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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. And sadly he isn't far from the truth; under Tier 4 of the UK's PBS differentiation agreements - the UKBA's term - do exist.

    Those from countries deemed low risk are exempt from producing any supporting documents with their application. Whilst it doesn't exempt them from the requirements, this is clearly a departure from a single set of rules for all.

    You say : " I understand it as my right as a citizen to invite who I want for as long as I want in my place, as long as I guarantee the person will not commit crimes or work illegally."

    Playing Devil's Advocate, how exactly do you think that can work ? That is, how can you guarantee what somone else will, or will not, do ? The visa officer does not know you or the applicant. How can you expect him to take your word for it ?

    Ahh you see Manarak believes that if you are Hi-so, landed gentry, well connected etc.....then that should be enough for the Embassy to give you more consideration than the common muck.

  2. Or just do it right first time and build for purpose.

    Too much shoe-horning with an ecommerce build will be disastrous.

    You say check the template engine is up to the job. I say make it fit for purpose right from the get-go.

    The most important requirement is to be able to easily incorporate multivariate testing. I've yet to see an out-of-the-box solution that lets you do this intuitively.

    You could easily waste money making OS fit-for-task when a custom build would have been better (and represent better value).

  3. ESOL entry 3 (CEFR B1) for LitUK test. Not ESOL level 3

    ESOL entry 1/2 (A1/A2) to take language course with citizenship material.

    ESOL level 3 (or higher) does not exist.

    life in the uk test is a one day test, and you should know the answer that day. you need level 3 english language ability or higher.

    esol english language course with citizenship, is a 3-6 month course, and is taken at a local college, and is a few hours a week. your thai partner's english language ability will be assessed and she will need an english language level of 1-2. during the course she will need to gain 1 level in english language.

    is her english language ability very good?

    you can google these courses and see what standards are needed.

    for the life in the uk test there are thai / english books for sale on ebay

  4. Seems like you're looking for a business partner, not a contractor!

    You should be speccing out the job and having your developer build it. It's your job to decide on shipping rates. It's your job to tell the designer how you want to manage your catalogue (XML, FTP, php backend, etc). It's your job to tell the developer what reporting tasks the system must be able to perform. It's your job to tell them hoe inventory is to be managed.

    You need a job completely specced out before you start approaching developers otherwise you'll never get a reliable estimate.

    Suggest you buy a copy of Top 500 Internet Retailers for inspiration.

  5. The requirement to cover 40 countries applies to providers of English tests for Points Based applications only.

    For spouses and partners, the test provider must have international coverage, with concentration especially where the majority of applications are made: Pakistan, Bangladesh and India.

    You may well be right, but UKBA still didn't choose any provider ( certainly for Thailand) who doesn't operate in less than 40 countries. Even the criteria that you quote make it virtually impossible for any other provider to compete.

    As usual, you appear to have knowledge of the subject, so you may well be able to answer the OP's question, plus enlighten us as to why the test has a 0 pass mark ?

    The more interesting question is why does IELTS not appear on the approved list yet satisfies both criteria?

    Even on the central list maintained by UKBA, they did not include bands below 4.0.

    I would suggest administrative error as IELTS grades from beginner (and is an industry leader).

    BULATS has no pass mark. Therefore, you can indeed score 0 and be classed as CEFR A1 (beginner).

    Logically, I know no Urdu, and if I sat a BUALTS-equivalent I'd score 0 because I'm an absolute beginner. The problem of course, is that a no-knowledge beginner does not port to CEFR nor satisfy the reasons for introducing a language requirement.

    In a way, the UKBA is stuck between a rock and a hard place; they need some way to set a baseline and compare the various different test providers, and developing a framework such as CEFR is a notoriously difficult process (many other attempted frameworks failed at conception).

    The situation that arises with BULATS is therefore one of definition (i.e. the true definition of what a beginner is). The fact that this is contradictory to the reasons for having an English requirement is a problem shared by other areas of public policy, such as the 21 years old rule - and as your post suggests, comes about by Government rushing voter-friendly policies without thought.

    Like you, I see nothing wrong with this little "loophole" - in fact, it brings a smile to my face that demonstrating English level now has no meaning whatsoever in the case of settlement applicants making use of BULATS. And I also agree this could well change in the future, given the reasons outlined above.

    Hope that has all come across properly - I've rushed it to give you a reply before I go out.

  6. Better to start from scratch, converting charset of existing DB info is a nightmare.

    Pay careful attention to what charset and collation is used to create your DB, before you install Wordpress.

