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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Who knows what and who these people become involved with behind the scenes or how far they will go in order to reach the top of their profession? Sometimes diving in way above their heads.

    The true facts will never be disclosed and this will end up as another possible suicide case left on file, with lots of if`s, but`s and maybes.

    As far as I'm concerned, it`s an open verdict.

  2. Mine is only 8ins. The mattress that is, otherwise if I were referring to something else I would be boasting.

    It one of those cheap 2000 baht coconut shell filled jobs.

    Sorry, but I doubt if anyone can give you the information on the details given, too many variations in thickness.

  3. I love all the loud speaker stuff at 5.30 in the morning usually followed by the monks chanting, the chickens cock a doodle doing and the packs of dogs howling like wolves during the middle of the night.

    This is what makes Thailand so unique and makes me realise that this is a different world to how things are back in the old country.

    I cannot understand why foreigners that come here to live, for some reasons expect the infrastructure, laws, rules and general society to be run on a similar basis to that of the west?

    The foreigners seem confused and bewildered by what is going on around them and continually questioning about Thai social order and culture that appears to be beyond their understanding.

    As the wise man says; this is Thailand, meaning, yes it is a little backward and it is not perfect, but except it for what it is and enjoy. But of course what is perfection can be interpreted in many ways or in the eye of the beholder.

    Thailand can be a home from home if you go along with the flow, keeping in mind that you either grin and bare it, stay happy and savour your time here. Otherwise you're going to suffer an extremely miserable existence indeed.

    And BTW IMA FARANG, everytime I see your avatar it makes me think of old Albert Tatlock from Coranation Street in my younger days.

  4. I checked out that website a while back and although tempted to go for one what put me off is that the website gives no details whatsoever of who’s running the show, except for a name of some woman who describes herself as Mam, an email address and a mobile phone number.

    What happens if customer has problems with the goods or needs to exchange anything?

    What comebacks do we have if the goods a faulty? Especially with not knowing who is running the outfit.

    I’m not willing to risk my thousands of bahts on a company that only gives limited information about its self.

  5. What a disgusting headline, shame on you, THAIVISA !

    Who in his right mind would repeat such a disgraceful nonsense?

    A Thai-national was murdered in NZ and all you can write is " Thai Sex Worker Murdered And Left To Rot In HeJJ New Zealand Apartment"- That's a new low.

    "New Zealand sheep-breeder-shearer-butcher killed Thai-national" would be the right heading... learn from your mistakes...

    Yea you, so what is it that makes you dislike sheep breeders, sheep butchers and sheep shearers so much?

    Do you know that way back in the past the first hairdressers were orginally sheep shearers? They later became more famously known as;

    Baaaar Bas.

  6. The problem is that these women think they're smart and believe they can mess with men's emotions for gain.

    Unfortunately for this woman she fell into the clutches of the New Zealand equivalent of Norman Bates.

    Being on the game can be a most dangerous game and it`s when and not if that a time will arrive when they either suffer physical injury or as in this case, even death.

    Working in the oldest profession can have it`s benefits, but the risks to themselves including disease, STDs, AIDs and the chances of suffering physical injury or worse far out weight the benefits.

    The answer is: don't get involved with the clients or better still, stay out of this industry all together..

  7. I am very sad to hear this, being a dog lover myself. I know, it`s like losing a child.

    BTW how old was Rocky.

    My advice is, visit a Temple of your choice. If you cannot speak Thai, take a Thai person with you that can translate.

    Explain to the monk what you want and why. Offer to give a donation to the temple, something like 3000 baht. If the monks agree, attend the burial at the temple so you have peace of mind that all has been done proper.

    I am sure if you do this no temple will refuse your request.

    Best regards

  8. Sorry to say, but you are on your own with this one.

    Free roaming dogs are all part and parcel of living in Thailand. I have no problem with that.

    You are trying to install how you see western correctness with the way of life in Thailand, it doesn`t work. Get used to it or your only other option besides leaving Thailand is to move away from the housing estate and buy a secluded piece of real estate somewhere where you can enjoy peace and quite.

  9. Something wrong with this poll.

    How can you vote "no" without voting on the second part?

    Oh... now you all know my vote. I wouldn't report it to anyone. As it is I don't know anyone claiming illegal benefits at the moment and no, I wouldn't "bubble" on anyone. (Sorry I've never heard that expression before.)

