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Posts posted by CharlieH

  1. Whilst that may (or may not) apply to "some" very rural agricultural areas, it is by no means the "norm" any more.

    Not in my experience anyway., elements of it are still present but a lot of what was described I suggest is "old traditions" no longer followed by modern Thais.

  2. I never was required to do a 90 day check in in Iran, Morocco, Malaysia, Taiwan or South Korea. There are no 90 day check ins in the USA unless you are a patrolled convict or in the EU for that matter. The only requirement for resident visa holders was to go to the local police station and register a new address.

    I think this rule was just a whim that seemed like a good idea to give face to some minister and generate a little cash.

    Dont know where the "generate a little cash" comes in as there is no cost to a 90 day report. In fact it just increases the admin for absolutely no gain that I can see.

  3. There's street smart and book smart, and common sense,some (many?) leave common sense in the departure lounge'

    Some of the smartest people I have met (book smart) have absolutely no common sense.

    In short, it takes all sorts, but experience in my book is the best, is not expensive, its priceless.

  4. My own opinion is that the 90 day report is no big deal, I do mine by post. It would be more of a problem if it had to be done in person.

    What I would like to see would be something on the lines of a 5 yr or 10 yr visa issued for those that have married/family/children etc or have been residing in the Kingdom by whatever appropriate visa for more than 5 consecutive years can then get a "long stay" permit or something on those lines.

  5. Post from the "grammar police" have been removed.

    3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand.

    However be aware that not every member is a native english speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

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