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Everything posted by CharlieH

  1. Ok, heres my penneth. Yes you were an idiot, and clearly on the rebound. You are not the first and certainly not the last. Some of the above raises flags for me like, whats the point of screenshots of texts or facebook etc as they would be in Thai and I assume you dont read Thai, so that seems off to me. Anyway lets go through some realities. Thailand aint the west. A divorce is not "filed" you can both walk in to the amphur sign and its done ! It aint that difficult. However, for that to happen you need the mother and her co operation and judging by the above you'll need to pay to get that. Detach your emotions, what do you want first ? What is your ultimate goal ? Get that established and then seek how to achieve it. You are going to get hit hard for cash if you allow it. The child will be just fine, Thai families are strong bank on that. She left the other 2 and the Lukreung will be taken care of too. The only time , you need to start doing DNA etc and thinking courts etc is id she cant be found or wont play ball. But first you must decide and be sure want you want to do.
  2. Bickering Troll comments and responses removed.
  3. Off topic derailing discussion removed. The topic is : I'm really over old idiots in Thailand
  4. A number of reported posts removed along with responses. Debate the subject NOT the person, and any accusations etc will be regarded as trolling and dealt with accordingly. Keep it civil please.
  5. Agree to disagree is an alien concept to some.
  6. No one has the right to abuse anyone, in a public setting more so. If I saw anyone being abused I would stop it.What I nelieve is not important, how you treat people is. Being a senior does not give you the right to be rude, although some blatantly do as they feel they wont come to harm as perhaps a younger person would if they shot their mouth off. That said, if anyone offends you with their attitude and/or beliefs its time to walk away from them.
  7. I was thinking of closing this, something fishy going on here ! ????
  8. When you start paying people to do what you woukd have once did yourself.
  9. Reported Off topic and Troll content removed.
  10. You know its all wrong, frankly, I dont know why you need to ask really.
  11. Women become akin to Onions, start peeling the layers off and all ya gonna do is CRY !
  12. Looking at young pretty girls and you align with the dog chasing a bus ! What the hell you gonna do when you catch it ! nothing ! Resigned to the Ferrari syndrome, admire its lines but know you aint never gonna ride in it ! ????
  13. Toxic soup springs to mind. Of course there will be exceptions but few and far between would be my guess Want to play in the water, use a maintained pool is my advice.
  14. Isnt this so typical though, something is uncovered then its buried in a comittee or "investigation" for years until its forgotten or pointless due to the passage of yime and redistribution of assets usually. The whole damn thing is just rotten go the core and needs aggressive surgery to remove these cancers, but that will never happen because too many at the highest level are feeding off it and thus teaching the rising ranks "how its done" . I have yet to see, in 20 years, the actual consequences of these issues ever be published other than being moved to an empty desk. Yeah that'll teach em ! thats a great deterrent.
  15. If I make it to 75 ,I seriously doubt I will be in Thailand. If you think how much the world has changed in the last few years, the ever shifting uncertainty that is Thai immigration and the political scene etc and the next new "boss" in any given authority it all amounts to a "roll of the dice". I used to drink Tea, and of course we all have different taste, I found the yellow label Tea only just about acceptable in some Hotels whilst travelling. Nowadays my day starts with a Coffee, and that will be the only coffee of the day usually, unless I pop the local Cafe which does an extremely nice Mocha coffee. Generally thoughout the day its just plain water. I am not a big eater in the morning and single piece of whole grain toast with my coffee is sufficient . Newspapers ? well there is a blast from the past ! I used to enjoy the Sunday papers the most,although as a kid hated delivering them,extra sacks because they were so thick with supplements, a particular problem climbing the stairs in the blocks of flats ! All replced nowadays of course bt the digital media.Kind of makes you wonder whats next. I think that old age for many is quite unsettling and uncertain. Things do change rapidly now, time seems to get faster with each passing year. The ever shifting sand and the knowledge that the "home" you once knew and indeed the way of life back there has gone ! wonder if there are many that do worry what will become of them here as they reach, if indeed they do reach, that age of 75.
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