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Posts posted by CharlieH

  1. People also need to allow for the fact that some 90%+ of communication is non-verbal. Body language, expression and tone, and eye contact play a huge part.

    You see a string of words, its not always whats said, but how its perceived by the reader and their own attitude and feelings, the most common phrase "you took it the wrong way", can very easily happen.

    So next time you feel upset, or want to trip someone a new one, just stop step back, and ask, maybe, just maybe I have taken that wrong. Ideally, when in doubt do nothing, after all its just words on a page, and that page or topic can just be closed and move on to another, just as you would put down a magazine or newspaper.

    Its that reaction, that is a game and sport for the "troll", so dont get drawn into it, its pointless.

    Silent dismissal can be more powerful.

  2. Its nothing to do with "the law" or even if it exists, the trick as with most rules regs and laws, is having someone who will enforce them, there in lies Thailands problem across many topics.

    Not what you know, its who you know, and what its going to cost.(sadly).

    Although regarding the OP I also dont see the connection of unprotected and irresponsible sex and bars losing business. Most unwanted pregnancies probably occur in rural areas.

  3. Her mother would not approve of you no matter how much money you make. I was see a girl who said her mother would not approve of me because I was not Chinesse and Thai go figure

    from what i gathered thus far this is the answer.

    fellas, she had a boyfriend for two 1/2 years and never told her family. go figure right

    not being lied to , but hell, its just a girlfriend right :shrug:

    mother doesnt speak a lick of english as well, so communication would be a no - go

    Then you also need to learn some basic Thai pretty damn quick. Trust me you;ll need it, if only to know whats being discussed and about you.

  4. Never been able to settle and read a book, find I get restless very quickly.

    I prefer to learn something new, a language (Thai), computer skills, website stuff etc.

    Something "productive" is perhaps the word, as opposed to just sitting there reading a book, admire those that can, immerse themselves or for some kind of escapism.

    I find that reading for information and/or instruction is Ok, but for "pleasure" I just cant seem to do it.sad.png

  5. Its standard practice that the mail tracking will caese on departure at the airport. Dependent on where it is going and the services offerred by that country, it will not re-appear on the tracking until it has cleared Customs and officially re-entered the postal system again.

    Some countries, US as an example, if you switch to their mail service website and check it will state "mail is being prepared for shipment" prior to entering their tracking system.

  6. If she(the mother) is "old school", then she (the daughter) may well be already "spoken for" and her parents have arranged for her to be with someone else, it is a possibility. She doesnt want her knowing she is with you and the fruit from the tree has been spoiled, and that her parents would then lose face to the other family, especially if they are "hi-so" or think they are.

    Just an option to consider.

  7. We seem to have two completely different sets of men on this thread,those who have known their wives for some time, and are in a loving relationship, and those who possible would not know a good Thai girl, instead preferring to be bitter individuals, only seeing the worst in people.

    you missed the other ones, the ones winding people up and having a laugh.thumbsup.gif

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