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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. I've often found air tickets to be cheaper when purchased in BKK rather than London, so myself have also purchased return tickets (paying careful attention to costs for changes). Although there are many factors that play into this scenario.

    As 7by7 says, not a requirement, but could be a problem if questioned.

    Also, credit cards are a contentious issue and often not considered as sufficient proof of ability to support yourself or indeed purchase a ticket.

    Cash money is best.

  2. The main purpose of the job is to apply the Immigration rules in order to provide a high quality, efficient and non-discriminatory entry clearance service which meets published service standards Tasks include:

    • To make decisions which are fully evidenced as being in accordance with the Immigration Rules, Entry Clearance guidance and other global or local instructions
    • To process applications within local and global productivity and customer service targets
    • To draft refusal notices in plain English, they should be in accordance with the immigration rules, applicant-specific, show good judgement and contain the correct appeal rights and/or immigration rules paragraphs

    Ensuring all current ECOs fulfil the above job criteria would be better. I'd like to see the money spent on training rather than a new member of staff.

    I doubt whether spending the money on training will actually replace the member of staff who is leaving, or fill a new ECO slot if that's what it is. Re-training certainly won't cut down processing times, whereas a new ECO will either maintain current processing times or help reduce them.


    But quick turnarounds should not be sought over accurate decisions. When certain cut-offs approach (e.g.CAS replaces visa letters, no TOEIC for courses with work placement etc), the number of questionable decisions increases.

    Applicants pay good money and should expect nothing but integrity in the decision making process. Yes errors can happen (there is laziness too) yet it is not acceptable, in my opinion, to expect someone for whom English is a second language, to construct a rational argument based in law when the ECOs should know the rules themselves.

    Why should someone who isn't an ECO have to explain the rules to an ECO?!

    Errors made by ECOs if they were in the private sector would get them the sack. Personally, I feel there is not enough accountability in the system.

  3. The main purpose of the job is to apply the Immigration rules in order to provide a high quality, efficient and non-discriminatory entry clearance service which meets published service standards Tasks include:

    • To make decisions which are fully evidenced as being in accordance with the Immigration Rules, Entry Clearance guidance and other global or local instructions
    • To process applications within local and global productivity and customer service targets
    • To draft refusal notices in plain English, they should be in accordance with the immigration rules, applicant-specific, show good judgement and contain the correct appeal rights and/or immigration rules paragraphs

    Ensuring all current ECOs fulfil the above job criteria would be better. I'd like to see the money spent on training rather than a new member of staff.

  4. 7) I can use the Thai passport lane at the airport (shorter queues)

    Don't you do this anyway if/when travelling with your Thai family?

    Congratulations on your application, it seemed quite full on. I hate singing in public anyway, so I may have gone weak at the knees at that point!

    How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Just interested to know if now being a Thai Citizen you have to do National Service? I'm assuming you're above cut off age though.

  5. The birth will need to have been registered at the Embassy, or the child's biological father will have to be involved in the process.

    If the child was born outside the UK

    IPS needs to see the child's full birth certificate or adoption certificate showing parents' details and one of the following:

    • section 4 of the application form completed with the British passport details for either parent
    • UK birth certificate for either parent
    • Home Office certificate of registration or naturalisation for either parent
    • the passport that was valid at the time of the child's birth for either parent

    Note: if the child has a birth certificate issued by a British consulate or high commission, you do not need to send any other documents.

    I forgot to ask: is the OP now involved with the woman who has the child? If UK nationality is a must, you could marry the woman and adopt the child.

  6. Look at your ping times - those results are fake. 3BB are playing games with you.

    Not identical, but not far off:


    Sub 50ms ping very likely means the response is coming from Thailand.

    Pinging New York from Thailand in 43ms? I don't think so.

    To anyone using speedtest.net what happens when you try to use the TV Singapore speed test? http://speedtest.thaivisa.com/


    Pinging UK at 140ms is more realistic and still represents a quick connection.

    @Basch Are you sure you don't have an internal issue with your router? I've had no need to reboot in months. The last time was following a massive downpour if memory serves correct.

    PS Jealous of S. Korea - they're expected to roll out 1Gb/s in a couple of years (100Mb/s is already standard for everyone)! :o

  7. Since it seems a court case is highly likely, you could also consider getting affidavits from staff at your school detailing the allegations your wife made, the trouble she tried to cause you etc.