    Use TIS-620 as it also includes all ASCII symbols.

  7. TCs are safer than cash but still need to be declared if over 10k Euro.

    Definition of cash

    The term 'cash' covers:

    notes and coins in any currency

    bankers' drafts

    cheques of any kind, including travellers' cheques

    The cynical side of me would be thinking "this prospective MIL knows a lot about farang financial dealings in Thailand"

    The practical side of me would be thinking " I will have to be changing this £10,000 at sometime in the future anyway, so why not get TCs, exchange THEM into, and show Baht at sin sod (:bah:) time. Or even just display the TCs themselves, and exchange at my own convenience?"

    Or is that just me?


  8. Shut Facebook down because it helped opressed people rise up against autocratic regimes?

    What planet are you from?

    It's not Facebook's fault someone cheated on their partner! Using your logic the whole Internet should be pulled!

    Everything in the world is good and bad. Certain cars have good points(low fuel usage, good seats) and bad points (high maintenance of engine, noise from engine),etc. Houses are the same with good points and bad. When the bad out weights the good thats really bad.

    FACEBOOK or Farcebook as most people call it is bad bad. sad.gif

    I know of several marriages facebook was a part in wrecking & just look at some the unrest in the Middle East Facebook was a big part of.

    It needs shut down if ya ask me.

  9. I love how the Govt has tried to make this particular block look like a server error and not censorship.

    Failed though, the website is loaded on a Unix box, but no Apache details included with the error. Page isn't even formatted properly.

    I wonder if the government is blocking Rolling Stone magazine or vise versa. It is about the only thing that I mcan not access that I have any interest in.

    Seems so. Just got the same problem here.

    I'm sure it's a matter of National Security of the utmost importance.


  10. Best part of the article:

    US Department of Homeland Security released results from a recent test that showed 60 percent of employees who picked up foreign computer discs and USB thumb drives in the parking lots of government buildings and private contractors connected them to their computers.


  11. Best practice and common sense says register your domain independent of your host. No surprise you ran into problems.

    Host Never Die are a decent Thai host.

    Based on my own and our client experiences, I wouldn't go anywhere near ANY Thai web hosting company.

    Unreliable, terrible service, unable to manage the servers correctly, big downtimes, out-of-date server software, refusal to release domain names etc etc . . . the list goes on . . .

    I have had this happen to a lot of clients.

  12. Your choice of host should be dependant on:

    - domain tld (think of your target audience)

    - your target audience (load times)

    If using a generic tld domain and you make no use of the geo-targeting tool in Webmaster Tools, the location of the IP address for that website will also result in implicit geo-targeting to the country of that IP. Geo-targeting does not result in exclusion of other countries, it only offers a little boost in the country that's geo-targeted, whether explicitly or implicitly.

    If selling software downloaded directly from your box, then obviously you'll want a host with unlimited bandwidth. Make these kind of things secondary in your selection of host.

    Don't forget SSL if any part of the payment process is hosted by you.

    If some of your income streams will be delivered through your web host, I'd move away from a budget solution.

  13. She needn't take a further test (LitUK): She'll hardly be viewed as an "English Speaker" when it comes to ILR so passing an ESOL course with citizenship materials would be fine.

    The only real alternative, with no English requirement that would allow your wife to remain for an extended period in the UK is as an extended student visitor.

    Being an absolute beginner she would most probably be able to get 2 ESV visas back to back, though they have to be applied for in Thailand each time. The visa gives 11 months in UK per 12.

    She'll have spent the time with you in UK studying and probably after the first visa, have good enough English and the certificate to prove it, to make a spouse application after.

    Study may or may not be an option.

  14. All non UK residents pay a premium.

    One thing that did shock me on a visit to the UK was the higher price for people renting from Thailand.

    I booked a car online from Avis for about £85 for a long weekend, when I collected the car I showed my UK licence, though it had an address I no longer lived at, and I gave my Thai address which corresponded with the address for my Thai credit card. I couldn't pre-pay with a Thai card, but I was able to use it to reserve the car.

    When I returned the car the bill had changed from £85 to over £200, the guy told me it was because I had a Thai address, I cried foul indicating there was nothing to indicate this on their website. To be fair they honoured the £85 by doing a manual over-ride,but only because I still had a copy of the confirmation with me.

    Thank You Old Git,you just confirm what ive said all along.Renters do Freak at anything Thai.Seems that those In Denial are of " My Wifes Brother said So Brigade" and never actually stood at an Avis Counter.:jap:

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