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About nattaya09

  • Birthday November 24

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    Eastern USA

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  1. While we're on the subject of RFK Jr, today marks the 61st anniversery of the assassination of his Uncle by a communist. Five years later, his father was killed by a Palestinian. How ironic that the party they epitomized now has more in common with the two assassins than they do JFK & RFK
  2. Yeah, it gave the media propagandists a shiny object to hyperventilate over.... for a week nonstop, while Trump named the rest of his cabinet picks
  3. I noticed the group picture had Joe in the back row, far right where he could be easily cropped out of the photo
  4. JT's still groping his way between the initial two stages of grief. This might go on until Spring break
  5. Her staff was overpaid then because they made abysmal decisions from start to finish although, in fairness to them, a lot of that might have been Kamala herself refusing to follow their suggestions
  6. Couldn't happen to a more deserving network. I heard they are for sale. Maybe Elon and a few of his billionaire bros can buy it , fix it and add another voice to the righteous cause https://nypost.com/2024/11/12/media/msnbc-ratings-plunge-after-trump-election-victory/
  7. aka...Democrat Enforced Idiocy
  8. There's not too many less credible voices than Liz Warren. As far as experts, Covid and the Climate Change zealots taught us there are a couple of different kids of experts, those that can be bought or intimidated into shilling someone elses narrative and those that can be cancelled, censored or otherwise ostracized by those advancing a narrative
  9. To their credit, Boeing dismantled it's DEI department last month before the planes started falling out of the sky or crashing into mountains
  10. Yeah...an inexperienced SecDef might do something stupid like letting a CCP spy balloon take a liesurely flight over the entire US collecting data before shooting it down over the ocean.....or by creating the worst recruitment crisis in years by trying to force DEI buIIshlt into an agency whose sole purpose is to kill and blow things up. Or even something really....really stupid, like overseeing a botched troop withdrawal that unnecessarily leaves 13 US troops dead and $$billions in functioning military hardware abandoned to terrorists.
  11. If he can clean that mess up, it would also likely solve the recruitment crisis that it created
  12. Based on what we've seen with this regime, that would not surprise me one bit. In fact, it would be in character
  13. The Project 2025 document has been publish every election year since 1984. It's just updated to reflect current issues. Knowing that the Democrats had taken this document, and created a boogieman narrative hoping it would be their magic silver bullet, It would have been political malpractice for Trump not to have his team read it and provide him key bullet points for answering media questions.
  14. Unfortunately, that public distrust extends to most other fed govt agencies as they all appear to have been politically weaponized by the current regime
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