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Posts posted by SailingHome

  1. Thx! She wants to work part time, but has an associates in stenography only, so no teaching allowed, no vending/baking allowed, etc. No idea what work she can do, and no point if less than B12k/mo as we don't NEED the money so why work hard for pittance.

    Anyone know what she can work? Maybe set up an ebay exporting business?

    LEGAL jobs only meaning work permit, etc.

  2. Asia2000 - 1. sadly, medicines that were made as early as 1950 and cost 1 Baht in thailand are not even available here, but new ones are that cost over P200 each. More than 20% of the population would benefit from Elavil, for example. $500/mo for Parkinson's meds that are $60 in Thailand and $40 (cash, no insurance) in USA because Phils will not allow generics. How many people in poverty get treatment? Middle class here is about $500/mo. Sad. I have friends that run mobile clinics who fly to Thailand to buy medicines to give away because the government will not allow the sale.

    2. it's not the Mebibits, it's the backbone. SMART and Globe both died twice at the same time in the last 20 minutes for 2 minutes. Happens in all cities I have been.

    3. power brown, water pressure too low to support 1 room flushing and another showering - literally stops in one room

    6. It's not the waiting. It's the way they tell you to wait a while and the way it takes 5 minutes to buy one item once I get to the register.

    12&13 - Way different noises. Yeah, bars and road nois exist, but no quiet to neighborhoods here like Thailand, and never been on a bus or BTS where so many are playing music withour headphones - all at once and each loud enough for everyone to hear. A restaurant in a mall in Thailand never plays music so loud that wife and I can't talk.

    Makeup - could be cost, but my wife says the workplace requires it and natural colors are available.

  3. I could answer all these comments, but remeber this is a 'in my experience being a year here.' YMMV. And, again, my Pina wife is the one that points these things out to me. For ofhers who read this, note that clown makeup is the workers and shoppers in malls, Generics pharmacy is nice, but does not sell most of what I need. Other pharmacies have, but 150 peso per pill here in Phils gets me a week supply in Thailand. As always, YMMV. I don't like Phils. You do. That's ok, isn't it?

    I guess you have a financial problem. Is your wife working? If you're sick, as a wife she has a responsibility to take care of you. She must be working and buy you a medicine.

    Must? You seem a very assumptive person. Not even a close guess.

  4. I lived 11 years in LOS, before I traveled to the Philippines. All together nearly 2 years here in PI by now. Travelled back and forth 3 times last 2 years. Both countries seems great 1'st month - after that 'my sun glasses comes off' yet again...in both countries.

    The People of the Philippines: Very polite and respectful - did I mention hospitality. One feel Welcome here.

    Many times I've got spesial treatment, just because I'm a foreigner. The locals really try their best to help, if they can.biggrin.png

    OP, allow me to comment some of your points, from my experience. YMMW as always.

    1. Generic medicine is illegal, branded medicine is higher cost than USA cash price

    - I agree this is a problem, but take GDP per capita $ 2.792 in consideration, and general unemployment and powerty, so 'who' would afford to buy generic medicine here? Had you asked the local expats forum here before arrival, you would know this, and could had brought your own medicine (with doctors prescription).

    2. Internet sucks even at a shop

    - Boracay had download 8-9 Mbps / upload 1-2 Mbps - Dumaguete had download 3 Mbps / upload 1 Mbps. Cebu city was crap.

    3. Poverty even in hotels.

    - Much more expensive accomondation than in Thailand since they don't have any building boom here. Can't be compared with Thailand. Can one afford 70$ a night or more, you get all frills and quality also here. Most international hotels are here too .

    4. Food so bad for me that I get sick.

    - Interesting you mention that. I get Diarrhea more often in Thailand than in Philippines.

    Eat in malls in PI and you get good food, international as well. Many malls have Thai restaurants.

    5. Crowds

    - Almost 100 Millions here in PI - Only 68 Millions in Thailand. Crowded in both countries. At least in PI you have 7.107 Islands you can escape to.

    6. "(wait) awhile” is the National Phrase and is considered customer service

    - And in other SEA countries no waiting ?

    7. "no stock”.

    - Agree and it get's to you over time. That's why expats fill their freezer, whenever they can.

    8. Few places to go and most of those you pay to use the facilities which are poverty-like

    - Agree, PI is a boring country with nothing to do, I guess know we're spoiled from Thailand.

    10. Burping, spitting, loud people that are crass.

    - I know a few other SEA countries where they do this way more than in PI, but I'm not gonna be more spesific.

    11. Most dress like ditch diggers - pants and old t-shirts - all the time everywhere

    - Blame unemployment, GDP per capita, and always changing and corrupt officials - Don't blame the People who only try to do their best.

    100000's of nurses here who can't get a job, apply for work overseas, or end up as underpaid cashier in a mall. Reality.

    12. NOISE everywhere of “personal” music so loud everyone can hear it 'clearly' on the tinny, cracked speakers - cafe music so loud can't talk

    13. NOISE everywhere of racing of engines.

    - Yes, and none of this in LOS or other SEA countries ... whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn Much louder in Thailand.

    For the Makeup comment ...... Well they buy what they can afford, so I don't blame them.

