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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. Correct, but under the double taxation treaty between the UK and Thailand Expats residing/living in Thailand can be taxed on income from the UK. State pensions maybe exempt, but private, company, disability can be taxed at 25% State pensions should be taxed at the countries tax rate, which in Thailand is 5% of any income over 150,000 per year.
  2. From what the UK pensions office is saying..... You are quite safe having your state pension transferred into a Thai bank from the UK or their overseas banking agency. It is any other personal pensions such as Company, private, disability pensions that can be taxed at 25%. Thailand has the right to tax state pensions (which you can claim back) But as far as they know State pension are not on the agenda, as yet!
  3. I think/ know Thai banks would/will quite willingly give the government/tax office details of foreigner's bank accounts if asked for. Plus the banks charge for transfers this gives them the perfect reason to charge if they are required to collecting taxes. As far as I know UK pensions are not paid via a UK bank, but from an overseas government bank. I maybe wrong.
  4. If he was working as a street vender, maybe a jealous competitor grassed him up.
  5. I would say not. Soldier kills 30 and police officer kill KG children, a 14-year-old THAI teenager. kills 2 tourists and wounds several Thais. But the police arrest a FOREIGNER for illegal gun possession. Plus I was only reading yesterday on FB an advertisement selling guns in Thailand. Didn't say if deactivated or not. The 14-year-old killed using a deactivated weapon that had been reactivated. Blame the FOREIGNER TIME AGAIN.
  6. If hamas do what they usually do, they will place the hostages in buildings and fire rockets and/or sniper attacks and leave knowing the Israelis will hit it killing the hostages then take the world press to take photos of what the barbaric Israelis have done.
  7. I have heard so many bad things happening to foreigners in Phuket and Koh Samui that I can't understand why people go there.
  8. Thats what true vision told me over the phone, yet they are still sending messages that i owe B300, which I don't. I only have the PL package and that is paid for in full for the year. Customer service will tell you anything to get rid of you.
  9. Could be an insurance scam or a fund me account upcoming?????? Ha!
  10. After reading the article, it seems to me the only thing she asked for was the money for her father's surgery, everything else he offered or just provided. How is that theft or fraud? He paid her for a service, and she provided the service.
  11. Yes, but they will be gone in 4 years, with most of the treasury in their personal accounts and a very good excuse as to why.
  12. A bit like when they had the severe floods in 2011. Every household effected by the flooding was to get 10.000 or more. but when the citizens went to their local area office, the amounts were a lot less than 10,000.
  13. What action? This will do nothing to stop the guns that are out there. Plus, remember the two most horrific shootings were done by a serving soldier and a serving police officer.
  14. I have never known a mass shooter to be given a ROYAL PARDON... Or are you trying to make it political???
  15. Thais didn't pick him. the military in the senet picked him, now you know why. In 2021 they had the same amount of flooding up north the government (military) promised compensation to those affected. They got nothing. Plus, as of today 4th of Oct, 2023 most reservoirs are holding only 30%, 70% empty, of their capacity. Rama 9 told them when they were building them, that they were building them in the wrong places, but did they listen????????
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