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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. If any of the relatives of the paralyzed guy is reading this, I ask you: Why on earth did you not advise your loved one the importance of traveling with Travel Insurance? Whenever I travel, I always have my family asking if I got travel insurance (and of course I did, on every occasion). - There is no way I would like to be a drain on my loved ones financial resources (like this <deleted>). Really, when you look at all of this - it's all just common sense, and I've got no sympathy for anyone that is dumb, and makes stupid choices.

    Hope the plane doesn't crash on the way to the States. But just in case, make sure you take out a good insurance policy for your next of kin, if you have any?

    I mean, no one would wish to hear of anything bad happening to you, would they? Or should we open a poll on the subject? I know which way I`m voting.

    Let me tell you straight out, I have been viewing Thai visa on and off for a long time and you are the nastiest bit of work on here yet.

    • Like 2
  2. I've got no sympathy for this person at all. If you decide against taking up travel insurance when going to a place like Thailand, you deserve whatever happens to you if you have an accident. No sympathy from me.

    How can anyone say; the kid deserves something like this? I have kids of that age and imagine how a parent would feel reading this <deleted>?

    And if anything similar should happen to you, I wouldn`t lose any sleep over it, whether your insured or not.

    Something in your life must have affected you badly, to have such a sick and twisted opinion.

    I hope this boy can make some sort of recovery. I am by no means religous, but if I were, I would say, may God bless and protect this family and relieve the pain and suffering they must be going through.

    Remember, friends and family of the lad maybe reading these posts, have a heart posters, please.

  3. The OP says he will not consider lowering his tip to these 2 ladies whatever anyone says. If that's the case, not sure why he has bothered to ask the question in the first place?

    These last of the big spenders types really get up my nose.

    I never tip more than 20 baht for a basic no frills massage, maybe 50 baht for an excellent service and if the massage is a load of crap I do not tip at all.

    The problem is that those who give these over generous tips believe they are doing a kind deed, but in fact are actually putting the kibber in for everyone else, because these women will become to expect these sort of tips and justify the old myth that all farangs are rich, so why shouldn't they pay more then anybody else.

    Same applies when tipping in restaurants and for other services. In the end the highflying tippers are not doing anyone any favours, just increasing the cost of living and entertainments for everyone else.

    It's not our fault that you are dirt poor.

    EVery single poor thai that gets 1 massage a month tips MINIMUM 50BAHT

    You come from a trailer park, dont you? Advising other people to be as cheap as you to people who work very hard is disgusting.

    And im not talking about the cheap 100baht/hr place, those places 20baht should be fine because they have not studied.(but why would anyone go there?)

    After reading some of these posts, I became to feel a little guilty about being such a meany.

    I have decided to raise my tipping up to 25 baht. But sorry no more please, this is my final offer. For someone of Jewish, Scottish and Irish decent who has Australian relatives, this is extremely generous.

    It`s amazing how you guessed I came from a trailer park. You certainly know people, no fooling you. Tragically my trailer was repossesed last month because I was unable to pay the rent. I am presently living with an aunt and uncle who have kindly let me shack up stay in their shed.

    If any of you could reduce your tipping and help me pay for some decent lodgings instead, I would be most grateful.

    I love these arguments, it takes me back to the pub brawling days of my youth.

  4. The OP says he will not consider lowering his tip to these 2 ladies whatever anyone says. If that's the case, not sure why he has bothered to ask the question in the first place?

    These last of the big spenders types really get up my nose.

    I never tip more than 20 baht for a basic no frills massage, maybe 50 baht for an excellent service and if the massage is a load of crap I do not tip at all.

    The problem is that those who give these over generous tips believe they are doing a kind deed, but in fact are actually putting the kibber in for everyone else, because these women will become to expect these sort of tips and justify the old myth that all farangs are rich, so why shouldn't they pay more then anybody else.

    Same applies when tipping in restaurants and for other services. In the end the highflying tippers are not doing anyone any favours, just increasing the cost of living and entertainments for everyone else.

    • Like 2
  5. Unless I personally knew the previous owner and history of the motorbike, I would not even consider buying a secondhand motorbike or any vehicle in Thailand. You would be buying yourself a load of problems.

    I have a Honda Wave which I bought new 9 years, still running strong and have had trouble free motoring since I first bought it.

