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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. This is interesting.

    Would there be anyway that detailed records of births, marriages, deaths and burials of farangs in Thailand over the last 200 years or more could be obtained and produced as a book or CD.

    A best seller in the making.

    Would there be records of this held anywhere? I`m sure this would be of great interest to many.

    Please let us know when this book will be published, I would like a copy.

  2. I hope it is really the guy who killed her but anyway, before not proofed 100% guilty, NOBODY has a right to blame him for anything but taking a hooker from a bar.

    After all I know the poor girl was found 6 days after he took her from a bar, so there are a lot of other possibilitys!

    If he is the murderer of the girl I am glad Phuket Police worked so fast and hope he will rot in a Thaijail.

    A long term tourist...too many of them here!



  3. Not the only thing but when a woman has a choice between 2 guys that are equally masculine or attractive but one of them has more money, she is going to pick the guy with more money.

    face facts

    I think you need to face facts, not all women will choose the man who has more money, maybe you come from a different planet than I do, what about personality and various other things...IMO your totally wrong but please keep believing what you do, your only 26 so you have plenty of time to learn what a woman really wants from a man.

    You seem to spit out plenty of facts but IMO there just your opinion which IMO are totally wrong.

    I'm 40. Does that make me old enough to back up his statement? Quite why people waste their time denying women GENERALLY like rich men is beyond me - it's totally obvious. It's also beyond me why SOME men are so keen to undermine their own sex. It really is baffling.

    If you want to back up a "statement" he makes then fine, I'll either agree in a post or disagree, or I'll choose to say nothing, quite simple really, where I do have a problem is when people come on a public forum and continually make statements as "FACT" and give no evidence at all to back up statements made, now if they said something like "IMO", then it's an opinion and not being stated as fact, there is a big difference. Do you see that.?.

    To state a woman will always choose the man with more money is IMO a crock of horse sh*t.

    As to why some men are keen to undermine their own sex, if I think their wrong "IMO", then I'll say my piece and give my opinion or if I have facts that dispute what they have stated I'll post them, the same go's for a woman.

    I don't use this forum, or any other for that matter to gain brownie points for agreeing with my fellow males, if a thread/topic interests me then I'll participate in it.

    It is not a case of proving the point with evidence and facts, but by reading the posts written from experience of mens relationships with these women. I came to realise years ago the realities involved in relationships with women.

    This is nothing like a Hollywood romance movie, where the good guy gets the gal, settles down and they all live happily ever after. Men dream about being stranded on a dessert island with the girl of their dreams, women dream about living a luxurious lifestyle with all the trimmings.

    Sex hardly plays any substantial part in a woman's life, only as a means for a gain. Men see sex as a bonding with a woman, whether it is for a short time or long term. Women see material benefits and what's in it for them as a way of bonding. If a man is young and handsome but has little wealth, the fat gutted, middle aged cigar smoking, wine drinking company director with the mercedes will win out in the majority of cases.

    As a rule, men are passionate, romantic, loyal and likely to care and love his girl, regardless of what the feminists say. I have seen lots of men discarded onto the scrap heap of ruin by their girlfriends or wives when they are no longer considered as a viable commitment.

    It is not wrong or immoral to pay for sex, because that is the biological makeup of a woman. A period of love and passion with a dream girl in an imaginary relationship for a price. That's exactly what it is, a fact no one can dispute. It has been this way since the beginning of time, this is why prostitution is the oldest profession.

    Why not try an experiment? Advertise yourself on a Thai or any dating site as a reasonable looking young man, unemployed or in a low paid job, living in a rented room, no car and rides an old motorcycle.

    At the same time make another profile of a late 40s, to late 50s middle aged balding fat guy that owns a porsche car, lives in a 30 million baht home, swimming pool has all mod cons and is a company director.

    See which profile receives the most interest and responses from girls? I know which one my money is on.

  4. This is turning into a gay bashing thread. Typical. The OP has reported he is a crime victim and that's all you know about him.

