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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. HE wandered off while SHE was in the Toilet. How can she check on him????
  2. I was bitten, not by a pitbull, but by a very small terrier and I can tell you the puncture marks and swelling were still very visible 3 days later, after I received treatment 5 mins after the attack as the dog owner was a paramedic in Chanthaburi.
  3. The amazing thing is, how they just stand around after the attack as if they knew no one was coming.
  4. There will be foreigners who are eligible for tax and those who aren't. I worked for my first 9 years . Work permit. nonB visa (renewed every year at Bangkok immigration. All copies of passport,tax form, earnings the lot. After 9 years went to hand in by work permit to start another company. Work permit had never been registered plus the company that employed me had no right to employ me as it was never registered to employ foreigners. All my tax form were fake. Works department new it wasn't my fault so got a 3 month extension of stay.
  5. I have the same as you, she is always on a lead, and yes, Thais are wary of her, but she is as soft as ice-cream. She never barks at anyone and certainly never tries to bite , she sleeps at the foot of our bed, and mostly she loves sitting near the gate, just looking out at what is going on in the world. It is how the dog is treated by the owner, dogs understand RULES if you teach them those rules.. Unlike people!
  6. According to the report they are not strays. the owner is a foreigner who ALLOWS the dogs to run free. As for strays....how do you think strays become strays? Maybe instead of destroying the dogs, we should consider placing the owners behind bars for a few years, maybe 5 minimum, so as to get them to take more responsibility for their dogs actions. Just a thought. A least they haven't gone the stupid UK way of destroying an entire breed because of the actions of a few owners.
  7. What would you suggest? Protesting in the street?. Demand a vote at the next election? Call for the disbandment of the CC and the EC? Allow farangs to stand in the next election? Tell me what would happen if 1,100,1000 farangs did or demanded just one of these things? the only way a farang can vote is by his feet. Nothing to do with conforming.
  8. His daughter owns one of the largest real estate businesses in Thailand , which he used to own. And the deputy PM's half Chinese family own one if not the biggest construction companies in Thailand
  9. How can that be, when it is a fact!
  10. Go in a dingy, they'll have a house, money and a new phone with-in a day!😜
  11. I was thinking the same, myself. If they could afford to live then surely they could afford a trip to the border or even an agent.
  12. The PM of the UK elected in July this year. The same guy who refused to prosecute J Savile for child sex offences. No friend of mine!
  13. Banking apps are easy to break in to.
  14. With Starmer in #10 child molesters are treated very well. 4 years, do 2 and out.
  15. He Family owns the construction company that built the new airport under Thaksin, funny that. His family building an airport to allow more dirty westerners in. Plus, all this allowing foreigners (Chinese) more freedom to buy and lease land while Thavisin transferred all his shares in the family's Contruction company to his daughter. Isn't that a bit similar to Thaksin buy up all that land under the members of his family's name and his friends, where Thavisin's family company built the airport.
  16. New York a rape every 20 mins it has been said. gang rape every 4 hours, Children missing, London a stabbing every 24 hours, rape every 12 hours, children abuse every day. not 100% but near enough. 15-year-old stabbed to death in broad daylight in London. Paris, Female gang rape in the street by 5 men. These are news items every day.
  17. I don't believe it is part of every Thai's family life, as you say, I think you can read about incidents like this all over the world in many countries and societies. (thankfully not often) Remember G Floyed? he threatened to shoot an unborn child, and the Americans built a statue of him. I can remember an incident in the UK where a teenage girl was raped by her father, brother, and her grandfather over a period of several months and many, many other incidents that happen every day in western, eastern, African, and Asian countries. Look at the guy with the crossbow in England.
  18. I can remember in the 60s, 70s, 80, Mods, Rockers, Teddy boys would carry knives, chains, Razor blades and old fashion knuckle dusters. Even in the 90s I had a knife, crowbar, machete, and a shot gun pulled on me when I was doing private security!
  19. I was thinking the same myself. One very heavy down poor .
  20. No, just an ignorant person who believes its ok to shout abusively and use foul language towards a female. Not right in ANY country!
  21. You, like ALL Thai bashers are taking it ALL out of context, IT is common decency to learn and act accordingly when a guest in someone else country/home. What your saying is I can come to your home. tell you to get <deleted>, turn the TV over <deleted> nut, and shut the <deleted> up to your wife in front of your children and then make people BELIEVE I am not being rude! You must be a yank!
  22. Why should we learn their Language???????????? Are you really that sad??????
  23. You know what they say,,,,Dont like it, GO HOME!
  24. It took me one day to learn how to say hello, thank you, excuse me, and sorry in the Thai language! You are a guest in THEIR country. Learn their language and their culture. The Yanker was rude, disrespectful, and aggressive in his tone of voice towards the woman.
  25. Seems to me, if the locals hadn't complained, he'd still be in business.
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