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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Wonderful! We survived the intense tropical temperatures at the beginning of the year and now we have the dawning of a new iceage to look forward to.

    The Thai Government couldn`t give a rat`s behind if us farangs freeze to death, there we be no free hand outs of blankets or warm clothing for us.

    Down my way the local bars are having a promotion and can provide us with a long stay bedwarmer guaranteed to keep the chill out during those long cold winter nights for an inclusive fee of 10000 baht per month.

    Get one now before Ianforbes grabs the lot. See below:


  2. :unsure:

    I'm not a lawyer, so I could easily be wrong...but what you have is a debt claim against him, which would be a civil case and not a legal claim. Now you may have every right to pursue that claim against him in a civil court for your compensation...but trying to stop him from traveling out of the country is wrong...you can't do that. There is no legal charge against him that the authorities can use to detain him. There is no criminal charge against him, and it is only a civil case, which would need to go through a civil court first to get a judgement for financial settlement against him BEFORE any authorities could take any action to detain him.

    But like I said, I'm not a lawyer.


    You are absolutely right.

    Perhaps those in the renting business should re-consider renting out to foreigners, charge higher deposits to cover the owner`s increased risks or use some sort of credit card system where the owner can charge the card for monies owed?

  3. Be wary of those you contact or contact you on those online dating sites.

    Girls you meet from the Philippines, Eastern Europe and Africa are renowned as number one in the world for passport, visa and travel fare money scams.

    The person convinces the guy that she is going to fly out to him and to send money for a passport, visa and airfare, then conveniently disappears and is never heard of again.

    Do a Google search of the email address, name or any other details you have and see if it is listed on any scammer information sites.



  4. Unless he has been tried in a court of law and found to be guilty then isn't supposed to be innocent until proven guilty back in the west ? Here you seem to have convicted him already ?

    in an anonymous posting on a forum. Maybe you would like to put your real name and address to these accusations then ? NO ?

    As for the mods removing the name it still has the name of the resort the guy runs :o

    Now fixed


    Labelling someone as a criminal who is not a confirmed criminal or confirmed anything on the public domain is a disgusting practice.

    I think whoever does this should receive an instant ban; otherwise it becomes a free for all for the benefit of any nutters with a grudge. I detest these sorts of people.

    It is no longer any secret that Thailand is easy come, easy stay and easy go. It`s the ideal bolthole for those trying to evade the justice system in their own countries. Facing the music at home or living in Thailand is now an option. At the end of the day it is down to the foreign governments to put pressure on Thailand and create some encouragement for the tightening up and enforcements of Thailand’s Immigration policies.

  5. There is a little motorbike greasebucket type repair shop on the main Hang Dong road, but a fair way from the town.

    Opposite the Hang Dong hospital just before you get to the seven eleven store on the left heading towards San Pa Tong. The guy in there is very good and he specialises in paint spraying or hand painting motorbikes to any colour of your choice.

    He charges about 5000 baht for the full job.

  6. I don't think the mistake would have been made by the waitress, they don't handle cash at all from what I understand, they just deliver the 'payment wallet' to the cashier, the mistake would have been made by the cashier.

    I'm a little cynical sometimes, but now I've pointed this mistake out and they're aware of it I'll bet that it will somehow be corrected before the final cashing up is done and all will be well. I just wonder who's going to pay for it, I suspect it won't be any of the staff.

    Think of it this way; you brought the error to their attention and gave them a chance to rectify it. You done the right thing, that`s all that counts. In my book you`re a swell guy.

    An honest farang customer in Thailand that concluded with him being up on the deal. Must be a first here in this land where the attitude is the farang should always pay more. Just put in down to that you gained something back for all the times you have been over charged in this country, you owe nobody anything.

  7. Good suggestions, but "love" is blind.


    True, but is this love or infatuation?

    Any man that becomes infatuated with a gold digger because she seems desirable and has a cute smile in the hope that the gold digger will change and settle nicely into the guy's dream world is acting with pure stupidity.

    Ignorance is bliss as they say and when the man becomes wise to the true intentions of the woman, the dream could easily turn into his worst nightmare.

  8. what is the word for it when gay men hate transgender people?

    No such word exists. Perhaps you can create one.

    The question is, are they chicks with dicks or men with tits?

    A Dutchman named, Lorrimar Van Helsing, discovered the first ladyboys in Transylvania in 1852. On examination he found that these were neither men nor women and categorized them as transformsylvanians later to be known as transgenders.

