posts posted by electau

  1. The Australian Embassy charge $20....at a very bad exchange rate to witness a Stat Dec. It has to be done in person too.

    I am also after an Austranian teacher nurse accountant etc to verify a document in ChiangMai. If you fit the sort of category...Australian registered professional give me a PM please.

    I had a Comonwealth statutory declaration witnessed at the Australian Embassy about 2 years ago. It was to be used by an Australian Govt department and I was not charged any fee. The declaration was witnessed by an Australian officer.

    However, if Australian document is to be used in Thailand, a fee is levied as it is not just witnessed, it is effectively notarised and until that is done the document can not be used in Thailand. Then DFAT does the notarisation.

    The Australian Consulate in Chiang Mai may be able to assist you.

  2. A consular officer at the Australian Embassy can witness your SD. There is a fee involved.

    There may not be a fee if the Commonwealth Statutory Declaration form is to be used in Australia or is for the use of an Australian government department. Your signature on the document is only witnessed.

    If a Statutory Declaration is to be used within Thailand it must be witnessed by DFAT before it can be used, and this entails a fee. The fee used to be around $18. (Notarisation)

  3. Before you get an ASDL connection, get your telephone line checked out to see if it meets the technical criteria for a connection.

    Next remember that the higher the speed you want you may not get because the line losses in the telephone line, they are fixed per km of line. The higher the speed the shorter the practical line length in km.

    Poor terminations and close proximity to power lines cause induction which causes noise on the line. This can cause dropouts.

    In many cases dial up internet (56kbps) is the alternative. Wireless GSM is the alterative but speeds may be slow due to network usage. The proposed 3G service offers higher speeds but is not available as yet in Thailand.

    And there is nothing wrong with dialup internet for general purpose use.

  4. How far are you from the exchange? If your telephone line has been checked and complies with the minimum standards for an ASDL connection, check the settings of your wireless router. A speed of 2Mbps is not high.

    Have you tried to conect using a standard router RJ45/RJ12 connection?

    Drop outs could be caused by heavy network usage and insufficient capacity of the ISP (Cat Telecom) to service its customers.

    You definately have a genuine complaint.

    And you should enable security on your wireless router.

    Why do the techs have to visit your site? Most tests can be done remotely by the ISP when you are on-line.

    If you have a SNR of more than 56dB on your telephone line you could experience connectivity problems.

    You have two conections with different ISPs on the same telephone line?

  5. I use IE8 and have no real problems with it. I tried Firefox 3 but could see no real advantage in it . I fail to see how one browser is faster than another, except for perhaps the initial opening of the program.

    If your internet connection is slow or you have insufficient RAM no browser will fix that problem

    Sometime get an error message "IE has stopped working" but not that often.

  6. If you regard 512kbps download and 128kbps upload as the minimum acceptable limits with average speed testing and the max SNR of your telephone line as 56dB. and you are not more than 4km cable route length from your exchange.

    3BB. poor.

    True. 1400kbps to 1700/1800kbps 1900kbps your line length may be excessive or the network in in heavy use.


    VDSL. This is FTTP ( fibre to the premises) with this you will get proposed speeds in excess of 8Mbps up to 100Mbps.

  7. Yes the question one asked was to do with the speed of your ASDL connection in Thailand.

    I am trying to compare these speeds with those in Australia. I have my internet account with Singtel/Optus. It is an ASDL service with a max download limit of 12GB, after that it is speed limited to 28.8kbps.

    I am located about 3 km from the exchange and the line is an underground multi-pair standard telephone cable.

    My average speed is between 2.0Mbps and 2.4Mbps and average download speeds are between 250KB/s and 300KB/s.

    When accessing websites this will vary from about 3secs to over 20secs sometimes. One slow site is Thaivisa.com. This could be the connection or congestion at the Thaivisa server.

    It takes about 3 to 5 secs to download a 1.0MB file, which I regard as good.

    The largest file I have had to download from a website for a printer software upgrade was 260MB.

    Of that amount of 12GB per month I would use only about 2GB max as I do not have need to download large files.

    Remember, there are 8 bits in a byte. Speed is in bits per sec, what you download is in bytes.