    The basic models are not that expensive and probably not much more expensive then a used bike.

  6. I even got 2 drivers licenses. (bike and car). What i have heard is that if you have an accident with your car and you don't have a valid Thai license they wont pay out any money.

    Have the same.

    I really did pass my tests and gained the licenses legally. I know of some that have paid tea money as a guarantee to pass the test, but that’s cheating and could be putting people`s lives at risk if not up to test standard, bad eyesight for example.

  7. Yepp, I have 2 that I got when I was a small kid in the 60's, they still look the same

    The difference between your trolls and a Thai visa troll is that your trolls will be of great value to a collector, Thai visa trolls are worthless.

    See if you can spot the difference below between a real troll and a Thai visa troll.

    Any similarities between the Thai visa troll and any bona fide Thai visa members is purely coincidental

    post-110219-000623500 1284780731_thumb.j

    post-110219-029895400 1284780856_thumb.j

  8. sorry mate, I thought you were another poster and I blurted it out without looking properly. :D

    now who is the silly man?

    You. smile.gif

    Anyway, will this make you leave Thailand ?

    I'm not Thai, I'm a Farang, yet you confront me, will that make you leave Thailand ?

    You can't own land, you'll never be a citizen, you'll have to report every 90 days at the least to the Immigration Office even if you have a yearly Visa.

    The Thais can't drive as well as you, they don't know the things you know, yet you always knew that didn't you, so you married a Thai person and bought her a car ....................................cool.gif


    Why take life so seriously? Everyone likes to have a moan and a groan sometimes, it is just a way of letting out some of the stresses of life.

    My gripes are that I never seem to have quite enough of the readies to do the things I want to do, I'm not getting my leg over regularly, the girlfriend's family hate my guts, my kids don`t respect me, I smoke and drink too much and I have a bad habit of farting and picking my nose in public places.

    A sad tale of woe and suffering, definitely a strong case for pissing off out of Thailand. Perhaps the Philippines would suit me better, nose picking is more acceptable there and a leg over is much cheaper.

    post-110219-009610700 1284779521_thumb.j

    • Like 1
  9. My girlfriend wants me to have plastic surgery on my face. Not because there is anything wrong with it, just that she is sick of seeing the same old face, day in and day out.

    But on a more serious note, please be wary when choosing a plastic surgeon. A work acquaintance had one of those tummy tucks, as some people describe it, in the States 16 months ago. The surgeon made a botch job of it with horrific consequences for my work college, she almost died and required numerous operations to correct the procedure and remove infection.

    Try and find a PS who comes highly recommended, has long term experience and has a good reputation, even if it costs more. Better safe then sorry.



    17 September 2010-09-17

    Ian Forbes, one of the most prominent members of Thai Visa was last week:

    Struck down by the E.coli stomach bug after eating at a Thai mobile noodle stall.

    Robbed at knife point in the most dangerous part of Pattaya and again when he later travelled to the most dangerous part of Bangkok

    A few days later Ian was viciously head butted by a ladyboy in a Chiang Mai Karaoke bar after he could not pay the bar tab when he lost all his money on a pool game. A friend feeling sorry for poor Ian bought him 5 rounds of drinks leaving Ian paralytic drunk. He fell down in the road and was robbed of all his jewellery by some young Thai passers by.

    When Ian finally recovered from his stomach bug and injuries, some high society hooker acquaintances invited him to an orgy at their home. Unfortunately Ian caught a rather nasty STD and is now hospitalised under police supervision until further notice for his own protection.

    post-110219-031513200 1284687595_thumb.j

    • Like 1
  11. Like so many others who come to Thailand on a hope and a prayer, you have tried to live out your dream, only problem is that once the dream becomes reality, this cost money.

    Swallow your pride and ask your family to lend you £400 enough for a one way ticket back to the UK and to put you up for a while until you find a job or able to earn again. This should not take long according to your skills you mentioned.

    It may still be possible to return to Thailand again once you have ironed out your financial problems. I can`t see any other options for you at this time.

    At least if you return to Thailand later on, you will have more experience and probably will not leave yourself so vulerable next time.

    It`s not the end of the world, these things happen. Think positive and all will be OK in the end.

  12. Good for you Beetlejuice. I think you will find that Petre will be more than happy to make sure that you are a satisfied customer. I also have to agree with Caf and Beetlejuice about foreign owned businesses and how they should work to figure out why their businesses are suffering and what they can do to improve.