    I assume that you would want custody of your daughter, with your wife having regular access?

    Divorce is so horrible and messy. :(

    Best of luck to you and the hunt for your daughter - have you found much good info on a PI?

  8. The number one question I dislike is 'What are your weaknesses?' Still cannot answer it. If it were a real weakness for my job, would I mention it on that form on the interview date? :ermm:

    So, what would be your answer(s) to that question?

    It's a better question than the dreaded, where do you see yourself in x years, what's your life plan, why are you here....

    Actually, it's one of my favourite questions to answer, because you can turn it on it's head and show how you have developed, overcome a situation etc. The key is to turn it to a positive. Here are some ways how

    1. Cite a weakness that, under the right circumstances, can prove to be an asset.

    2. Cite a corrected weakness.

    3. Cite a lesson learned.

    4. Cite a learning objective.

    5. Cite an unrelated skill deficit.

    6. Deflect (lol).

    7. Address the unspoken question.

    The last one is quite sneaky, because often the question is asked not for the content of your answer, but the style in which you answer. If you want to have a more honest and direct conversation, you can begin by acknowledging the concern and asking if the interviewer is wondering if you're hiding a fatal flaw that should be uncovered. You also can review your qualifications and ask if there's a specific concern that you could address in greater depth. This allows you to tailor your responses to any potential reservations or resistance. It also levels the playing field by changing the dynamics of the interview.

    It's also important, regardless of the question (within reason), to tie your answer to the job spec and candidate profile.

  9. He's well out of form Rooney, but he's a top Player..

    Just going through a really bad time at the moment but it'll pass.

    And if it doesnt there is always Kevin Davies.rolleyes.gif

    I thought before the game Wilshire was going to get a start after being promoted for the u21s, he should have been on for the talentless Barry against a team that was always going to park the bus, and J Cole should have got a runout, hes always been quality for England i dont understand what Capello doesnt like in him.

    Ashley Young seems only able to run at pace but is unable to change direction, he'll never be international class, just another player of the SWP standard, but i can understand him being given a chance with injuries to Milner and Walcott.

    Agreed, I don't know what the hel_l Joe Cole has to do to get in the team these days. Can't understand it myself, he's a top player. Still quite shocked that Chelsea let him go on a bosman.

  10. A leading Scottish legal expert has now called for a change in the law as a result of the Meikle case. Hugh McLachlan, reader in the school of law and social sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University, said, "If 'boyo' is racist, then you should not say 'Jock'.

    Great well i work with many Jocks and i will continue to call them Jocky, i prefer to call the Welch Taffies named after the River Taf.

    But in your world, your word fascism will need extra policing, then we'll need more courtrooms, and millions more pounds for legal aid, then youll have people like me who'd quite happily go to prison for using the word Jock so we'll need more prisons built.

    Then of course i will lose my 100,000 pound a year job for being in prison, thus meaning the govt loses lots of money in taxation, and i will come out of prison finding it extremely difficult to get visas to work abroad so i'll need to live off the state and will needing council housing, plus myself being in prison will traumatise my daughter affecting her schoolwork.

    Yes your and Mr McLachlans world where you get offended for no reason is Utopia.

    PS Do you know how jokers like yourself banned the words Spastic and Cripple as they were deemed offensive, well these days kids arent aware of these words but they call each other Disabled as a mocking term. You cant control thought no matter how many laws you fascists force on us.

    I construct a rational argument and you are only able to call me a facist.

    Do you teach your child words like Jap, Chink, <deleted>, Spastic, Cripple, Retard, Coon, Curry-Muncher, Gook etc?

    You'd happily go to prison and in your own words, traumatise your daughter, over something so trivial?

    If by "people like me" banning the word spastic, you mean the majority of the British population - a 2003 BBC survey found spastic was the second most offensive term related to disability, retard was first - then I'll take that on the chin. In fact, spastic, is probably the most taboo insults in Britain. Both words dropped out of common usage during the 90s as the majority of British society came to regard them as offensive.

    You should read more Salman Rushdie, maybe it will give you balance.

  11. If it will make you feel better, I will apologise for calling you a racist. But don't keep using the term Argie. Compromise?

