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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. He complains about everything and everyone. He is stuck in the 16th century
  2. It says he met a Thai woman in Krapi. I have heard of farangs working as waiters and on farms while overstaying their visas. The average Thai person doesn't usually understand about farangs visa requirement. I can remember a Thai friend asking me how long i had lived in Thailand, I replied 11 years. He said "Oh! You are Thai people now, you can stay forever". I said " no I can't as I can't read and write Thai". He replied "neither can 40% of Thai people ha!"
  3. I don't believe you have NEVER EVER done anything wrong! I know I have and Man enough to admit it. If you live in Thailand and Buddhist holidays don't concern you, so you reside in a country you don't respect. Yes, I have the money to pay my way Pensions, civil and military, It's only money, you can't take it with you.
  4. It hasn't even been passed through yet. This was proposed by a PM and a deputy PM who really didn't like farangs. They say it won't even be debated until the beginning of 2025, plus, there is quite a lot of opposition to is as it will effect Thais as well as foreigners. The PM of today and her family were always very farang friendly. So wait and see. As for the agents and IOs they will always find away round it.
  5. Directed at the guy who stated "Good job, now bye,bye" as if he had never hit on hard times. If from Liverpool, I very much doubt he is with-out sin.
  6. Here we go the Gods Children, condemning everyone while at the same time,. frequenting bars with girls or ladyboys for sale, drinking while drunk (2 beers). riding without a helmet. Drinking on Buddhist holidays. Paying agents to do their visa. Remember God's Children......Let he who as not sinned, cast the first stone.
  7. I have read that if you are over 65 the threshold is raised to 190,000. The think I can't get my head around is this B30,000. B60,000 allowance. In the UK are taxes are done by the employer or the taxman, most don't understand the tax system.
  8. That's if they have a government in place by then, and the way it's going it looks like the present government or the creating of it won't last another month. Plus some are saying the taxation is too high.
  9. They won't as if it is under 12,500 it is not taxable in the UK, The Thai threshold is £3,000 yearly allowance. Convert to Thai Bhat B150,000 no tax. B300,000 5% tax. B300,00- 600,000 10% tax as I understand it!
  10. Totally agree. It is usually the ones on Elite visas or other 5 year visas that are the real threat to society I think that has been proven in the past. drugs, prostitution, call centre scams, luxury villas, cars, bikes. But they are only caught after their own countries issue a warrant for their arrest, and low and behold, the TRP know exactly where to find them! A guy begging food, a little old lady ( who forgot) now a French guy no danger to anyone. They all have one thing in common, NO MONEY FOR THE PAY OFF.
  11. You know the bill hasn't been passed as yet, they say the earliest it may be passed is January 2025/
  12. The Thai revenue website says B150,000 un-taxable and 190,000 for over 56 is un-taxable income. Thai tax office say anything over 120,000 is taxable income. Again lying, cheating and stealing.
  13. OK. Just thinking if the monthly income for a retirement visa is B65,000 ( some IMO say 67) if that is taxed at 10% (yearly) that would reduce your monthly income by 10% or 25% meaning you don't have sufficient money to live on. Just thinking out load.😜 Ps: It hasn't been passed though as yet.
  14. So how do you know they story about the Thai prison? Were you there?
  15. What happens if the state pensions from your native country is UNDER the yearly personal allowance (making it non taxable in your own country) can Thailand still tax it????????
  16. I think your money is safe for now. I was looking at the taxation on LTR visas. So if you need 800,000 in the bank or 67,000 a month income to obtain the LTR, If they tax that at the high rate it turns your 67,000 into 57,000 (aprox) and your 800,000 into 670,000 (aprox) so how can you then apply for a retirement visa as you won't have enough income to survive (immigration Says). ???????????????? Just a thought. I maybe wrong.
  17. My KNOWLEDGE of it comes from the same sources as your information. press, TV news, and accounts from ex cons!
  18. Wasn't he given a ROYAL PARDON on Sept 1st? The report says she is suspected of removing CCTV footage". It was a police hospital, so surly the police would have removed it if it was removed. They couldn't get her on her business involvement so try something else. remember...She is the one kicking out all the junta bought representatives.
  19. Like they do in the UK and America??????????????
  20. I read on Thai Visa it was free. If you go online to fill the form it quotes Visa or debit card $6 .
  21. So you were there wen he (allegedly) kicked her. You were there when he paid off the lawyers and the judge and you were there when the American took the 14 year old back to his condo.Let's hope you are never accused of anything.
  22. Correct. But 1: you don't take a 14 year old alone to your condo, not even if you are teaching her. 2: Why is it the girl told a friend, a friend told a teacher, a teacher told the mother, the mother told the police, a month after it was supposed to have happened. 3: they guy has denied it. But people who know nothing about him,the,girl, the teacher, and the mother have condemned him the same as they condemned the Swiss guy, who was found innocent yesterday.
  23. At least it's real criminals who really are a danger to society that they are now going for, not some 65 year old little lady overstayer of 5 days, like Big Joke and his gang used to target.
  24. From what I hear, they are not tourists, they are here to work, scam, open businesses, buy real estate to sell or rent at a profit. just got back from the wholesale market, 95 if not 100 percent of the stall are occupied by Chinese and Burmese nationals.
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