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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

    Isn't this hate speech? Why is this tolerated here anymore than some bozo bigot who says kick out all the Muslims or kick out all the Welshmen?

    In any case, whether his kind of obnoxious sentiment is tolerated or not, let's call a spade a spade, that poster is indeed expressing closed minded BIGOTRY. Everyone who doesn't behave like him, have the same level of wealth as him, have the same material desires as him and willing to make the same unbalanced choices as him to achieve those earth killing desires, according to him, is not a worthy human being.

    Well said. I also wonder where the ordinary low paid Joe in the military stands in his point of view. The guy who chooses to put his life on the line to protect someone like stander who ridicule the less well off which will include Joe. :unsure:

    And BJ is joking. :D

    Yes, I am joking of course, but surely anyone can see that my post contains as much credibility and of the same intelligence level as Standers post. A fitting extension of Standers post, I think.

  2. Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

    Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

    I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

    Stander you and I are so much alike.

    Yes, you and I are both members of the elite community here in LOS.

    I spit in the faces of the poor. I fart on those who are struggling here on less than 35000 baht a month.

    WORKSHY? The less said about them the better; Castrate the lot of them, that's what I say.

    Why doesn't Thai visa create a new membership proviso that all members must have a minimum of 300 million baht in the bank and a monthly income of 500000 baht? That way decent hard working self made men like us wouldn't have to correspondence or interact with the too many peasants and trailer park trash participating on these forums. Immigration should have those on incomes of less than 35000 baht a month, picked up off the streets, imprisoned, brutally beaten and then deported back to the cesspits they came from.

    Right up with the well off and lets give it hard to the poor.

  3. Are we *really* going to do another one of these stupid pissing-contest threads?

    Ok, I live in a cardboard box and eat the leftover soup in thrown-away Mama noodles cups.

    Luxury lad!

    You youngsters don`t know what it is to rough it.

    My family and I live in plastic carrier bag down in sewer under a Chiang Mai public toilet and living off dog turds we pick up off street.

  4. WHAT? Chiang Rai has a red light district? What have I been missing? Maybe I'll have to go back and have another look. I thought Chiang Rai was a sleepy little burg for impotent old farangs to slowly disolve in misery. :lol:

    I thought the only sort of boom boom still left in Chiang Rai were the sounds of pensioners having heart attacks. This does surprise me.

  5. The Tourist Police have just released their latest version of 'Sorry Sorry' ......for all those of you who aren't tired of watching dancing policemen!

    If they were only more organised and perhaps choosen the school`s best dancers to lead the chaos, maybe this video would have been an international success.

    Score out of ten; one for originality.


  6. Simple - just keep an UK address. :)

    Yes, all very well BM, but these days Big Brother is watching you. I remember the good old days when I was traveling (sorry Brits, it's the US spell checker, honest!) almost every week out of Heathrow they never even looked at your passport, actually in or out, it was just a "wave through". Try that now. They know when you last took a crap!

    Right on.

    I know of several Brits over here that have been tumbled and are now paying the price.

    I also agree with the many other posters that we should not assume anything at this time until it`s officially confirmed, but of course we do have good reasons for our concerns. I do blame the media and the UK government for the ill defined way they have described the terms disclosed in these reports that is probably causing a lot of stress and concerns among UK ex-pats worldwide that are either approaching or are already of pensionable age and depending on their future or present pension incomes to sustain them in the host countries.

    All in all, a very bad show by the British government.

  7. Be concerned, be very concerned.

    Presently the parts that mention; based on residency of this new UK state pension shakeup is unclear and not defined. Will this affect those already claiming a UK state pension? And or those who will be claiming on or after 2015? Will it be based on how long a claimant was resident in Britain, or for those already living in the UK?

    A mish mash of possibilities, but no clear-cut explanations. It appears that the welfare and rights of British ex-pats is way down on the list of importance on the UK government’s agenda.

  8. There are too many if`s and what`s to ths story and much of the reading doesn`t make sense or have any logic to it.

    5 years after this murder, there still seems to be total confusion regarding the facts to this case. I wouldn`t want to assume anything at this time and if the reportings continue on in this manner, we won`t be any the wiser in the next 5 years either.


  9. 1. do you have a shower with hot water or do you use a large water filled tank and pot/bucket to wash with ?

    Hot water shower but usually on the lowest temperature just to take the chill off. If I`m with a bird, it`s always cold water as things start hotting up soon enough.

    2. is your toilet self flushing or do you have to use water from the tank to flush away your business ?

    I flush away, but if I`d had a curry and a skinfull the night before, then it`s a normal flush plus a half a dozen buckets of water.

    3. do you sleep in a bed or on a mattress or matt on the floor ?

    A bed normally, all depends on where I end up.

    4. do you like or can you eat spicy thai food ?


    5. do you wear any particular types of clothing that might be construed as being thai ? ie a sarong.