    This is not by any means, shape or form a gay bashing thread or has anything to do with gay people.

    This involves children, criminal activities and dubious goings on. Let them be shown up for what they are and the facts be known.

  5. And so this goes on and on.

    Soon there will be nothing left. What sort of legacy are we going to leave our grandchildren?

    Our world is a paradise, if only people would realise this and not bent on destroying it for the sake of greed and profit.

    Human beings, the most dangerous and destructive animals on the planet.

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  6. Beetle,

    i wonder how many people knew Gary Glitter for years and thought he was such a nice guy.I find it very strange that you are wary of farangs,were you the same in your home country or is this a thailand paranoia.

    Do you live in Bangkok???

    My line of business that I have no wish to discuss my personal life on here and is strictly above board, takes me all over Thailand, south east asia and is based in Spain. I am presently staying in Lumphun for a few weeks.

    My wariness of farangs was not as acute in my home country.

  7. I'm, also, very wary of other people when I first meet them, if I meet them at all. I have made some very good friends here, and knew they were good people within 5 minutes. Once they tell me they're from Canada, they're 50% there. Not many, but a couple. I have, also, met some people who I knew were a little fuc_ked-up, but harmless. I agree. There's two things I drilled into my kids' heads. Trust no one, and nothings for free. Trust takes time, but it usually doesn't take that long on who you want to take a chance with.

    I really only posted here to ask the OP how it's going with the orgasm thing.

    No luck yet. i still cannot give my girlfriends orgasms.

    They must all be lesbians.

  8. The Boys know my home. One of the adult behind this boys has brought them to my home last year. The guys have offered me their services, but I have not been used. Never. Later they returned and brought other boys to my home. Therefore more boys know me than vice versa. Unfortunately, I have them sometimes given smaller amounts of money so they could buy something to eat.

    Why the adult know my home? He must have followed me from Sunnee to my home. I don't know.

    What do you mean, the guys have offered me their services, but I have not been used? What sort of services?

    In a way you have brought this problem on yourself. These boys sound like street urchins and getting into any involvement with them, in kindness or something dubious is only going to bring trouble to you, big trouble if you are not careful.

  9. I have been with prostitutes in Thailand (Shame on me).

    These women are advertising the fact they are available for a price or to the highest bidder. After each session, paid the money and said our farewells, laid back and thought; that was just one big anti climax. The most thrilling part was hiring the girl and waiting to see what she is really like in body and in mind. It`s always been disappointing. I have heard all their sales talk to try and get me hooked as a regular customer or pretend boyfriend, girlfriend relationship. It no longer turns me on and in fact has the opposite affect.

    In most of my exploits with Thai prostitutes, I was thinking, it is the girl that is in control and trying to manipulate me, not the other way round. Perhaps it`s us men that are being used by these women. The do gooders and women's lib always point the finger at the men as being the aggressors, brutes with no feelings, sex beasts and predators.

    But what about the men who have become victims to the seductive lies and cheated into ruin?

  10. Farangs can easily come and live in Thailand, maybe those with dubious pasts or up to no good.

    If you see another farang in a supermarket or out in a public place, do you look, judge and make assumptions about the character of that person?

    I do this often that has made me wary of interaction or becoming too friendly with other farangs, except those I have known for a long time.

    I am wondering if it`s only me?

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  11. Women are not sexual beings in the same way as men.

    To men sex is a way of bonding with a woman. This is why a man can fall in love very quickly (prostitutes included) after only one sex session because the bonding has taken place.

    Women have a totally different perception of sexual intercourse. They use sex as a way of gaining something they want. The attachment to a man, children, status or an income as in prostitution.

    Very few, if any women experience orgasm. Not like as in porn movies that is all faked. I have known women who went without sex for years and it did not bother them. This is one reason women are known to go off sex once they are married, established and had children. Because they have gained what they want. If the woman decides to find another guy, she begins the whole process again. Sex to archive..

