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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. They can get their free health check in Rwanda. Plus, their free accommodation and meals. Ha!
  2. The shooting he was involved in was due to his gang trying to extort from the wrong premises which were owned by a bigger gang than his gang. Ha!
  3. 6 days in hospital, dengue fever, private room, doctor every day, treatment every day 24-hour attention. After 6 days B38,300 paid for by health insurance, 1 hour after sending bill. My annul Health Insurnace is B58,000. so got most of my money back after one visit.
  4. Not if you enter Illegally in a dingy, you are give a FREE health check up the day after you land. Ha!
  5. A Documentary about sex workers coming from a country with one of, if not the largest, LEGAL, and ILLEGAL (underage) sex industry in Europe.
  6. Wasn't he and most of his department sent to INACTIVE posts due to extortion of foreigners on overstay and go-go bars, About 4 years ago????????
  7. It the other way round. When he was PM he told immigration and labor to leave westerners alone as they spent their money in Thailand, not sending it home like others from Asian countries. I never had a problem extending my non-B visa. Only after he was removed by force did it become near impossible to get an extension to your non B visa, student visa, non O visa with-out at least 3 or 4 visits to immigration. I went 3 times with the same paperwork, refused 3 times on the fourth time went with the exact same paperwork as before and got the 1-year extension. By the way the military government proposed the tax on foreigners.NO TAX PENSIONS.
  8. Looks like a scene from out of the serious The Sopranos. Ha!
  9. Because it is in the vicinity of a Buddhist Temple and can be clearly viewed. Thai Culture is very strict about women dressing sexually if visiting a temple. It's a bit like eating a bacon sandwich on the steps of a Mosque.
  10. He is in prison so no access to his riches. Plus have you ever been to the Police Hospital? It was first built in the 1800s, it was first used as a pox hospital mainly for prostitutes. It was revamped by the prince's charity, and turned into a teaching hospital, before it became the RTP Hospital in the 1970s. Thaksin did a lot of things to help the poor and low-income working class and the farmers who were getting ripped off by the rich and powerful in Bangkok. Plus he never ordered the shooting of Thai civilians by the RTA, who NO ONE was ever brought to account for under the military government. Why do you think the minority yellow shirts wanted him out? He has and is doing nothing that all the politicians/ military have done before and after him.
  11. For mild cases they are treated in the dispensary at the prison, if server then ANY prisoner is transferred to A government hospital, not matter who you are. or how rich you are. All at the taxpayers' expense.
  12. SO YOU think these MPs and police are not using the system to make money. BY the way: under HIS health care plan (when he was PM) it would have cost the taxpayer B300 a day to treat those on NO or low income. The Military government abolished that. He is in a police hospital, which is government funded.
  13. All prisoners ger Health care at the taxpayers expense. Under HIS health care plan, it would have cost the government B300 a day. But the Military government took that away.PS: He is in a police hospital.
  14. They tried the same in England with night clubs staying open till 4 am, but NO alcohol sales after 2 am. I think that is the Thai authorities intention here. 4am closing but NO alcohol sales after 2am. That's what was on the agenda. It may have changed now.
  15. Haven't airlines in China announced their intentions to cancel quite a few flights coming to Thailand due to insufficient passengers?
  16. They're are just suggesting it at the moment. The thing with the Thai government is they say things that have been suggested before they have really thought about it. Like you say, go in for 15 mins have one drink leave straight away, test at the door, over the limit.
  17. Everything I have ever read about tinder is it's used by hookers, bored housewife's and people looking to hook up for a few hours. Under the description...dating App. Maybe wrong!
  18. Where did the Body go in????????? Off the bank? Off a Boat, or fall out of a plane???? If the can't get to the area. how can they rule out he was murdered and thrown into the river from there.
  19. Not only that, they can't set up a crime scene where the body was found. I wonder if they understand how ridiculous this makes the RTP look in the eyes of the world.
  20. The same was done in England Nightclubs could stay open until 4/5 am on weekends, Couldn't sell alcohol after 2 am, but customers could by 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, drinks before 2am and drink them after 2am.
  21. From reports coming out of Burma the Rabel forces, for the want of a better name, have taken control of 25 army bases in the eastern border region, bordering China, and are gaining ground in the north, too.
  22. As of 18 hrs ago. The Thai Government stated, "Thais are safe in Burma".
  23. Funny how the guys they wanted hade elite visas. What background checks were done? Or what background checks were paid NOT to be done. Next week they will be lining up 70-year-old pensioners on 5 days overstay. Ha!
  24. looks like the poor girls will be having to work longer hours.
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