    I dress the same and blend in well with any average Thai on the street. Hate the typical farang style attire and Thai wanabe outfits.

    6. have you converted to Buddhism ?

    No. Buddhism has continued for thousands of years and extremely well without my support.

    7. can you speak any thai ?

    Only the basics and try my best to converse with my neighbors.

    8. do you like to think that you mix well with both family and friends that are thai or do you keep to yourself and your farang ways ?

    Mix well with everyone and make an effort to do so.

    9.wash clothes by hand or machine ?

    My girlfriend does all that. Otherwise what`s the point in keeping her?

    10. do you observe and respect thai traditions and customs ?

    Yes. As in Rome........

    11. can you cope with the heat and just use fans or is the air conditioning on 24/7 ?

    I love the heat. That`s due to my hot mediterranean Spanish blood on my mother`s side of the family. Hate the cold.

  10. Hi all,

    New to this, but to let all know that YES, Gangaji and her husband Eli Jaxon Bear will be at Kamalya Resort the 7th and 8th of Jan., that's kamalayadotcom. The fee for sitting in is 300 baht for each of 2 sessions. There is no need to stay at the resort or even fly in with overpriced airlines. Air Asia has cheap returns to Surat Thani from Bkk and the ferry is every hour for maybe 100 baht. The best chance i have now of meeting 2 BUDDHAS. There is also Nathan (another realized BEING) on Koh Phangan, whom i'm trying to reach to make a great awakening to the New Year.

    A friend and i are also looking to get together with other TRUTH & FREEDOM people here in Bangkok. Actually the only real, ha.... no-thing that every sentient being should be trying to discover.

    free to contact me

    I was wondering when the subject of money would be thrown up and someone twigs on to the earning potential of this religion, belief or whatever it is. But at least you did say that contacting you is free and that's a start in the right direction. Perhaps you are beginning to see the light and the errors of your ways.

    Naaa, I`ll stick to my old traditions of devil worship, where we practice depravity, debauchery, drinking and partying garnished with lashings of sin. No meditation involved but having a night on the binge can have the same affect.

    Our members include; Satan of course, no party would be complete with out him and our most worshipable one, Ianforbes or otherwise known as the black Prince. Haven`t managed to conjure up 2 Buddhas or realized beings as yet, we simply just cannot afford their fees.

    We are not as posh as you Nonduality lot and we don`t charge for the pleasure of our company, but by the look of things living a bit on the wild side with all it`s stresses and lack of servitude is probably a lot more enjoyable and cheaper in the long run.

  11. Although I love my friends dearly, believe me you wouldn't want to see any of them naked and as I also would not wish to become mixed up in an illegal activity, I'll give this one a miss, thank you.

    Ah, Beetlejuice, and here I thought you had secret desires to see my old, grey body jiggling around naked. Now you've gone and hurt my feelings. :lol:

    Well Ian, I doubt whether you would wish to see me in the altogether either. I`m affraid I have let myself go a bit and slipped passed my sell by date without noticing. But as they say; you are as young as the women you feel, which at this time is around late, late 40s because what with the economy being in the state it is, I cannot afford to go upmarket and invest in something younger.

    Perhaps I should apply to those nice young girls that work with charity relief organisations?

  12. Oh sorry, I got the wrong end of the stick. I now know what the OP is asking.

    Well, to conclude this ridiculous thread and put the OP out of his misery, taking an educated guess because I'm no expert on the laws of Thailand, but I dare say that if a swingers party or call it an orgy if you like, whatever, was discretely held among friends or acquaintances and with no illegal substances involved, I doubt if anyone would bother you.

    BUT; if someone was to organise a swingers party, advertise it and charge money as a business, especially if there were illegal substances involved, that it would probably be illegal and I would look forward to seeing you on television accompanied by those nice policemen making you reinact how you organised this illegal immoral, disgusting, shameful activity embarrassing all us decent god fearing folk.

    Although I love my friends dearly, believe me you wouldn't want to see any of them naked and as I also would not wish to become mixed up in an illegal activity, I'll give this one a miss, thank you.

    Hope this answers your questions?

    Firstly you fall flat on your face with your first reply. Then you call the thread ridiculous. Then you admit you're not an expert on the laws of Thailand. Then you proceed to explain to the OP how things are.

    <deleted>??? :blink:

    You`re right.

    I don`t know who I am or where I am.

    What I do know for sure is that I haven`t been invited to any good swinger parties lately. Think I have blown my chances writing that post.

  13. Guys, what's wrong with the Russians? All kind of criminals from all over the world coming to Pattaya, but you can see only Russians? May be you're just afraid of them? Oh yes, by the way, I'm Russian too... Communists come... cheesy.gif

    The main problem is that they are in Pattaya and allowed to stay there. Change the question to What is wrong with Russia since its inhabitants do not want to stay there.? They are not really wanted or liked anywhere outside Russia.