    I have to say however that the red shirts, the coup and the world economic situation and the strong Baht have all contributed to less tourists and less disposable income for westerners in Chiang Mai. This directly affects businesses that cater to foreigners and there are many. The businesses that are doing OK right now are the businesses that cater to Thais or have a good proportion of Thais as customers. My suggestion to anyone who wants to do a business in Thailand has always been to find something that you can market to Thais. After all this is their country.

    Thai business is growing and Thais have more disposable income than ever. Take a look around and try to figure out what does Thailand not have that they have somewhere else and discern if it would work here. Do substantial investment and marketing. That is not to say that you have to invest a fortune.

    Leave the small bars and restaurants to ex bar girls.

    There are plenty of car washes around now but are there any that do a proper wax and detail? Plenty of Burmese workers to do the wax. I've always thought that a series of small markets from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai that look like a small grocery stores with the basics, produce and meat would do well and the supply logistics would be feasible and economical. Anyone ever go into a 7-11 and look for a drink that wasn't so sweet it would melt your teeth? How about a Snapple? A Snapple or Arizona Tea in all the 7-11s in country would do well. These are the directions that foreigners who want to live and stay in country should be looking.

    Some take a bit of investment but mostly they take drive, initiative and hard work. Anyone who is anybody put in a lot of hard work to get where they are at. Dreaming helps.

    Excellent advice from a man who knows his stuff :D

    Yes this is an excellent post.

    Elaborate on the existing market with Thais instead of a potential market with the ever dwindling farang customers.

    Perhaps as someone else has suggested, the farang should stay in the backgoriund and let the Thais run the show.

    Hope the business owners are reading these posts, some good solid advice here.

  13. Points taken.

    Why not throw the question the other way and ask; who do you think are the perfect members in your opinion? Who are your true heros here on Thai visa? Past or present.

    That's no fun, Beetlejuice. :lol:

    We enjoy the bickering more. How else can I get my daily laugh.

    Do you know any good place where I can buy a good Pad Thai Gai? I'm feeling a bit hungry.:)

    And what`s wrong with a good red shirt Thai girl? Wan na make somethin of it?

  14. Loot is still in business but only available on line.

    Here it is,


    And try these,

    Find your ideal flatmates today


    Into London.com


    Welcome to ARoomtoLet.co.uk


    Easy room mate UK


    Type room to rent London in Google, millions are listed.

    If when you return to the UK and you are in a low paid job or out of work, you may qualify for housing benefit if can find a landlord who will accept you.

    Good luck with your search.

  15. I have to say that I expected Millwill to join in here but seeing that he appears to be either fed up or taking a break and KH hasn't yet shown himself, I might throw in my 2 cents.

    I am always trying to figure out why customers seem to think they deserve to be treated to extra special care. It's one thing if you get it but it is another to expect it.

    The discount card the Olde Belle distributes has been brought up time and time again here on this forum and I would think that a poster with 240 posts would have learned his way around the forum. You mentioned it and the staff wasn't sure what you were talking about. No surprise there. The staff probably didn't understand you because what the Olde Belle does is issue a Gold Card that entitles the holder to a discount. So you got it wrong and you asked wrong. They probably thought you were some bum, not that you are a bum, asking for a discount.

    You asked for the owner and he was taking a break. The owner doesn't deserve a break and should be in his establishment 24/7? They probably didn't want to get him for some bum, not that you are a bum, that was asking for a discount.

    You lit up a cigarette in the restaurant and were asked to put it out. Then they really thought you were a bum, not that you are. You lit up a cigarette? Why would you light up a cigarette when you know it is against the law? Do you realize that you can get the establishment fined?

    The staff made a mistake on the bill and when you pointed it out to them they corrected it. That sounds all well and normal to me.

    So take a deep breath and chalk it all up to a few very basic mistakes that you made and don't worry. Go back some time after 7:30, ask for the owner and then report back here. I'm sure everything will be alright.

    Thanks for this, getgoing and that`s exactly what I will do. When I return to Chiang Mai, I will again visit the Olde Bell with some friends just to get their opinions of the place as well, that is if I am not banned for my comments and will report back here and let you know if things have changed for the better.