    The word for hatred of transgender people is, translanticophobia because most of them live in the United States, especially around the dodgy areas of Los Angeles and Detroit.

  9. Frankly, I think farangs are discriminated against more than the gay population in Thailand.

    I personally think that Thailand is the most open and accepting country for the gay/transgender population. I've never heard of a hate crime in Thailand related to gays.


    I've never heard of any hate crimes perpetrated against farangs in Thailand or perhaps I'm just not that well informed and missing something. Although Thai gays do not have to endure the indignities of duel pricing and having to report to the police every 90 days.

    In all I would say that Thailand is one of the most gay tolerant countries of the world and fair much more favourable in Thailand then they do in England or in the Western world.

    Prejudice: all minorities will have to except some sort of prejudice from the majorities because they are considered outside the norm whether this be rightly or wrongly. It`s part of human nature, always has been, always will be, no meeting or strategy will ever rid the world of prejudices. There is always going to be somebody or group that doesn`t like you either for who you are, what you are or both. No one is exempt, in that aspect we are all together, gay or otherwise.

  10. Rape is often a legal term in many countries, typically applying to sex with underage persons, whether they consent, or not. The legal premise is that minors are not technically capable of giving consent. In other words, there are many ways that the word rape is used. It does beggar belief that the underage victim though used the term in this instance. It sounds more like that was some kind of lost in translation event.

    Right on.

    This is why they call minors willing to have sex, jail bait. Once taken the bait the guy becomes just like the fish in a fisherman`s net: OWNED.

  11. This all depends on the situation and purposes for her long term stay abroad.

    For example; if the Thai lady partner went abroad just to live & work or stay with a partner then she would not be looked upon favourably by any Thai company or government institution as an employee on her return. There would be concerns that she may at anytime get the calling again and leave for those green hills which are not the green hills of home. Also they believe that her long term absence from the particular job would have put her out of touch and behind within her knowledge of that employment, therefore being a burden requiring retraining in order to catch up with the knowledge and skills required for that particular sort of work.

    But on the other hand, if she went abroad for study, to further her education and gain credentials for the purposes of enhancing her qualifications for the intended employment and career in Thailand with the paper work to prove it, this would be very beneficial to her employment prospects in Thailand.

    Other factors also include age. The younger the lady the more chances she has of being able to make a fresh start if she returns to Thailand. If a woman in her 30s or older is out of the Thai system for any substantial amount of time, her chances of being able to continue where she left off on her return to Thailand are very remote, even when well qualified. It`s the same unwritten policy with most companies and institutional employers, these days it is this upmarket young image, especially in Thailand. Just take a peek at the job vacancy ads, see their terms of employment and who should apply.

    To sum this all up for your consideration; age, reasons for long term absence abroad and keeping up to date with the technological skills and requirements of the job.

  12. Charlie sheen was intoxicated and naked in his hotel room, went back to his hotel room with an unidentified woman, but became extremely angry after noting that his wallet was missing. He became "irrational" and "emotionally disturbed then later hospitalised.

    I think for this achievement we should make Charlie an honorary Thailand expat. He would fit in very nicely over here.

  13. Just a minor inconvenience compared to what my family and others had to endure during the early 1940s.

    My family lived in the docks area of the East end of London, spent most nights dodging German bombs during the blitz and wondering what and who would be left in the mornings.

    All the able bodied men having to go to war and many were never to return. Considering, the Bangkok flood, or Bankok as it was known then, was a doddle compared to living on the receiving end of the blitz at the time.

    post-110219-015796500 1288258770_thumb.j

  14. No surprise here: every night some people are hunting (see the flash lights around my house) and killing anything that moves.

    Same here.

    What really upsets me is when I see the Thais keeping native species of wild birds in those tiny bamboo cages. I've had neighbors that keep a solitary bird in a cage so small that the bird could hardly move and left out fully exposed to the eliments. They teach the bird to make funny sounds like a phone ringing or a few words and the bird almost becomes an ornament in a box. After a year of neglect and lack of care the bird dies and is replaced with another one.

    It`s a disgusting practice, yet there are no enforcements of any laws if they exist and no one cares.

    They say Thai people love their country, yet how can this be true when people have no respect for it`s wildlife and the environment? Examples as travelmann and tartempion quite rightly point out.

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