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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. Yet the official statistics state that 97% of visas are processed within 2 working days. (That's for "General Visit 6 months or less".)


    So either the UK Border Agency statistics are a crock of lies. Actually, I can't think of an "or" for that sentence.

    To be fair, those stats are for December and can't be compared in this way to an application submitted in February.

    We'll have to wait another two months to see if you're right!

  2. As long as you are left in the black after subtracting your outgoings from your income and subtracting what they consider the bare minimum finance a couple in the UK needs - currently £102.75 per week - then you will satisfy the financial part of the maintenance requirement.

  3. 7by7, you often jump on other people for making comments that sail close to the wind when it comes to defamation, and you consistently claiming that TOEIC are providing misinformation is iffy indeed!

    They have explained the way their system works to the caller. In order to score in the modules required one must sit all of TOEIC's modules. No ifs ands or buts. That is the TOEIC setup so stop claiming they are wrong.

    If you call a Mercede dealer, they will only tell you about the models, offers, finance etc relevant to their business. You seem to think they should inform customers of their compeitors' activities too. A strange position to adopt IMO.

    You also seem to think that Englih language test provides should be changing their systems just for one segment o the market. Why exactly? Most test providers were established long before an Englih requirement was introduced for settlement applications.

    I also do nor accept that most providers allow candidates to sit just speaking & listening. The 3 most intentionally respected certainly don't: iELTS, Cambridge and TOEIC.

  4. If it was indeed TOEIC they spoke to, nothing incorrect about being advised to travel to Bangkok tp sit those two modules as that is the way TOEIC is set up.

    This is because of the way TOEIC test related modules together. They were providing info about their own testing system so again, no incorrect info provided.

    Seems overly harsh to say the test provider in question has provided misinformation, a serious accusation indeed.

  5. There are generally 2 types of English test providers.

    Those that offer tests that grade at beginner level only i.e CEFR A1 and A2 only. Such as the MRELTS VP's company offers.

    There are also those providers who are able to assess a candidate's English level from beginner through to native speaker.

    Nothing really difficult to understand so not sure why VP doesn't know what the company in question is offering! (sounds like the op called TOEIC btw).

    Also remember there is no new English test for settlement. There is a requirement to demonstrate a certain level of English in 2 of the 4 core English skills.

    One can take any test that grades each skill sepertley and has therefore been approved by the UKBA.

  6. I am a little concerned about the applicant applying to stay 6 months first visit, was there not a discussion not to long ago about the length of intended stay having a bearing on the application being accepted?

    although the visa will be valid for 6 months in applying he will state how long he intends to stay for and it is on this the UKBA guesstimate the risk factor, and although saying he intends to stay only a few weeks and then stays six months is not illegal it would have a bearing on subsequent visit visa application.

    ie. an applicant stating they will be staying 6 months is asking for the maximum and probably will stay longer if they could and is really saying they have nothing to return for.

    It depends entirely on the individual's circumstances. If you've money in the bank and can demonstrate a reason to return, declaring you will stay the full 6 months is not a de facto reason to refuse a visa.

    Similarly, no negative connotations of staying longer than the declared period, as long as conditions of stay are not breached and a reason can be given for staying longer than stated. Again, you do not need to give your life story, just a simple explanation as to why you stayed longer. Simply stating that you enjoyed the UK so much and wanted to see many more of the tourist attractions is a perfectly reasonable explanation for staying longer then the declared time and again, not a de facto reason for future visa refusal, subject to the individual's circumstances.

  7. If you want guaranteed delivery, use a service like UPS. I do for all important documents that must get to their destination without fail.

    I've sent thing Special Delivery within the UK that have gone missing and as 7by7 pointed out, you can only track the parcel to its point of departure from the UK. Once it hits Thailand, track and trace is worthless.

    UPS/international courier providers will track all the way to destination. Yes it's a lot more expensive, but it's quick and guaranteed.

    I make use of UPS so much that I have an account with them, highly recommended.

  8. Oh just as a footnote,this lunatic wife of mine asked me could we get married again when she was in the Uk.I enquired but our marraige was all done legal in Thailand through the British embassy,Amphur etc,so we could only marry once.Now this lunatic wife of mine thinks that it would be a good idea for us to get divorced in Thailand so we could get married in the UK.If we did this would it harm our chances of getting spouse visa etc.

    Just have a renewal of vows ceremony in the UK.


  9. In my opinion, he cannot rely on public funds he may receive once his family is in the UK to satisfy the maintenance requirements.

    In my opinion, he cannot rely on social housing he may receive some time in the future to satisfy the accommodation requirements.

    True on both counts.

    It is also worth pointing out that if the applicant’s arrival in the UK would cause an increase in a sponsor’s entitlement to benefits, this would be regarded as recourse to public funds which is not permitted.

    To the OP:

    The fact that you have a low income does not automatically preclude a successful application. The minimum level of funds available to a couple should be no less than that of the income support level for a couple. This is £102.75/wk today, £105.95/wk from April 2011.

    As long as your income is at this minimum level, and you meet your obligations (mortgage/rent and loans/debts) you will be able to satisfy the maintenance requirement.

    The maintenance requirement can be satisfied from savings only (with no need for employment) or based on employment, with a very low pay threshold. e.g.

    £105.95 per week is a little over £11,000 over 2 years

    Rent at £400 per month over 2 years = £9,600

    There are no debts =

    £21,000 would be sufficient without needing to be employed

    (or no savings at all and a job paying £10,500 per year after deductions)

    NB. Obviously this would need to be tailored to your own accommodation costs & any debts.

    It's not all doom and gloom when you consider the numbers. Good luck and keep us posted.