    That's not your fuc_king business! Here is lot of Russians are and will be even more, so go kill yourself, before scary Russians come.

    I see were you're coming from although a tinsy winsy bit harsh, but nevermind. I`m still shaking after reading your post and that was 2 hours ago. Here is the reality of the situation.

    Look: everyone knows that foreigners are stupid, right? We leave our own countries then the moment we set foot on foreign soil, we become foreigners and therefore stupid. That`s what most natives of any country believe. Many foreigners that live in a foreign land believe they are the elite, way above the natives of that land and also that other foreigners living in that country are inferior to them if a different nationality.

    But according to the Thais, a farang is a farang, no matter is you're a mick, rusky, yank, jock, krut, limey, ozzie, wop, diago, yid, Pollack or a big fat Greek. The Thais opinion of us is that we are living in Thailand much more cheaply than we could in our own countries, living off the fat of the land and therefore enjoying a much better lifestyle at the expense and from the fruits of labor of the hard working Thai people struggling to make ends meet. Although a lot of us are getting our incomes from abroad and not taking even 1 brass cent from this country, foreign employed like myself or those on pensions, I challenge anyone to try and convince the Thais that we are not taking advantage of their hospitality..

    I have had some serious discussions with Thais in the past, my response being, I bring over money from abroad and spend it in Thailand, therefore helping the Thai economy and in return I can live in Thailand cheaper and enjoy a higher standard of living then if I was in my country, meaning everybody's happy all round. That's my logic. But no, they don't see it that way, to them it is a one sided argument.

    My point being is that we are tolerated by the Thais moreso then liked, so if it comes to the push, we as residents in this foreign land are all in it together, there is no benefit at all to bearing and bringing to the surface all those old prejudices against other Western nationalities in Thailand. Those who do, do so at their own peril.

    Russian girls, number one in the world:

    post-110219-099112800 1287672671_thumb.j

  14. They are not Russians. Their passports are, but their names are not.

    If they have Russian passports, they are Russians. ;)

    Herr Buchholz - and you from where?

    I'm from the same country as the passport I possess. ;)

    You veal answer ze questions.

    Vear do you come from? Who do you verk for? Who sent you here? Vot is ze name of your organization?

    post-110219-047248900 1287640606_thumb.j

  15. I think the Black Man logo is rather cute. What's the problem?

    It always appears cute when it`s another race or religion and not your own.

    Anyone who fails to see that this image is deprecating and derogatory is either blind or stupid.

    The image cannot in anyway be compared to that Dutch person logo or the Jewish guy picture. The blackman logo is a putdown and most people know it.

    Thank you dear lord that I am not black and have to put up with that sort of crap.

  16. What goes around comes around. Have you seen the Russians prostituting their Russian women in Pattaya, makes me sick.

    100 % agreed. Russians are the only ones who can fly in to U- Tapao airport, direct from fagging Moscow.

    Ain't no cops checking Id's? One night for a Thai with a "Russian mai mee arrai puta" more than $ 100. Insane.

    They throw old women in jail, selling some Porno Cd's, but these pricks can do what they want.

    I'll never forget a couple of years ago, when a Russian freaked out,in a hotel, cops were called. All of them had no education, but a lot of cash. Italian Mafia is like a Kindergarten gang against them.

    But no arrest, their boss paid them good money. Thai corruption and Russian Mafia is a very bad and deadly mixture, dangerous for your health. :jap:

    MMMmmmm I made remarks on TV earlier this year ....asking the Question " Why do I never see Russians on Visa Runs?" and I got flamed to hel_l.....a simple question I thought.

    They only get 15 days on arrival. If they go through the correct channels at BKK...

    SADLY some real bad eggs are around and many of them make a bee line for Thailand...not all Russian I might add......They could be Ukrainian / Latvian / Kazakh / Tajiki / Uzbeks / Turkmeni / Georgian / Chechyn...........Uncle Tom cobbly and all....Funny how this thread has not been killed off talking about one Nationality.....??? or are we all on a steep learning curve about some of our neighbours and their possible nefarious activities in the LOS ? Sorry I forgot its actually about the Pattaya police and their excellent investigating techniques..... irony /sarcasm......fact/fiction take yer pick

    True to a point, but the east Europeans gangs are only part of the real bad eggs that are finding sanctuary in Thailand.

    Thailand’s slack Immigration law enforcements, easily corruptible officials and easy access no questions asked admission in and out of the country have made Thailand a haven for foreign criminals and low lives. Justice can be bought in Thailand, why serve time in clink when you can pay as you go for your stay in Thailand within comparative freedom.

    The word is out that if you are dodgy, Pattaya is the place to go, where there is strength in numbers among your peers. Pattaya is the barrel and the criminal gangs are the rotten apples that are filling it. The way this is heading Pattaya will soon become the criminal capital of the world.

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