    Now compare the above with your internet usage and connection.

  8. The limit to ASDL from the exchange is 4 km perhaps up to 4.5km on a good line.

    The exchange will be conected to the fibre optic backbone cabling. The theroretical speed limit may be 5Mbps, 8Mbps, etc.

    But if you are about 3 kms from the exchange typical speeds may be between 2Mbps to 2.4Mbps.

    Connectivity may be affected by the following:

    Line conditon from the exchange

    The cabling from the network connection to your TO.

    Your computers hardware and software.

    Network usage and congestion.

    The server that you are accessing.

    You do not pay for speed which is in Mbp/s. You pay for max download limit which is in MB. eg.a 1MB file will take 4 secs to download at 250KB/s

    If you exceed your MB limit you may be speed limited to 28.8Kbps.

    The only way to get a high speed connection is to have FTTP that is F/O to the network termination point. The F/O terminates in an Network Termination Unit and then your internal cabling can be in Cat5E or Cat6 or standard twisted pair telephone cable.

  9. The lampsockets should be BC or ES. the flex lead to the dimmer should be 0.75/1.0 sqmm.

    The lead should have a 10amp plug top which plugs into an existing 10 amp socket outlet.

    The lampsockets are connected on the load side of the dimmer.

    The dimmer should not be connected to the fixed wiring controlling a 10 amp socket outlet.

  10. Cash.

    Travellers cheques.

    ATM Bank debit card.

    Mastercard debit card or Visa debit card, use the SAV or CHQ not CC at an ATM

    Fees and charges will be levied on cards by your home bank and with CCs an international transaction fee will be charged.

    If you carry TCs denominations of $100. Encash at the FX desk/currency exchange of a bank.

    Most countries banks charge fees on all FX transactions, the US seems to be an exception but they probably get their fees by some other way, they should be itemised on your bank statement.

  11. As your proposed electrical installation is in Thailand you should use the standard 3 pin 10A socket outlets which comply with Thai Industrial Standards (TIS). The circuits should be protected with a protective device of 16 or 20 Amps. Use the standard 3 pin 10A TIS plug top.

    BS plug tops do not fit TIS pattern socket outlets.

  12. 10sqmm Copper conductor (green/yellow) is quite satisfactory.AS3000 requires only 4sqmm minimum. 10sqmm appears to be the minimum under MEA/PEA requirements.

    Max resistance of the main earth conductor from the main earth bar to the point of conection at the electrode, 0.5ohms.

    Electrode should be copper clad steel minimum depth in soil 1.8M. Connection should be protected by metallic paint.

    Electrode should be exposed to the weather and not encased in concrete.

  13. You should keep your max demand to less than 100Amps per phase.

    Your voltage drop should not exceed 5% from the point of connection of the service conductors to the consumers mains to any point in the electrical installation.

    You should have a maximum demand calculation done first before you approach the PEA.

    If the PEA have to upgrade their transformer you may be required to supply some of the capital cost of the upgrade.

    Installing a MCB as a main switch is one method of setting the max demand, the second method is by calculation. The second method is the one usually done for domestic/residential installations.

  14. It sounds like that you have low insulation between the a neutral and earth on one (or more) of your subcircuits. You will need to check the insulation resistance with a 250/500V insulation tester on each circuit. You canot check insulation resistance with a VOM.

    You should retain the main switch and install the RCD betwen the load side of the main switch and the line side of the circuit MCBs.

    There must be no earth connection to the neutral on the load side of an RCD.

  15. Thailand in WW2.

    Thailand responded pragmatically to the military and political pressures of World War II. When sporadic fighting broke out between Thai and French forces along Thailand's eastern frontier in late 1940 and early 1941, Japan used its influence with the Vichy regime in France to obtain concessions for Thailand. As a result, France agreed in March 1941 to cede 54,000 square kilometers of Laotian territory west of the Mekong and most of the Cambodian province of Battambang to Thailand. The recovery of this lost territory and the regime's apparent victory over a European colonial power greatly enhanced Phibun's reputation.