    Shall we stop using the words Aussies or Scots/Jocks or Pommy thats said in a mocking way? i truly despise people who play the racist card for no reason at all. Its a case of a fascist leftwingers who get offended just for the sake of being offended.

    If you can show me anywhere in law where such words are illegal please post the link, if not please admit youre a vocabulary fascist, who believes people should only use words that suit his fascist agenda.

    Argie is short for Argentinians and is in no way racist, you are the first person ever to come out with such lies and nonsense.

    If you enjoy mocking people as part of your daily life, go ahead. Does it make you feel better about your life, hope so.

    I put the same question to you: you show me, in law, a list of "illegal words".

    I assume you also think Jap is short for Japanese, Chink for Chinese etc.

    "Boyo" has probably become more widely used by those wanting to speak with derision towards Welshmen, a patronising term for those ignorant of Welsh culture and language. In fact, a Scotsman Danny Meikle was convicted for calling Welshman Tecwyn Thomas "boyo".

    This underlines how a word one person thinks of as being innocent can be interpreted as being racist by others.

    The English language also includes a widely used verb which holds a perceived slant against the Welsh. To "welsh" on a bet means to swindle a person out of some money - used originally by bookies this verb is probably the least used in Wales.

    A leading Scottish legal expert has now called for a change in the law as a result of the Meikle case. Hugh McLachlan, reader in the school of law and social sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University, said, "If 'boyo' is racist, then you should not say 'Jock'.

  12. I'm downloading Teamviewer as I type this but I do have another question now. It seems that both PCs need to be running a Teamviewer client.

    In the event I want to access my home PC through a hotel PC or internet cafe, does Teamviewer have a web portal? (i.e. can I use regular Internet Explorer and browse my home desktop?) It's kind of unlikely that a hotel would allow me to install the client on their PC.

    Yes it also has a web front end.

    When you install the software on the target machine, you can set it to always start with windows and always be listening for connections. You should also choose a password that's very strong.

  13. You have cited a minor definition of race, one less commonly used than in the context for example of the Asian race. Be that as it may, your minor definition example does NOT carry forward to the definition of RACISM. Calling Welchmen a bunch of wanke_rs is rude, but it is not racist. I see you refuse to be a man and apologize for flaming me more than once with your unfounded absurd accusations of racism.

    You can use the term Asian to loosely describe people from Asian countries. But, there is no common culture, history or language that brings all Asians together. The term Asian race therefore, does not exist.

    Probably the best definition of racism is hostile or oppressive behaviour towards people because they belong to a different race.

    Thus, the definition I provided of race most definitely carries over to the definition of racism.

    The term Argie came about not as short hand, but during the war. It was most definitely constructed as an insult and used widely as such. Even more so following the Hand of God incident.

    My point is not to paint you as a racist per se, but to open your eyes to the fact that terms like Jap, <deleted>, Chink, Argie are offensive, based on race and therefore racist.

    Just be careful in the language you use, that is all.

    If it will make you feel better, I will apologise for calling you a racist. But don't keep using the term Argie. Compromise?

  14. Argies? They aren't even an ethnicity! That's very funny.

    An ethnic slur is defined as a term or word used to insult on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality.

    Even if it was a slur, it depends on context, and the Argentine NATIONALITY is not a race, and you called me a racist. Now I ask you to be a man and apologize for that, and don't do it again.

    Race is defined as a group of people who share the same language, history, culture, etc

  15. This is an Anglo board. I wouldn't say Argies to a Spanish speaking person.

    Next ...

    A two-faced racist, at least have consistency and the gumption to call a spade a spade.

    I'll stick up for jingthing here the word Argies is most certainly not racist, an Argy wouldnt careless if you called him an Argy.

    I found out the other year that calling Eskimos, Eskimos is now racist ... where is it ever going to end.

    It's listed as an ethnic slur.

  16. ... Team-viewer (although my personal opinion is that it is crap) ...


    Would love to know more about why you think this.

    No you don't... It will just lead to endless, silly, time consuming uninteresting argumentation.


    Sorry, didn't mean for my post to come across as wanting to take it in that direction!

    I am actually genuinely interested in your opinion! PM me if you want (or are bothered), either way lol.

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