    I do, however, think it's wrong of people to claim various benefits from their home country whilst living here.

    Same, same.

    No, I would never grass any body up for this sort of thing.

    I see most of you voted yes. Seems to be a lot of squeaky clean whiter than white honest decent citizens out there. I mean, can all those who voted yes, truly claim they haven’t done anything dishonest in your lives? What about you yes voters who purchase property illegally here in Thailand by using a Thai name, like a wife or girlfriend for example.

    I don`t give a rats behind either way, no skin off my nose, just that I wouldn’t be so keen to give anyone up with exceptions for child molesters or murders and other serious criminals.

    But that`s just me.

  10. These erroneous, untrue, headlines bother me more and more. So, after reading the post; where in Thailand is there freezing temperatures? 10 degrees is not freezing. Cold yes, freezing no! :annoyed:

    Yes, it does feel chilly but so far no more than normal for this time of year. Think these headlines are rather exaggerated.

    I won`t be installing a central heating system just yet, but next week could be a different story.

  11. Does the gold shop charge the customer any commission when they buy the gold?

    Yes, for a bar its 50-200 Baht per Baht weight.

    For jewelry you have to negotiate more.

    The nicer the item & the more workmanship involved the higher the commission.

    Thank you, Pond Life, that`s interesting and worth taking into consideration when dealing in gold.

  12. Anyone that depends on an income by stealing from the tax payer, fraud or criminal activities, had better make sure he/she is a real professional at the game and cover their asses well, do not rely on luck alone that the departments involved won`t twig on or someone doesn`t grass you up.

    If you get away with it, good luck to you, but don`t forget to keep looking over that shoulder and watch out behind you.

    Oh yes, nearly forgot, be careful what you say and to whom, you never know who your enemies are until they stab you in the back.

    This is fine for those who want to live their lives this way.

  13. I personally do not think they would check Facebook profiles, as if you search for a name it comes up with many hits, then if you search a town which one do they enter, they do not know where you really are, I could be in Thailand but registered in Yeovil, but they would only search Yeovil.

    If after a lot of searching they found the right name, how do they know it is that person, there are photos on the facebook site, but the DHSS does not know what the person actually looks like.

    My Aunt and her BF are on Facebook at the same time, two computers in the house, but the DHSS has not noticed this, or the fact they have just purchased two expensive puppies. Or the fact that there are two cars outside the house.

    Benefit fraudsters caught on facebook:





  14. I read the message but it`s totally unrealistic for the average Thailand ex-pat on fixed incomes with limited assets and savings.

    Many of us do not have any reasonable amount of spare funds that they could risk exchanging into another foreign currency based on a speculation, further more what about those including myself who's only incomes are obtained abroad from the countries that the OP has mentioned?

    All well and good if you have an abundance of liquid assets enough to be able to gamble on the financial markets, but for those of us on incomes from the United States, Britain and Europe and only additional cash is their nest egg or life savings, playing the shit or bust money game is a non starter, unless you're an expert in the field or a complete fool.

  15. If the Irishman had enough money to fly back and forth from Thailand to Ireland every three months, there is no doubts that he would have been obtaining extra income either from working or criminal activities in Thailand. It is unlikely that the amount of money paid in social security benefits abroad would have funded his airfares and lifestyle in Thailand.

    I have known 2 persons that committed benefit fraud and presently know of 1 person who is committing benefit fraud, first 2 were tumbled and now owned, the later is presently under investigation, including a friend who let him use his address for correspondence and as a supposed residence.. All were caught when officers of the Department of Social Security in England done a routine call to the addresses the fraudsters claimed to be living.

    The DSS investigates if a claimant is listed on any electoral rolls, bills, Inland Revenue, mobile phone accounts, telephone accounts, bank accounts, credit cards, renting agreement or mortgage lists for the accommodation. If none of these check out, they cease payments and an investigation begins. After which the claimant is on borrowed time.

    Also if you are a fraudster, be wary of any facebook profiles or social networking sites you subscribe to, because they check these as well.

    So if you’re going to defraud the taxpayer, you had better know what you are doing, keeping in mind that these people are no fools.

  16. Bribery Is Involved For Police Posts.

    Shock, horror, can this be true?

    Government institutions top ranking employees is a job for the lads and lasses, always has been, always will be.

    It`s who you`re related to, who your mates are, being of the old school tie, in the case of women who they are prepared to sleep with or how much you are prepared to pay. Same in every country.

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