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Posts posted by SailingHome

  1. hey guys...... re the assessment the dentist in hua hin gave me telling me i needed 17 fillings....

    i am now in uk and have just returned from my NHS dentist here...... her analysis is that i need one filling

    i cant believe the lady in hua hin wanted to carry out all the work when it wasnt needed...... i know in her practice one has to pay by the tooth facia, so a corner of a tooth can count as 3 fillings (as it consists of 3 sides of the tooth), but even with that in mind she was going to do work on 6 or more teeth......

    i wonder how often this will happen at other dentists, and also down at the doctors....... crazy.gif

    Answer: depends completely on the scrupples of the dentist regardless where you are. Same happens in USA. Just get 2nd opinions, or alrernatively, get panorama x-ray at hospital then go to the dentist of your choice. The most successful dentists charge the most and do the most per patient while having very nice offices with little waiting.

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Define best? Prosthetics for dental are made from a mold and even the high -end dentists pay minimum wage workers with a week of hands-on training. Often, all dentists in a neighborhood use the same shop if not made in house. Paying more is no guarantee regardless of the country you are in, but Thailand and Phils especially.

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. I am soaking the American tax payer dry. With Military Pension, Civil Service Pension, VA Disability Payments, Social Security and My Thrift Saving Plan. Thank you American tax payer.

    You sound so proud of stealing from us American tax payers. I have a similar stream of pension income that arose from 40 years of hard work. I didn't have to lie or stretch the truth in order to increase the total sum, so therefore I don't believe that I am soaking the American taxpayer for ill-gotten gain like you do. There is a certain amount of resentment towards folks like you who not only make a lot of money but have the gall to shove it in our faces and say, "Hey stupid, keep working and pay taxes, so I can continue living high on the hog">

    He should be proud. He earned it just as you did, and in my opinion, earned it more than most Americans.

    • Like 1
  4. USA Social Security Disability 8 years running. Max payout allowed under law, but still not enough to even get by in USA. Here in LOS, I get by, I have medicine and pocket money. Never save for long as dental, medical, etc. comes up. Not sure what will happen when prices rise here or exchange tanks with strong Baht. Any ideas welcome. Parkinsons so can't hold a job or business a one day to next never know if will be in bed or energetic. Eh, no complaints. Feel lucky, really. :)

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Am rather surprised the Philippines is not a contender

    Catholicism may have something to do with that. Illegal to divorce too

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Point well made.

    Most people fail to understand how deep Philippines religion goes...

    It used to be looked down upon to divorce in Thailand as well,

    and that was just 13 years ago.

    Now, though it's an everyday occurrence here.


    As the result is what the figures are now showing us.

    I'm in Phils now and wife is from here. It's lack of opportunity, not Catholicisim or divorce preventing teen pregnancy. Living in shacks with parents back to back with 3000 other shacks... no one lets them shag. Not bf's, not much opportunity for uncles and grandpas too unlike Thailand.

    As for Thailand, I know of police officers that set up 13yo girls then offer sex or jail and tell parents, teachers for grades, grandpa did her when mom went shopping, etc. Stories from perps AND from gf's I had who got preg at 13. In Phils, a girl KNOWS she can get an authority figure in deep doo doo if he even suggests such a thing.

    IMHO, YMMV, as always.

  6. 0.054% of teens get pregnant... so, really, these organizations have done such a good job that they nearly put themselves out of the business of saving the world from rampant teen pregnancy? and are now begging for continued donations because no one will donate funds when the fact is a few will get pregnant no matter what 'we' do? :) Kudos.

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  7. So... 'survey' time for those that are retired/disabled AND HAPPY in LOS. How do you cope with fixed (lowish) income and also pass the time happily? What do you do with your days? What are your goals? What are you hoping to do with the remainder of your life? How old are you?