    For men, having intercourse with someone they don't fancy may seem repulsive; this is because men consider sex and love as a team. But for women sex and love is often 2 completely different functions.

    Paying for it is all part of the scheme of things. It has been this way since the beginning of human creation. That is why prostitution is the oldest profession. The man gets his few moments of heaven by lovemaking and the woman presents her body as a product earning her a living or to please her man because she loves him or to keep her status.

  12. You need to be careful.

    Microwave ovens can expel dangerous doses of radiation and if not repaired correctly, could be lethal.

    Last week I saw microwaves on sale at Tesco Lotus for only 1200 baht.

    Have a think about it.

  13. Thanks for the history lesson, but I don't think it`s a good idea that Thais should look too deeply into their roots.

    Better that they see themselves as one amalgamated nation. The reason being that as worldwide history as proved, separation and the elaboration of differences causes conflicts, the deep south being a typical example.

  14. One of my best friends an Englishman married a Thai girl.

    They had twin boys, both boys have blond hair, blue eyes and strong farang features.

    The only difference between the boys and an average Englishman is that they have slightly olive coloured skin, but no one woud guess the boys are not full Englishman unless they looked very closely.

    Yet, the wife`s Thai brother married a white German lady, they had a daughter and 2 sons together. The girl has a large nose, black eyes, black hair and dark brown skin. Everyone at first glance thinks she is Indian. One boy looks 100% chinese and the youngest boy has sandy coloured hair, brown eyes oriental shaped eyes and dark olive toned skin.

    Only proves that race is superficial

  15. If you move here and expect things to be as convenient and easy to find as they are in your home country then you have fooled yourself and it's time to go home.

    I've been in Thailand for about 7 and a half years, I haven't just moved here. If I have fooled myself at all it was in thinking that CM would be as convenient to live in as Bangkok. That was probably a bit stupid of me but apart from Bangkok, the only other town in thailand that I have lived in was Nakhon Sawan so I think I just assumed that Chiang Mai would be larger than it actually is.

    I agree that I have spent way too much time sitting in traffic in Bangkok in the past but at least the cost is reasonable. My gf called a taxi company the other day and they wanted 600 baht to take me into CM town. Now I'm aware that they will have to drive here empty but that is a ridiculous price. I could get a cab from Bangkok to Ayyuthya and halfway back again for that amount (admittedly that would have to be at about 3am though)...A cab from my house in BKK to Ploenchit / Siam Square was about 150 baht and that was 30kms through heavy traffic! It's a bit annoying to find that it is 4 times as expensive in CM for no good reason that I can think of. In fact, with the recent prices that AirAsia have been offering, I could fly from Chiang Mai to Bangkok for the same amount that it would cost me to get a cab into town and back out to Mae Rim (I know someone is going to suggest that I do just that).

    Thanks to harry, nienke and mrclough for the footie and book info. I think I've been to the Suriwong bookshop if it is the one with a small collection of paperbacks in English on the right hand side after you go up some stairs.... The selection of Thai books was OK though.

    Sorry, I do not understand your post at all.

    If you hate Chiang Mai so much, why are you here and how can anyone be here against their will, are you being held hostage?

  16. I think it all started many years ago, when compared to the Thais, foreigners were rich because Thailand really was a poor third world country.

    But I don`t think this applies today, things have equaled out a bit and this practice should now stop.

    Foreigners have caught on and avoiding these places. In the end the duel pricing businesses are losing out anyway.

  17. The answer to the title of this thread is:

    We are guests until the Thai Immigration authorties give us real Immigrant status, allow us to become Thai citizens and hold a Thai passport, that I know is possible but very difficult and complicated for the average farang living in Thailand.

    That would be our official status if given Thai citizenship, but the Thais would still never view us as Thai nationals, we will always be farangs (foreigners) in their eyes.

    But so what, it doesn`t bother me.

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