  10. He could well go as a student first, work 20 hours per week (full time in holidays), as long as his course it at least degree level or equivalent (foundation programmes included).

    The OP says her boyfriend has money in the bank, so getting a study visa shouldn't prove difficult. You could then get married in the UK and he could switch to a settlement category when you are good and ready. He could continue to extend his student visa until such time.

    Or after his studies he could switch into a work based category, if he were to qualify. Tier 2 would be available if he could secure a job offer, otherwise it would be Tier 1 (General) which has quite tough criteria.

    The settlement route is not the only option available to you.

  11. How big are the gambling withdrawals vs your income?

    Does the bank account have a healthy bank balance or is it in the red?

    If you are sufficiently solvent, but choose to gamble, the Home Office won't care. It is not their business.

    Assess your finances before you put your life story in the covering letter.

  12. Interesting replies so far.

    First, no objection to the reasoning behind the introduction of the requirement. However, even native English speakers in abusive relationships can't or won't get help, so language really isn't the key factor.

    More importantly, being of A1 standard does not allow one to communicate independently. It is the B levels that are defined as "independent".

    One should also not forget that where there is the political will, anything can happen. Case in point is prisoners' right to vote, where the Coalition is giving serious credence to disobeying the EU Directive, at significant cost to the public purse.

    There is also a lot of political noise about primary aged children entering school and not being able to speak English. There is a drive to make sure parents teach their children English. Tell me how someone of A1 standard can achieve this goal?

    Given the Conservatives are in power (please no one say that the Lib Dems are a balancing force in the Coalition - one just needs to look at how quickly they agreed to reversing their pledge on tuition fee rises to know what influence they have - they could have negotiated much harder) one can expect new policies to tackle these kinds of issues.

    I also do not think that a step change in the required English level could be argued as a cap: a cap would require a finite number to be declared, whereas raising the requirements does not put a ceiling on the number of visas granted.

    Further, many lawyers said they would challenge the original introduction of the English requirement on human rights and grounds of discrimination. This has not happened. Neither has the continued rise in fees been challenged as an overt way to reduce settlement numbers. I'm doubtful that action in either scenario would be successful.

    I also think they will increase the probation period before ILR and bring citizenship under the Points Based System.

  13. regarding you speakers, get the best setup that you can afford. whether it's for your computer or

    home stereo system, if you have "crap" speakers, you will hear "crap" sound. nothing worse than

    trying to save a few baht and then have "buyers remorse" a couple of weeks after your purchase

    and wish you had bought more wisely.

    "Crap" source + "best", shiniest, most expensive speakers = "crap" sound.

  14. David Cameron, Prime Minister's Questions:

    "If you look at the figures for the number of people who are brought over as husbands and wives, particularly from the Indian sub-continent, we should be putting in place - and we will be putting in place - tougher rules to make sure they do learn English and so when they come, if they come, they can be more integrated into our country."

    Here is the full BBC article.

    Wouldn't be surprised if a raise in the English requirement was on the way. The Coalition has a lot to do if they are to achieve their pledge of cutting net migration to the tens of thousands. The description of level A2 does seem to fit Cameron's "integration".

    How would you feel if the requirement went up by one difficulty level, to CEFR A2?

    I doubt any kind of defence be mounted given a minimum requirement has already been introduced.

    More to the point, the Coalition could well keep raising the minimum English requirement, like it has the cost of visa applications.

    Perhaps the family route will be targeted in this way to cut numbers.

    What do you think?

    CEFR A1

    Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

    CEFR A2

    Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

  15. What is the biggest source of outside revenue for Thailand? Tourism.

    Nahhhh. Tourism contributes approx 6 - 7% of GDP.

    Foreign investment contributes (gross fixed): 26.8% of GDP (2007 est.)

    All 2007 figures.

    Exports of goods and services, equivalent to nearly 70% of GDP in 2010.

  16. You can study for a maximum of 6 months with a Visitor's Visa (TRV-Temporary Resident Visa). You do not need a Study Permit (student visa) if you are planning to take a course or programme in Canada with a duration of six months or less.

    The documentation and process to obtain the TRV is very similar to applying for a Study Permit. In this case, you must satisfy the Immigration Officers that you can support all the expenses of your trip and that you will return to your country after your visit.

    In general, Immigration Officers will understand better and believe you more that you are coming to Canada to study an English course if you register in a Full Time Programme (minimum 30 lessons per week).

    If you do not have a valid Study Permit and wish to continue your studies, you will have to leave Canada to apply for one, so bear this in mind if your plans are at risk of change.

    Study Permits are issued only when the study time is longer than 6 months.

    Hope this covers everything for you.

  17. "In the initial refusal notice the Border Agency stated that Mrs. Booth, who arrived on a Residence Permit last May, had come to see a man, who was not her husband, and that the marriage to kilt-maker Dennis Booth from 'was no longer subsisting'. "

    This from the people who try & tell us they are the only ones who know how to speak "Engrish"

    Nothing wrong the sentence, fail to see your point.

  18. So Thailand is the only country to hand down single figure sentences to pedos? You lot must have short and selective memories!

    Leader of paedophile ring in Britain, involved with the nursery scandal in Portsmouth got 9 years. Four other women involved got 7, 4, 7 and 5 years.

    British paedophile who committed more than 46 attacks, 8 years.

    American peado caught in Scotland got 1 year.

    Or how about Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich who pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

    Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

    Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

    Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

    Don't be so quick to tear Thailand to shreds when poor sentencing happens all over the world. The US couldn't even properly punish people who held positions of power and trust. Oh wait, that's what you always criticise Thailand for....:whistling:

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