    Philippines is not for everyone. It will never be same Thailand. But you get other qualities here:

    Polite friendly helpful people who can communicate with you in English. thumbsup.gif

    Bohol was a very beautiful Island. Dumaguete 'the city of gentle people' was really just that. Even the big police force who was visible 24/7, and their 20 man Swat team, was always smiling and friendly talking to us foreigners. Can't be better than that.

    While most things in PI are expensiver than in LOS, cabel TV, sigarettes and Beer are cheaper.

    40 % better exchange rate here in Philippines, than in Thailand, also helps.

    Brit's HEAD UP - here the Pound gives you more than 70 biggrin.png

    I will also return to Thailand, but for me the reason is the last Earthquake and Typhoon - Don't want to experience that again.

    Damn good post. And, I don't blame the people at all. I simply don't enjoy their situation and am WAY happier in LOS. I feel sad for them about the unemployment, corruption, poverty, and also run a charitable and employment service that helps impoverished Pina college seekers get an English teaching education in Thailand at Thongsook. I won't miss living here, however.

  5. I could answer all these comments, but remeber this is a 'in my experience being a year here.' YMMV. And, again, my Pina wife is the one that points these things out to me.

    For ofhers who read this, note that clown makeup is the workers and shoppers in malls, Generics pharmacy is nice, but does not sell most of what I need. Other pharmacies have, but 150 peso per pill here in Phils gets me a week supply in Thailand.

    As always, YMMV. I don't like Phils. You do. That's ok, isn't it?

  6. Oh, this all ratified by my Filipina wife. She was raised way differently than the average. She is very Thai-like. Not judging them, only stating what I don't like for ME. I realize that is their culture, that works for them, Thailand works for me, so I am going back to Thailand.

  7. welcome to thailand.

    i've never seen a nose picker or poverty, heard any loud noise, had crap internet, been in a crowded places, heard shop staff say 'no have' or experienced bad customer service...

    you'll love it here!

    YUP, the OP will NEVER see a nose picker here in Thailand." WISE UP" OP and remove the rose tints

    Wise up about what? I am leaving that stuff behind!

    Lol... noticed another thing about Phils women too vs. Thai. Thai girls wear pretty, natural-looking makup (except ladyboys and bar girls). Phils like to look they made out with a clown. lol. Phils is really not my cup of tea.

  8. Love UCE place studio rooms. Libed there 2 years. Quiet, clean, friendly. etc. Only B5k/mo too. Anyone know a place similarly close to BTS for close to that price, quiet, and has a balcony? UCE no balcony.

  9. ^^^^^^^^ Ha ha I'm not that bad. 3 bedroom house in Sakon city 14500 baht for 3 months. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    LOL ... I am doing the 3 bedroom/3bath on two... rai In the City (by Udon Airport). My price 2500 baht a month or 7500 for 3 months. You are paying tourist prices.... (kidding..)

    Is a place like that with a nice fence or is it like in Philippines where you swear you are in a prison compound?

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Back in the day Magsaysay in Subic

    was jumping - <deleted>@king crazy man.

    I only go there if my job takes me.

    Never, Never on my own dime.

    All those girls want is a ticket out.

    Punters I know who are on the cheap like that for a cup of coffee they get 3 hours. Where is that little whistly emoticon?

  11. met many many many over the years.

    90% were hookers

    5% were looking for someone to support them and their family, ie hookers

    5% were ok, but rather delusional and somewhat crazy

    I find when i confirm i live in Thailand, many loose interest

    Many use Google translate, so most of what they write makes no sense at all.

    Didn't have that problem at all. I chatted enough to know their motivations first. Had some amazing gf's that way. Not wanting crazies, hookers, non-English speakers, etc. I just filter them out right away.

    David Deangelo has a weminar on this, but I never checked it out. Good luck ;-)

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Is it B1900 to extend for all nationalities? My Pinoy wife pays only 800 for a visa run. Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    All "extensions of stay" cost 1900Bht. These extensions can only be obtained from an immigration office.

    Suspect your wife is doing something else. She certainly is not obtaining an "extension" by going on a "visa run"

    Correct. She is just visa run to use the next entry.

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. Case prosecutor Tawan Suknirundorn said that the postponement of Ms Beleno’s arraignment was due to the ongoing investigation of the hotel owner.

    “We have to determine whether he was involved in the crime or not,” Mr Tawan said. “That can take a long time.”

    In Thailand it takes more than 5 months to determine if the hotel owner that employed the woman without a work permit is guilty or not!

    A legal system and competence of it's employees commendable worldwide.facepalm.gif

    They can't give it back because investigating, but if she would just ask they would give it back? I'm confused... TiT?

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Personally I think it was Sunrise Tacos that busted Coyote. Sunrise is an incredibly successful chain that has opened up several new branches recently (they even expanded into Cambodia) and their food is always extremely fresh, tasty and well prepared, and is also very good value for money for the large portions you get. Sunrise Tacos is pretty much THE Mexican/American place to go to in Bangkok. This is one of my favourite BKK restaurants (though I normally only use the Suk 12 or Terminal 21 branches) and I would like to add that I'm not a shareholder of Sunrise Tacos. Coyote was never as good quality-wise, and their prices were much higher.

    Agreed on premiss of Sunrise eating up business, but I think people are delusional if they think it is quality mexican food or a good price for it.

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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