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Posts posted by HuaHinHim

  1. I don't see any evidence to say the car with the camera was hogging the right hand lane. For all we know he was doing the speed limit or faster or perhaps he couldn't get into the left hand lane because of cars in the left lane. What is clear to me in the video is that the silver car was going too fast and tried to undertake and after realising it was a bad idea lost control and caused a major accident which apparently has resulted in one death. This is common, quite simply because police don't police. I think we have all seen traffic speeding past police cars pottering along in the left lane and they don't do anything to stop it, its institutionalised. Good driver education and enforcement may slowly get the message across

  2. I'm not American or knowledgable on tax but can anyone explain to me in laymans terms how making a loss exempts you from future tax for a period of time? I only ask because I had a large business loss once and my government didn't give a toss, I never got any tax breaks for future years, they still wanted their pound of flesh and I only had half a pound to give.

  3. 5 hours ago, Moonlover said:


    Section 32 of the Land Traffic Act

    The driver shall be careful not to hit pedestrians and may use the horn if necessary. The driver shall be especially careful with children, elderly persons and disabled persons.

    (Note: There is no specific reference to pedestrian crossings.)

    Section 104 of the Land Traffic Act

    Pedestrian shall not cross a way within not more than 100 meters from a pedestrian crossing, except in the pedestrian crossing.

    Interpret as you wish!

    You can have a good giggle by reading the whole of the ‘Land Traffic Act’ at www.thailaws.com. Click on ‘Acts in English’ and scroll down to ‘Land Traffic Acts’. If you manage to read through the whole lot, you could well be the first to have done so.



    thanks for that I'll check it out

  4. Give the man his due...he knows the Iowa voters...playing to their genuine faith...he makes his pitch as a Christian...maybe he will actually be converted and change his humorous ways...

    I doubt he come up with this plan, more likely his advisers.

    I'd be interested in knowing how many times he has been to church before he entered the race for POTUS

    I'm not American or religious and I don't have a preference as far as who the next president is, however it seems that DT offers no plan regarding how he is going to pay for what seems like fantasy policies he is pushing or the details of those policies. He just seems to be playing on people's emotions. Part of me wants him to win just to see what he does but another part says he would be disastrous for the US.

    Just my take from an outsider looking in

  5. I think it's good that the people supported the Police here, even though that support has not been earned by the RTP given their history, however the bystanders had ample opportunity to bring him down long before the police arrived, but in a cowardly act, descended upon him in a mob and proceeded to act like a gang of thugs. Yes you could say he brought it on himself but the cowards that kicked him while he was on the ground should be ashamed of themselves.

  6. I recently took a ship to Australia and DAFF (Department of Agriculture Forrestry and Fisheries I think) as they are now known, found ants and weevles in rice and flour. They instructed me to put the rice, flour anything else found infested with insects into the freezer for 10 days as they say it completely dries out the insects and the eggs. After that it is ok to consume. Not my words, theirs, but after 10 days there was definently nothing moving in it. It didn't seem to degrade the rice and flour from what I saw. Is it the answer, I don't know but I expect there would be plenty of freezer space in Thailand to try it out.

  7. Hasn't he served his time? Is he really that much of a threat to anyone when he's performing a concert. Plenty of people in Australia who are likely much more dangerous than he is and they freely roam the streets. Government minister is trying to bignote herself. I'll add I'm not a fan and think anyone who hits a woman is a coward but I have also come across plenty of women who like to provoke men and then turn on the tears once one of them have had enough and snap

  8. I use the bus service from Suvanabhumi Airport to Hua Hin and back fairly regularly and they charge extra for more than 1 bag, I think it was 20 baht for more than 1 bag. So 325 baht to get to Hua Hin with 2 checked bags and a backpack carry on is pretty good, and it's in good condition and the drivers sofar have been pretty good. I stopped using Thai taxi's long ago for fear of my life because of theirs and most other road users dangerous driving not the cost of the ride.

    Now farang is really going to complain.

    No other land transport charge extra for baggage.

    Not train, not bus, not car rental; why on earth Thai taxi going to charge for baggage is beyond my logic.

    Perhaps the happy Thai people's logic is a world different from mine.

  9. Well this is all fine and dandy there MR> Educator.


    1. 60% of all Thais do not know the driving laws.

    2. 75% of all thais do not care about the laws.

    3. Police in the rural districts do not care about the driving laws.

    4. 65% of the police in the rural arears do not obey the laws themselves.

    5. So how will you enforce these laws? - which are the same as international laws.

    Your daft percentages are wildly inaccurate

    I agree, they should all be 100%

  10. As my nickname says, I travel a lot.

    Have been to almost 100 countries.

    By far, is Thailand the worst offender in this regards.

    Never any other place (maybe some city here and there), is the total disregard for the traffic regulations so universal, as it is in Thailand.

    Never been to Vietnam then ?

    He did actually say (maybe some city here and there), but i agree Vietnam is worse than Thailand, at least the parts I have been
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