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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. What I find sad is, you come to Thailand a play ON-LINE gambling in an internet shop.😒
  2. But they are closing all the duty-free shops at airports to engorge in bound passengers to buy locally.
  3. Not really! Most Brits are up for fighting, drunkenness, overstay. Compared to other nationalities who are usually up for sexual offences!
  4. Brook beans B220 for three tins, much better than H57
  5. When my tourist visa ran out, I fell in with a bad crowed.
  6. Most of them don't have a taxi license, come to think of it, most don't have a driver's license😉
  7. I do believe Immigration can revoke a visitor's visa if the visitor is seen to behave badly, there is no need for a crime or a police report to be submitted, but in this case, there is also an accusation of theft.
  8. I do believe Immigration can revoke a visitor's visa if the visitor is seen to behave badly, there is no need for a crime or a police report to be submitted, but in this case there is also an accusation of theft.
  9. Yes, but where did they get all that money from????????😁
  10. Thats what I thought, but some on here told me he has a wife who is worth billions, not in Baht, but in US$. I have yet to see evidence of it.
  11. Be careful tourists. won't cover anything if alcohol is involved, dangerous activities and/or using motorbikes, cars without the correct paperwork and safety issues, such as helmet and seatbelts
  12. Go to any school employing teachers of English/ co teachers.
  13. Yes, totally agree. These guys thought they could drag a female into a toilet (to maybe rape her) then attack and slash a man for trying to protect her. Then come back thinking they could just buy them off. Like you say hope he sticks to his guns. Plus hope the girl presses charges, too.
  14. A Russian tourist with a Thai lawyer at hand. Got to be a crim. Plus, who's in the picture if he had already left Thailand??????
  15. The lights weren't broken. She was waiting to turn right, light at red, Russian in wrong lane Russian want go straight, light at green, Russian can't go straight because in wrong lane..
  16. I thought it was 1 brit and 3 Aussies in the article.
  17. Yeah, speak to your local street vendors and local shop keepers about taxation in Thailand, their usual reply is "tax? What tax". If they can't collect from their own, how are they going to collect from outside? Plus, most Thais know that this bunch will never be able to make their so-called policies work, most have already given up on EVER receiving the 10,000 digital pay out and the economy getting any better with these in power.
  18. Yeah, thats true. Maybe he married it!😂
  19. Yeah, brits come to Thailand, get drunk and have a fight. Yankers come to Thailand and steal mobile phones off little girls ha!🤣
  20. Become a Monk or Novice Monk then they are NOT eligible for National Service.
  21. Where did all his Million Baht plus houses and cars come from????????? Did he save up?????
  22. I remember the last so-called professor to speak out about Thai education (or lack of it) he was put out to grass about 2 weeks later.
  23. I don't think it's just one! This year there has been an incident involving violent and disturbing behavior by foreigners almost every month, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, and now Udon.
  24. Do you mean, OPINION? How do you know he was being a "nuisance"? I would replace your sentence..." I'm out numbered here, so many elderly guys on AN. With...I'm out numbered here, so many brighter guys on AN.
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