  16. Last visit I made to one of those fish and chip places, or should I say plaices, it was just a plain fry up that I could do at home. The only part that was English is the owner, I think. The last time I was there, this one and a piggy, there was no sign of life. Are these plaices still open? No, don`t bother, I do not care.

    Not sure how trip advisor and the other one, lonely planet works or how they get number scores. Never heard of most the restaurants mentioned. Seems to be cut throat, not sure what all the fuss is about. According to trip advisor own comments, they say that all reviews are confirmed to be genuine before they are published. But I don`t know. As a matter of fact I know nothing through lack of interest.

    I prefer to try the goods myself or recommended orally from a trusted friend, especially my female friends, never believe anything I read in reviews. Take them with a pinch of salt or perhaps salt and vinegar.

  17. Just another few points.

    I am in the people business where the level of customer satisfaction could mean; my employer stays in business or goes down. I have worked all over the world and have over 40 years experience of people dealing and customer relationships. Tomorrow I go to Bangkok, in 2 weeks off to Spain (head office) for a month and maybe back to Thailand via Hong Kong. Thailand being my home base, when I'm not travelling away on business.

    Myself, when visiting a restaurant, bar or any business establishment, the quality of services is as important as the products they sell. If they want to succeed, then they must try harder and put more effort into it. This goes all around the board.

    In these turbulent times of economic down turn, there are even more reasons for business owners to keep tabs on their staff, be on the scene and to ensure customer satisfaction so that they will want to return and continue using their services. There is no place for haughtiness in business these days, I have noticed this too much in places I have visited.

    If the restaurants in Chiang Mai are struggling to keep afloat and already bending over backwards to please their customers, then in future they will have to bend over front ways, side ways and backwards if they want to remain in business. Money is tight all round, we are getting less for our dollars, euros and pounds. Customers are expecting more for their hard earned ever devaluing cash. One way of doing this is to ensure customers feel valued and service with a smile. This cost nothing, only requires a little more effort.

    The business owners should look and research as to why their profits have dropped and ask if there is anything wrong with the ways they conduct business, other then blaming the red shirts, poor exchange rates and lack of tourists.

    They had everything in their favor during the good times, now they must learn to adapt during the hard times.

  18. With the arrogant attitudes of some business owners, no wonder they are going down.

    Two nights ago I visited the Olde Bell restaurant in the Loi Kroh road. It was 7.00pm and there were two Thai women staff working behind the counter. Before I ordered my meal I asked the woman if they have a scheme where Chiang Mai residents receive discount because I have heard this mentioned from some friends. The woman said she doesn't know. I asked if it is possible to chat with the boss. She replied, no, he would be down at 7.30pm. I said, I would not be here at 7.30pm. She mumbled on that he is up stairs in his flat. I asked please can you ask him to have a quick chat with me. No she said, he is with his wife at the moment.

    I sat down at a table, ordered a meal, then it meal arrived. The fat staff Thai woman was busy flirting with some young American guy sitting at the counter the only other customer. He was smoking, so I lit up a cigarette. A woman member of staff approached me and said, no smoking here, put that cigarette out. I ate the meal and paid the bill. I was short changed by 300 baht, which I got back when I brought this to her notice and the woman apologised. On my way out she said, there have been many customers like me with the same question, I will let the boss know. Then I went.

    Let me make this clear that I was polite and curious at all times. It seemed I hit a nerve when I inquired about the discount scheme and after that I was to be ignored in the hope that I will go away.

    Well, if that's the attitude and the owners can't be bothered to put themselves out for their customers, they can keep it.

    How was the food? I've never eaten there but, until your post, have considered it. Now I'm curious. Was the food good, fair or poor?

    I have been there 4 times and never seen the boss in attendance. The food is reasonably priced, good value and not bad for the money. I have no complaints except for the couldn`t care less attitude of the staff. Or maybe I`m just not young and handsome enough to be worthy of their attention or to be considered as a valued customer as was the young American guy sitting there smoking and drinking the other night.

    That was enough for me, I felt degraded after I left, there will not be a next time as far as I am concerned. Others may enjoy it in there, good for them.

    Still wish the owner good luck and success with the restaurant, because I am on the side of the small business owners, but there is a lot of room for improvements and a little more effort, especially on the user friendly front.

    It sounds as if you had bad experiences at The Olde Belle, certainly enough to put you off going back.