    Me? I am quite pleased with people and life in LOS as well as opportunities. Most of the time right now I just deal with my Parkinsons and that means a lot of quiet parks and good food. Retirement costs money... gotta do something and sitting at home makes me feel bored. When feeling better, I walk a lot, exercise, have a lot of healthy sex, do research, etc. I have health goals, but no long-term goals, really. I mainly hope to build a family and sense of friendship community. Love science and learning, but it isn't fulfilling enough. Dunno what is, but not worried. I am 43 now been here 3 years.

    How about you?

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. i-mobile is the Thai equivalent of MyPhone. Looking at the impressive specs for the A919i and I'm not sure you are going to find something similar in Thailand for only 6k baht at the moment. Thailand is usually less expensive for budget phones but the A919i looks to be very heavily discounted in the Philippines.

    Thai equivilant meaning same company, correct, so service is easy?

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Of course, there are guys who hardly ever had to contend with game-playing females and could get to the "de-knickering" stage without all the <deleted> you mentioned.

    This normally occurs - strangely enough - when a male begins looking at women like human beings rather than a "gash on legs".

    So Thailand is free sex for you. Congrats. No dinner, no movies, no trinkets. Sure I believe that. You should write an instruction manual. Free sex in Thailand would be a big seller, I'm sure.

    I have a few "gikships" on the go and consequently, no, I don't pay.

    Any bloke with a personality, who takes good enough care of himself and who actually likes females and their company can get laid regularly without net financial loss. Sure he might have to buy dinner or a few drinks but, personally, I've had many women buy me drinks and dinner.

    Gimme a sec and I'll ask a few of them if they saw that as "paying to get my briefs off" one way or another laugh.png

    Just out of curiosity have you ever tried paid sex?

    In a way it’s quite liberating when you can get your socks off without any emotional attachment whatsoever.

    I have never had an emotional attachment to my socks..but I have paid for a few pairs!

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. The Huawei Ascend G700

    IS closest to the spec, actually with the 8 g and 2 g it beats it.. it also has a higher speed modem and is slightly smaller BUT it is 7,450 baht BUT that is with Thai warranty.. takes ya pick.


    Cool. Good price for the spec. I find anything smaller than 5" too small for editing, but 5" fits the pocket and is good propped on a table ar cafe for movies.

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. My a919 duo has been great, but the limited ram for a power user like me makes it a little cumbersome (512MB). The a919i has 1GB Yup, the high resolution and high angle of vision on my 919 is awesome, so the i should make me quite happy. I simply refuse to buy a 2GB model or 1920p resution as phones just don't last a long time and it isn't worth the price to me. iPad? Not for me. No value.

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Going off topic, we need a new thread?

    The sympathy and empathy you all display for trafficked women is astounding. Astounding because it's complexly lacking. I'm sure you can all convince yourself that these women 'enjoy' being go go girls - cheaper than a happy meal - as it's part of 'their culture'. Well guess what- you're wrong.
    Are you counting a family asking their daughter or she decides on her own to work gogo as 'trafficing'? Near as I can tell from all of my Thai friends, it IS part of their culture. Good or bad based on my own culture, I don't want to discount other's decisions. If you know of real trafficing, there are many agencies you should report it.
  13. Came in '96 with the wife to check out the sex scene and just get out of the USA. Had a great time. Loved the friendliness and openess of people, food, scenery, not-so-uptight atmosphere, cost, temples, etc. 2010 came back for good single, burned out from being a single dad to an adopted sick girl that was mentally crazy and had to be hospitalized as well as divorced from from 2nd wife who was lazy and massively codependant. My Parkinsons was really bad... I got meds cheap, got healthy fast, did the Jomtien beach life and Pattaya freedom, then found a nice teen gf that was everything I ever wanted. We parted ways when my doc gave me meds that made me crazy for a while... ended up marrying a nice Philippines lady (30yo) last June 29. Now 43 years old and we are moving to Thailand Jan 12! Philippines food is not fresh, not quality, few vegetables, and little flavor... not much to do here. I miss Thailand! Wonder how it will be though without a native Thai gf to do all the bargining and communications.

    Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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