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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. Have you not noticed haw the Russians seem to get off lightly????? The Russian female kicking a pregnant Thai woman in the crotch, A Wai, a sorry, and B500 fine everything OK. The Swiss guy who allegedly kicked a Thai woman in the back. was in nick, house searched, visa revoked, on bail still awaiting trial.
  2. Have you not noticed haw the Russians seem to get off lightly????? The Russian female kicking a pregnant Thai woman in the crotch, A Wai, a sorry, and B500 fine everything OK. The Swiss guy who allegedly kicked a Thai woman in the back. was in nick, house searched, visa revoked, on bail still awaiting trail.
  3. Correct! Wonder if it will allow small independent brewers to sell and advertise their products. As at present they cant unless they supply over a certain (don't know what it is) number, amount, weight, volume.
  4. You may be right about "lazy policing". But it could be just that Thai police in Bangkok couldn't give a dam about foreigners being robbed or their Thai girlfriends.
  5. He has to be seen to be doing something with-out knowing how to do it. that's why most (if not all) of everything he does contradicts everything he says.
  6. Could work out well for UK citizens retired in Thailand.
  7. Obviously, a typing error, to anyone with a brain. I would suggest you start your sentences with a capital letter.
  8. Hi-so people and a lot of money involved.
  9. I know lots of Foreigners that have taken their Thai girlfriends to England for a holiday and stayed there and got work. one is teaching English in a public school another is a waitress in a country hotel and another one works in a bakery.. I speak to them most weeks on FB. they used to by my students in a private language school years ago.
  10. The last 3 months I have been getting 2 bills for the elecy bill, both same date, same amount, same address, but about 5 days apart. Wife has been to the PEA, they just say ignore it. They didn't seem interested in how, why, or who saw behind it!
  11. She presented the footage from the shops cctv to the police.
  12. It says their parents are very wealthy. Could be now you see them now you don't in a month or so.
  13. Agree. If they are given the maximum jail sentence for each individual charge. they should get 15 years and one month.
  14. Sounds like they are touting for customers. Offering to help with real-estate. interests.
  15. Go away Troll. I will not raise to your bait.
  16. I wonder if all the American, Brit and Swiss bashers are washing their hands of this situation. Ha!
  17. Maybe these two weren't paid for. Working without a work permit is up to 5 years in prison OR B2,000 to B100,000 fine. for both employee and employer. But the employer usually gives a tip.
  18. The audacious endeavor came to light last night, revealing that Saranwee Kwanpetch managed about 50 girls across multiple locations in London, all while he was supposed to be under Home Office surveillance. This tells anyone that he wasn't working only. There is a very large Thai Maffia contingent in London. They extort money from the Thai communities, mainly the restaurants and Thai owned businesses. As for being a crime. Most if not ALL the girls working for him, and his bosses would have their passports removed. Plus, it states he was reported as an overstayer by a customer. Doubt that very much, more like he was getting too Creedy or he pissed someone off.
  19. I was thinking the same myself. My wife's dashcam records front and rear. Something she doesn't want people to see. Plus, the first officer classed it as 50/50. It's the trend now since the 2 incidents with the Swiss guys.
  20. It is Illegal in Laos for a foreigner to have sex with a Lao national. unless married.
  21. The Swiss who beat the woman up in Big C is in prison, he has refused bail (B50,000) even though his ex-wife was prepared to pay it.
  22. You have never met me, but can call me a liar because you can't comprehend or spell the English language.
  23. I paid for the wife to have driving lessons and her full drives license. Then bought her a car. Now she drives me everywhere we go.... shopping, camping trips, immigration. Plus, I never have to worry about drinking and driving.
  24. I would say that is correct. I think all the major investors like Toyota, JVC, Chaing, and all the others Pay large amounts of tax and their employees, as it will be deducted by the company. But as for the local's market stall, food vendors and even rental houses and apartments. I doubt it very much.
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