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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. I wonder if all the American, Brit and Swiss bashers are washing their hands of this situation. Ha!
  2. Maybe these two weren't paid for. Working without a work permit is up to 5 years in prison OR B2,000 to B100,000 fine. for both employee and employer. But the employer usually gives a tip.
  3. The audacious endeavor came to light last night, revealing that Saranwee Kwanpetch managed about 50 girls across multiple locations in London, all while he was supposed to be under Home Office surveillance. This tells anyone that he wasn't working only. There is a very large Thai Maffia contingent in London. They extort money from the Thai communities, mainly the restaurants and Thai owned businesses. As for being a crime. Most if not ALL the girls working for him, and his bosses would have their passports removed. Plus, it states he was reported as an overstayer by a customer. Doubt that very much, more like he was getting too Creedy or he pissed someone off.
  4. I was thinking the same myself. My wife's dashcam records front and rear. Something she doesn't want people to see. Plus, the first officer classed it as 50/50. It's the trend now since the 2 incidents with the Swiss guys.
  5. It is Illegal in Laos for a foreigner to have sex with a Lao national. unless married.
  6. The Swiss who beat the woman up in Big C is in prison, he has refused bail (B50,000) even though his ex-wife was prepared to pay it.
  7. You have never met me, but can call me a liar because you can't comprehend or spell the English language.
  8. I paid for the wife to have driving lessons and her full drives license. Then bought her a car. Now she drives me everywhere we go.... shopping, camping trips, immigration. Plus, I never have to worry about drinking and driving.
  9. I would say that is correct. I think all the major investors like Toyota, JVC, Chaing, and all the others Pay large amounts of tax and their employees, as it will be deducted by the company. But as for the local's market stall, food vendors and even rental houses and apartments. I doubt it very much.
  10. So you know everything that goes on in my life? I HIGHLY DOUT IT! You Fool!
  11. All because he got angry at someone who sat on a step that didn't even belong to him.
  12. 18. And there are establishments that have underage girls/boys that are frequented by foreigners.
  13. I was in a lift (yesterday) in a local shopping mall. I was at the back of about 12 people. as my floor approached, I softly said excuse me (in Thai) as I made my way to the front. As I was leaving, I said thank you (again in Thai) 3 of the people in the lift responded by thanking me for being polite, (in Thai of course) I am ALWAYS polite, but I have never been thanked for being polite, so may have something to do with the present news reports.
  14. Love the part where it states, "The hidden officers revealed themselves". I bet they did. Ever notice that there aren't any FEMALE officers.
  15. Bad guys? I would say ANY Person who frequents a Bar where young girls are offering themselves for payment should be removed from the country ASAP. It is these people who are financing an illegal organization. without these PERVES sex trafficking and underage porn would die out. Plus, RAISE the age for a retirement visa to 65 as that is the age most people retire in their own countries.
  16. Don't think it's anti Farang. The Thais just want foreigners to respect their flag and culture. Nothing ANTI about that. Behave and you will be Okay. PS why steal a Flag when you can by one for a B100. That is what is meant by "Cheap Foreigners".
  17. Wasn't it only last year the local police said there were NO foreign mafia gangs in the area?
  18. All societies in All nationalities have good, bad and downright evil with-in them. They watched him for 5 months before arresting him. How many buyers did they arrest? Was the owner of the establishment arrested? In 5 months did he not need to go to a supplier, or a supplier come to him.? In 5 months, you would have thought they would have more arrests than just him. Now there will be a Local dealer working this establishment/. TIT Don't step on the local's businesses.
  19. What in my comment are you referring to? Can you comprehend English.?
  20. Two young white skin females. Maybe the two police were looking for a hook up, later. Ha! If you intend to pay, you don't run away.
  21. Well done Chris Great achievement. If the government would double that, it would show their caring side. Thanks for giving the Brit Bashers something to be quiet about ha!
  22. It's a Thai thing about the foreigner's fault for bad things in Thailand. I can remember working in a school and a THAI teacher was caught having oral sex with a Female student (M3) Parents and police involved. ALL foreign teachers called to a meeting to be told that our culture in the school was confusing students has to what is acceptable and what isn't. PS Thai teacher MOVED TO ANOTHER SCHOOL. Same school owner.
  23. They entered with Legale Chinese passports. Got fake Canadian passports to go to Canada. Maybe claim asylum in Canada
  24. So, they refuse to overturn the 12am to 11am and 2pm to 5 pm ban due to HEALTH reasons but cut tax duty making it cheaper so as to encourage Thais and tourists to drink more...????????.
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