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Posts posted by SailingHome

  1. is there any clinic in Pattaya

    Across the street going North from Tony's on 3rd rd in a stripmall. Can't remember his name, but he is very thorough and if you will pay in advance for several treatments, you save a lot. Knowing I would need a lot of sessions, I saved. Quite happy with him and the herbs really helped my liver (he is an herbalist too.)

  2. Are there are any FOOD ITEMS that you make a special effort to consume each and EVERY day?

    Foods, not stimulant drinks like coffee or alcohol drinks like beer.

    Thinking about this, I think for me there is only ONE. I reckon for many people there are NONE, and perhaps some have SEVERAL.

    Stereotypically Asian people often say they don't feel right if they don't have at least one portion of rice daily.

    For me the food is BANANA. Yes, I have one large or a group of small BANANAS every day, with breakfast.


    Sometimes it's a bit of a challenge to always have banana ready to eat. I buy them green. Sometimes they ripen slowly, sometimes too fast, so I tend to overstock. Some go rotten and sometimes I'll be eating a firm one or a soft one (don't really mind, actually prefer the firm ones).

    I do have it in my head that the potasium in bananas is good for me, but this is actually a neurosis at this point. I don't want to face my day without my banana and happily I don't have to!

    I was not nearly so hooked on them back in the U.S.

    Previously in Thailand I was ALMOST as hooked on oranges as I am on bananas but curiously that has gone away. I do stock oranges but I can go days without eating one though I do eat some other kinds of fresh fruit daily.

    So ... do you have any foods that you "need" like this?

    Banas also cause calm feelings, and, let's face it, a lot of us Westerners have anxiety whether we admit it or not. Darn right, I love bananas when I am stressed.

  3. As long as I get at least 30 for my $1 after transfer or atm, I am happy. Yeah, if we get way more Baht, the imports will rise, but it will still be about the same as the $/£/e we pay now equivelently, no? What would kill my ability to live in Thailand would be going back to 20/$. Rent, food, BTS, etc. would not fall accordingly so cost of living would be 33% higher. Of course, that will only happen if the US economy truly, truly tanks and Thai economy gets amazingly strong, in wgich case Thai economy would likely crash back unable to sell exports. I feel fairly safe, and any 1 extra Baht / $1 for my$2k/mo is a nice, cool, 2,000 Baht to have fun :)

  4. Is anyone aware of a pharmacy which sells HGH?


    My buddy found it better (price and quality) to go to China and buy it. With travel cost, he still saves. Found the labs online and emailed them for info. Took a fun trip to visit a few, and decided on the pre-loaded syringes.

  5. On 2nd road just a block south of the mall is Florida hotel. It was B500 last December (2012). Have prices jumped lately there or in Pattaya in general? Small pension, want to plan ahead, but online prices are always way higher (Agoda says 650)

  6. Hi. Has anyone been through an SSDI review for mental health while here in Thailand? I'd like to hear your experiences and what they are after. Feel free to reply private if you prefer.

    Due to processing error of my address update form, I didn't receive the February notice until TODAY. Oy! Life is hard enough... this is tweaking me out!


    - J

  7. I bought this book a few weeks back in I think Se-ed book shops (the Bang Saen Big C/ex Carrefour branch) for 90 Baht. It covers automotive, tools, construction, science, technology etc. The Thai translation is in Thai. Some of the words you want are in it:

    Cement : ปุนซ๊เมนต์ Bpun seemendt

    Hog is in the book, whether this is hog rings I've no idea: โค้งหลังเตา kohng lahng dtoaw

    Galvanized: ชุบหรืออาบสังกะสี chub ruah ahb sang gasee

    Mesh : ตะแกรง I read that as either dta gair rong or dta gr(air)ng air being one vowel.

    chuam is to join things and steel is lehg. Chuam lehg is general steel welding not specifying whether it's tig, mig, arc, gas etc.

    Chuam al-lu-mi-nee-am is aluminium welding.

    Chuam mahi is to join wood. (I think)

    Chuam : เชื่อม

    Lehg : เหล้ก

    Someone may need to correct me on my Thai reading, but I hope it's ok.

    I can't find staples, but I have some that might have the Thai written on them.

    From some of the above you can see it's always worth trying the English word if it's technical or something they didn't have years ago in Thailand when the language was written, but say it like a foreigner reading the word for the first time.

    Sorry if you know this already. If it's some thing that begins with an 'S' say Sa. As in Sa-taple. If the English word for staple is used ( I haven't checked) it's maybe Sa-ta-ban or sa-ta-bun.

    All of the above are great ideas. This book and examples helps a lot! Thanks all ;-)

  8. Hi, all. I went to the shop to price out some supplies but had a hard time asking for what I need. Can I get the names in Thai for the following from someone, please?

    1) Rebar

    2) Cement

    3) Hog rings (a staple used with pliers that forms a tight ring holding 2 or more pieces of metal together)

    4) staples

    5) welded wire mesh (like chicken wire, but square and welded at each intersection)

    6) Galvanized (the word in general as it applies to a lot of things like chain, bolts, wire mesh, ...)

    That should get me started :)


  9. Last week I did 5 deportations and suddenly realised that I had not made a note of this change of policy to people on Thai Visa.

    If you wish to voluntarily leave by paying the 20 k at the airport and flying out to get a new visa in an adjacent country, you may still do that.

    If you are arrested or voluntarily surrender to immigration even after 5 days overstay expect to be deported to your country of origin.

    Thanks for the info and reporting. Very nice to have your resources. I am confused by your statement. Are you saying that only in flying out can one not be deported for a 5+ day overstay? Certainly we surrender to immigration at land borders.

  10. Was that info dated, or is it something that's been there awhile and you just saw it, making it new?

    New to me. I never considered leaving for anything other than a visa. I'd never admit it for me, but finding a place to live until death without having to do the visas is appealing to a lot of people I know. Not realistic, but I see their point.

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