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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. Looked to me that the cyclist rode into the side of the bus.
  2. Yet another holiday at the taxpayer's expense.
  3. Don't weed outlets come under the same law as reserved occupation for Thais only???????? Not sure.
  4. It all depends on what he was paying the agent for.........If it was for an under the table job because he didn't have the right paperwork/money. blacklist, overstay. it seems a lot 200,000 for a visa and nothing happens in 2 years. Is he on overstay????? Could be a number of reasons.
  5. you been in Thailand for 2 days???????
  6. Have a referendum???????????? Ha! They have an election every 4 years, the people decide for what they want, the people are ignored, and life goes on.
  7. The Passenger vans are on the police pay role and protected, same as the motorcycle taxis
  8. The part where it is saying they recovered valuables worth up to US600,000, but has yet to retrieve them.
  9. If he dislikes it so much, he should be happy if they send him home.
  10. So your saying its ok to rape and sexually assault girls/women so long as you have paid the bar fine. I would say she is a VICTIM not a grass.
  11. I thought it said his GF reported him for sexual assault and threatening her with a firearm. hardly a grass.
  12. He was also on the run from Samui, where he was/is wanted for drug offences.
  13. That would mean the government would have to investigate itself.
  14. They do it on TV about 30 times a day. Singa, Chaing, Leo, and Carabao First three do it by soda water, but they know everyone thinks beer. Carabao does it openly with the Carabao Cup and Champions League. on Thairath in Thailand and Bein Sports which also can be seen in Thailand.
  15. Police think the taxi driver was in on it. I think if he was, there were more than him involved. You ask to see a 1-million-baht bracelet, so the assistant takes it out puts in on the counter and gets distracted????? How convenient!
  16. Correct! Alcohol is legal, just because you don't want to drink it, doesn't mean it should be band! It's like murder and rape, they aren't legal, but some people choose to commit these crimes, others don't. In ALL societies you are going to get those who break the law and those who respect the law. Look what happened in the 1920s , 1930s how many people (including innocent one) were murdered just because the government band alcohol. It the same with drugs same thing is happening, just a different product!
  17. A German guy according to the article. took him from behind while the Belgium guy was sat down. Coward twice over!
  18. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to drink it! It's people who create accidents, not the alcohol.
  19. The keep mentioning the Swiss guy who kicked the doctor (allegedly) But no mention of the other Swiss guy who knocked and elderly Thai woman to the ground and continued to punch her while she was on the floor. Or the Russian woman who kicked a pregnant Thai woman in the crotch and shouted abuse at her. I know the Russian was find B500 and made to say sorry, but still no call for her visa to be revoked!
  20. I would maybe go with that. The video that shows him have a crap If you look at his eyes, he seems oblivious to his surroundings.
  21. If I read it correctly. It says friends reported her missing and it took the police 13 hours to get there. But Neighbors say they heard 2 loud screams then total silence, just a FEW HOURS before the police arrived. ??????????
  22. If he was pissed, it's going to cost him! Maybe rented motorbike, Passenger hospital bill, taxi rider hospital bill. His hospital bill (all be it a short visit) Trying to evade police custody. and the fines and/or jail time. from the courts. Plus, Autim's rants yesterday about getting though on foreigners breaking the law won't help his case. Hope he has rich parents.
  23. If he was pissed, it's going to cost him! Maybe rented motorbike, Passenger hospital bill, taxi rider hospital bill. His hospital bill (all be it a short visit) Trying to evade police custody. and the fines and/or jail time. from the courts. Plus Autim's rants yesterday about getting though on foreigners breaking the law won't help his case. Hope he has rich parents.
  24. I know Thai politicians like fish heads, but I don't think they like horse's heads😀
  25. By tradition it is usually the last day. But like all traditions it gets extended. A bit like guy Fawkes Night, firs and fireworks days before the %th.
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