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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. What I really hate is when Thai people address me as lung, meaning Uncle, especially when it`s from one of the fairer sex, meaning she considers me well past my prime and I have no chance of scoring with that. It does bring me down to earth somewhat and I wonder whether or not to put on the slippers, buy an armchair and call it a day.

  2. My GF calls me Khun Mark and I call her Khun Jim.

    My girlfriend calls me a jerkoff and I call her a slut, but we love each other really.

    So in your case, the truth doesn't hurt.

    Fair play.

    Because of the ever dwindling exchange rates, I can no longer afford the real thing, so I have named my right hand Elizabeth and we sleep together every night. Sad but true.

  3. an Unidentified Flying Object. 'U.F.O.' does not instantly mean 'flying saucer', unless you watch too much television.

    or you are former USAF personnel stationed at nuclear weapons sites / bases.. :unsure:

    Are you afraid of anything & everything that is 'unidentifiable'?

    Yes, Neverdie`s avatar scares the crap out of me.

    And if the aliens did ever invade Thailand, would they still have to report to Immigration every 90 days and be susceptible to duel pricing?

  4. And what is in Chiang Mai for tourists if they visit there?

    Limited and restrictive nightlife, duel pricing at many tourist destinations, few decent restaurants and hardly any tour price concessions.

    The TAT and police will need to collaborate and rethink their nightlife and adult entertainment restriction policies, better deals for tourists, outlaw duel pricing and more positive promotions of tourist areas and places of interest.

    It doesn’t require a genius to assess why the tourists are not coming to Chiang Mai.

  5. That's not entirely true. "Friends" are quite easy to rent in Thailand... for the hour, the day, the week or the month.


    There's even the male equivalent for those of that persuation.

    I don`t fancy yours much and people actually pay money for this?

  6. I wanted to put a flag up once and asked my Police General while he was in for a drink and he said I can do it but would have to have the Thai Flag above and it should be bigger as well. just to show respect.

    so you can do it if showing respect to the Thai flag as well.

    this was in Bangkok.

    This is what I have heard and believe to be the case.

    But why anyone would want to publicly display a foreign flag in Thailand, beats me.

  7. Just typed PM into urban dictionary and this is what it came up with..

    PM .. Prostate Massage - When the woman (or man) inserts her finger or a sex toy into a man's ass and massages the prostate in order to increase the intensity of climax.

    So maybe we got sillyman all wrong and its not a fight hes after whistling.gif

    So it`s 50/50 whether I have to take it up the ass or get a smack in the face.

    May I get back to you later while I consider my options?

  8. Sillyman. Can I ask a serious question. Are you insane?


    I like sillyman99, he says what he means and he means what he says. He`s just a mean guy.

    This takes me back to my school days when suddenly 2 boys were spotted having a fight and all the kids would shout out; BUNDLE!

  9. Your sh!ttin me.

    Aren't you a tough guy then.

    What a nobbish thing to post.

    PM me , I'll discus it with you in real life.

    If you do meet up with this guy, is it alright if I come along too? Used to be a referee back in the 80s. But I do insist on queensbury rules.

    I think and this is my honest to goodness well thought out and expert opinion, that a farang may back down from a Thai, not because he is afraid or cowardly, perish the thought that I should ever hint at such a thing, but because he would prefer to keep a low profile in Thailand and not become involved in any altercations which could mean having to deal with the police, name recorded and lots of agro. So in other words, the sensible thing to do is walk away which is better then getting caught up in the Thai joke legal system and criminal charges, the odds being that it would be worse for the farang.

    This is what I would do, not because I`m sensible but I actually do descend from a long line of generations of cowards.

  10. Some years ago, a group of old ladies.in Pattaya, (60+ years of age) got nabbed by the B.I.B., for playing Dominoes, 1 baht a point.Flung into the slammer, they were.

    Only sent to jail. Disgusting, should have received the death penalty or at least a life sentence.

    I think it is illegal, but I would be interested. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors, wink, wink.

  11. Next time try pointing your ass at the wall instead. And if you were to concentrate on the silent smelly ones, you would have to change your name to Winnie The Poo.

  12. It`s good that he has warned others about this place and thanks for bringing this to our attention. It could save others from having the same problem at this dump in the future.

    I'll be eternally grateful, I'm not quite sure I could survive the horrors of cold chips. blink.gif

    And I'll never order Thai food in a Fish n' Chip shop in case the rice is hot.. rolleyes.gif

    You Silly Billy99

  13. Over my many years in Thailand, I have experienced similar experiences, both at Thai and farang restaurants.

    When this happens it really does spoil my day and I can fully relate with Random.

    At least he did have this crap excuse for a meal deducted from the bill without much hassle. No one knows when it is going to be their turn and although Random did not pay for the food, this is just hassle, agro and inconvenience we can well live without.

    It`s good that he has warned others about this place and thanks for bringing this to our attention. It could save others from having the same problem at this dump in the future.

  14. Unfortunately Thailand is still one of the countries where certain individuals and groups can be above the law.

    For those who are able to pay to fed their sick desires, there are and always will be industries out there willing to supply them with a sick fix for their habit. They say good always triumphs over evil, but I’m not so sure.

  15. I have a green 38 excellent. Looks like a big bogey just hanging there.

    This has brought me great shame and embarrassment with other TV members. I hope my friends and family never see it, don`t want to lose face. Hate the good guy image, I require reds please. Want a reputation as being a mean guy, someone to be detested and who other TVms shake at the thought of receiving a pm from me making them an offer they cant refuse.

    No wonder there is a shortage of hot girls in the town, Ian is hogging all the talent for himself. Now how selfish can you get?

  16. Excuse me, but I haven`t any names. Glad you fell for my bait.

    Well done having a non aryan child, my children are non white.

    He didn't say you named names, he is saying that you are a typical liberal that starts to shout 'racist' as soon as anyone might point out that racial profiling of some individuals in some areas have a basis in statistics.

    Racial profiling based on statistics?

    In other words, tar everyone of a certain kind with the same brush. Living here in Thailand as a stranger in a foreign land, I live in hope that the Thais never take same attitude against me; otherwise Thailand is going to be a pretty miserable place to live.

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