    The owner always says on this forum "bring it to my attention if you are not satisfied" - did you try that?

    I was not dissatisfied with anything; it was only a general inquiry. There were no arguments or impoliteness on my side. And as the staff pointed out, the boss was upstairs in his flat, there was no way he was going to come down and see me unless I was prepared to wait for half an hour until he turned up. It was just the you are a nuisance go away attitude of the staff that spoilt the evening for me.

    I have no wish to make a big deal out of this, or discredit anyone`s business. I have made my point, maybe the boss will take note.

  19. With the arrogant attitudes of some business owners, no wonder they are going down.

    Two nights ago I visited the Olde Bell restaurant in the Loi Kroh road. It was 7.00pm and there were two Thai women staff working behind the counter. Before I ordered my meal I asked the woman if they have a scheme where Chiang Mai residents receive discount because I have heard this mentioned from some friends. The woman said she doesn't know. I asked if it is possible to chat with the boss. She replied, no, he would be down at 7.30pm. I said, I would not be here at 7.30pm. She mumbled on that he is up stairs in his flat. I asked please can you ask him to have a quick chat with me. No she said, he is with his wife at the moment.

    I sat down at a table, ordered a meal, then it meal arrived. The fat staff Thai woman was busy flirting with some young American guy sitting at the counter the only other customer. He was smoking, so I lit up a cigarette. A woman member of staff approached me and said, no smoking here, put that cigarette out. I ate the meal and paid the bill. I was short changed by 300 baht, which I got back when I brought this to her notice and the woman apologised. On my way out she said, there have been many customers like me with the same question, I will let the boss know. Then I went.

    Let me make this clear that I was polite and curious at all times. It seemed I hit a nerve when I inquired about the discount scheme and after that I was to be ignored in the hope that I will go away.

    Well, if that's the attitude and the owners can't be bothered to put themselves out for their customers, they can keep it.

    How was the food? I've never eaten there but, until your post, have considered it. Now I'm curious. Was the food good, fair or poor?

    I have been there 4 times and never seen the boss in attendance. The food is reasonably priced, good value and not bad for the money. I have no complaints except for the couldn`t care less attitude of the staff. Or maybe I`m just not young and handsome enough to be worthy of their attention or to be considered as a valued customer as was the young American guy sitting there smoking and drinking the other night.

    That was enough for me, I felt degraded after I left, there will not be a next time as far as I am concerned. Others may enjoy it in there, good for them.

    Still wish the owner good luck and success with the restaurant, because I am on the side of the small business owners, but there is a lot of room for improvements and a little more effort, especially on the user friendly front.

  20. With the arrogant attitudes of some business owners, no wonder they are going down.

    Two nights ago I visited the Olde Bell restaurant in the Loi Kroh road. It was 7.00pm and there were two Thai women staff working behind the counter. Before I ordered my meal I asked the woman if they have a scheme where Chiang Mai residents receive discount because I have heard this mentioned from some friends. The woman said she doesn’t know. I asked if it is possible to chat with the boss. She replied, no, he would be down at 7.30pm. I said, I would not be here at 7.30pm. She mumbled on that he is up stairs in his flat. I asked please can you ask him to have a quick chat with me. No she said, he is with his wife at the moment.

    I sat down at a table, ordered a meal, then it meal arrived. The fat staff Thai woman was busy flirting with some young American guy sitting at the counter the only other customer. He was smoking, so I lit up a cigarette. A woman member of staff approached me and said, no smoking here, put that cigarette out. I ate the meal and paid the bill. I was short changed by 300 baht, which I got back when I brought this to her notice and the woman apologised. On my way out she said, there have been many customers like me with the same question, I will let the boss know. Then I went.

    Let me make this clear that I was polite and curious at all times. It seemed I hit a nerve when I inquired about the discount scheme and after that I was to be ignored in the hope that I will go away.

    Well, if that’s the attitude and the owners can’t be bothered to put themselves out for their customers, they can keep it.

  21. I don`t know anything about itunes, but I know how you can get these songs onto your computer. Then maybe you can put the songs into itunes from your computer?

    Do a search on Utube. You will probably find most of the songs you are seeking on there.

    Download a free programme called Audio Grabber. This is easy to use. It records and saves any songs you can find on line

    You can save the songs as wav files or MPG then do whatever you need to do to put them onto itunes.

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