    Then, on December 8, 1941, after several hours of fighting between Thai and Japanese troops at Chumphon, Thailand had to accede to Japanese demands for access through the country for Japanese forces invading Burma and Malaya. Phibun assured the country that the Japanese action was prearranged with a sympathetic Thai government. Later in the month Phibun signed a mutual defense pact with Japan. Pridi resigned from the cabinet in protest but subsequently accepted the nonpolitical position of regent for the absent Ananda Mahidol.

    Under pressure from Japan, the Phibun regime declared war on Britain and the United States in January 1942, but the Thai ambassador in Washington, Seni Pramoj, refused to deliver the declaration to the United States government. Accordingly, the United States refrained from declaring war on Thailand. With American assistance Seni, a conservative aristocrat whose anti Japanese credentials were well established, organized the Free Thai Movement, recruiting Thai students in the United States to work with the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The OSS trained Thai personnel for underground activities, and units were readied to infiltrate Thailand. From the office of the regent in Thailand, Pridi ran a clandestine movement that by the end of the war had with Allied aid armed more than 50,000 Thai to resist the Japanese.

    Thailand was rewarded for Phibun's close cooperation with Japan during the early years of war with the return of further territory that had once been under Bangkok's control, including portions of the Shan states in Burma and the four northernmost Malay states. Japan meanwhile had stationed 150,000 troops on Thai soil and built the infamous "death railway" through Thailand using Allied prisoners of war.

    As the war dragged on, however, the Japanese presence grew more irksome. Trade came to a halt, and Japanese military personnel requisitioning supplies increasingly dealt with Thailand as a conquered territory rather than as an ally. Allied bombing raids damaged Bangkok and other targets and caused several thousand casualties. Public opinion and, even more important, the sympathies of the civilian political elite, moved perceptibly against the Phibun regime and the military. In June 1944, Phibun was forced from office and replaced by the first predominantly civilian government since the 1932 coup.

    Source: US Library of Congress.

  16. The above shows why one should use a reputable lawyer that will work in your interests and why one should question any clause in a lease that concerns you.

    Oh, for a straightforward lease like mine -- where the only clause is essentially 'I lease the place for 30 years' -- you suggest I should have paid a lawyer? My name is on the back of the chanote; all the stamps have been affixed; all the required fees have been paid. Paying a lawyer would have gotten me what?

    My neighbor went the lease route also. Got a lawyer -- in the five figure arena. Got the same phraseology on the back of his chanote; and paid much higher fees, 'cause the stupid lawyer had her own cookie-cutter figures on what constituted a reasonable rent figure.

    10000 THB to 20000THB are five figure amounts not a large amount to have a lease drawn up correctly and witnessed

    First get an estimate of the costs then get a official valuation of the land, resonable rent per year might well be 5% of the valuation.


  17. Thailand was occupied by the Japanese in WW2. The occupation commenced at the same time as the attack on Malaya. Between 2400 hrs and 0130hrs on the 7/8 December 1941.

    Thailand was never colonised and was sympathetic toward Japans interests at the time. It could never be regarded as an "enemy country". Bangkok was bombed by B29s from India before these aircraft were relocated to the Pacific islands to bomb Japan directly.

    Japan needed to occupy Thailand so they could invade Burma and the later India would have been next.

    At the time of the attack on the British Empire by Japan the British Goverment had still never received a definite reply from the US if it would join in the war against Japan if there was an attack on Singapore or Malaya.

    As luck happened the US was caught of guard by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour two hours later. Mr Churchill was said to be very pleased when he was advised.

    The US had a neutralist policy at the time and had never jointed th League of Nations.

    Thailand as a country was not directly involved in WW2 other countries were Portugal ( East Timor was occupied by the Japanese). Both Thailand and Portugal were sympathetic to the aims of the Axis powers. Thailand had a defacto goverment in exile as had many European countries that had been overrun by German forces.

    Great Britain declared war on Germany, Japan declared war on the British Empire, Japan declared war on the United States of America and Germany declared war on the USA after Japan had attacked Pearl Harbour. Germany attacked the USSR but the USSR had a non agression pact with Japan until 1945 when they invaded Korea.

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