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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. How old are the kids? UK Family Courts like asking kids for their opinion. Reports are often filed, if memory serves correct they're called CAFCAS reports, or something similar.

    A lot of factors come into it, like do you work full time? Who will look after the children while you are at work? What does the wife have back in Thailand? Family? etc

    Hire a good family lawyer, nothing can substitute proper legal advice in this situation.

  2. Israel has a right wing government and that is a shame, but to compare them to Nazis and their mass death camps is OFFENSIVE.

    Thats your opinion only, why not ask the Palestinians how offended they are.

    You could also ask any of the surrounding countries how offended they are.

    Not offensive to many liberal thinking people who are fed up being told what to think by the PC brigade, I find that more offensive.

    You've got this all twisted. The PC stance is the one YOU are taking. Bashing Israel and comparing them to Nazis is so very fashionable. There is plenty to criticize about Israeli policies current and past, but they have never and will never be building any mass death camps and you bloody well know it.

    Heavily restricting goods flowing into the Gaza strip renders it pretty close to a death camp.

  3. The UK border agency has acccredited about 10 providers, who then sub-contract work out to local providers. Expect a couple more places to test in BKK shortly

    There are 19 UKBA approved English test providers, with 64 different exams that could be taken.

    As quoted on the UKBA website (heading: What will you need to do?):

    List of acceptable tests and approved test providers (emphasis added)

  4. Which is exactly my point. If you build your site according to good practice, maintain it well, provide quality content and services, people will link to it organically because it is good and it will naturally do well in search engine rankings. The corollary of this is that hiring an SEO consultant will not bring much benefit, because the site is already optimised. (I call backlinks and advertising 'marketing').

    Yes and no.

    A good SEO professional will go beyond optimisation to cover AB testing for example. Especially where increased conversion is a goal, optimisation for search is not enough. You can also design to best practice and offer original content, yet still not be optimised. Keyword density, pagination, off-page factors are all things that can be considered separately from good content. Contrary to popular belief, you can target certain densities and still keep the content natural and for users - you just have to write well.

    Where your keywords appear on the page and how they appear are also techniques not covered by best practice or good content. They are SEO techniques.

    A web designer does not care what the images used in a website are named. An SEO does, because he wants traffic from Google Image Search too.

    There are also a lot of design techniques one can use which do not necessarily come under best practice, yet have a positive SERP effect. Such as using CSS positioning to make your content the first element of your source code and still have the page render correctly. A good SEO professional should know of these techniques, yet a professional web designer often does not employ them (most web designers code in the same order as the page would render).

    Best practice does not dictate how you should name your subdirectories - SEO techniques do; a web designer would be happy to attach a blog or forum in a directory of that name, whereas an SEO worth their salt would tell you that by using that naming system you are missing an opportunity to add value to your URL.

    Further, an SEO who has access to Hitwise can provide you with invaluable competitive intelligence. They will provide you information on up and downstream traffic, paid/organic ratios of your competitors, search terms which were revised (i.e. user did not find what they were looking for so searched again) relevant to your industry, keywords driving traffic to your competitors etc.

  5. ...Can we try and move away from calling it a UKBA-accredited A1 Test - no such thing exists!..

    Except that it is a test at A1 level and, for the purposes of a settlement visa application, the provider has to be UKBA-accredited.

    Semantics, dear boy, semantics.


    To accredit and to approve have very different meanings.

    The UKBA has approved certain language test providers. It is not in the business of accrediting them.

    The devil's in the detail, old bean.

  6. In California, I think you can legally carry a 3-inch blade.

    Since the usual <snip>, except for one, has soiled this thread, my next stop will have to be the khao san rd police station. .

    I quoted you the law as it stands which is what you asked for, so why the ill temper?

    As for California:

    A folding knife as long as it is closed and does not have a blade that locks has no limit on blade length. It must be closed it can not be open in your pocket, the blade can not lock open and it can not open by gravity or assistance. All knives that have a lock blade must be less then 2 and 1/2 inches. Almost all other knives are illegal to be concealed(in your pocket)

  7. Can you also please describe the environment your laptop is in when the problem occurs?

    First, does it just happen say at home? Have you taken the laptop elsewhere and had the problem repeat?

    Are you using wireless keyboard / mouse? Is your wireless router located very close to your laptop?

    Also can you describe a bit more about exactly when the problem occurs. Is it just when using firefox, IE, or all the time (e.g. playing solitaire, or on the desktop etc).

    Thank you for your interest. "Nag screen" happens only in my room and I don't takeit out. Just an ordinary lap top, no wireless keyboard or mouse. Lately besides bouncing up and down after using Word for an hour or so, it'salso going side to side. I think this ship is going to sink. BTW, I made an appointment this morning to have

    xp re-installed, but the guy didn't show up to work. "Maybe he back tomorrow." I won't be.

    So where in CM can I get original Windows installed?

    OK, thanks for this. No fan near your laptop when you use it?

    If you go somewhere tomorrow, take your laptop. I want to eliminate electrical interference entirely (this is a common cause of screen bounce).

    Did you virus check?

    Could you please make sure your router is off, reboot into safe mode and see if the bouncing screen (forget the nag box) problem happens here?

  8. 1. Impossible to judge outcome of applications based on decision time.

    2. No need to inform anyone if she intends to stay longer than the quoted 12 days. She would be able to remain in the UK until the expiry date on her visa.

    Given the news of potential redundancy came after you made your application (and it was decided, it seems), there should not be a problem (including any credibility issues for future applications).

  9. It was the *Official Google Blog* and I am much more inclined to take their word that speed has a marginal effect on their ranking than those of people pushing SEO consultancy services.

    The article you quoted is from the Webmaster Blog, not the Official Google Blog.

    From the same article you quoted:

    We encourage you to start looking at your site's speed (the tools above provide a great starting point) — not only to improve your ranking in search engines, but also to improve everyone's experience on the Internet.

    This should be read as a gentle nudge from Google that load-time will become an important factor.

    What is quite ironic is that the GA code is notoriously slow, as is Google Friend Connect. Once we begin to see these services dramatically increase in speed, one can assume that Google is looking seriously at load times.

    From Matt Cutts:

    "Relevancy is the most important. If you have two sites that are equally relevant (same backlinks...everything else is the same), you'd probably prefer the one that's a little bit faster, so page speed can be an interesting theory to try out for a factor in scoring different websites. But absolutely, relevance is the primary component, and we have over 200 signals in our scoring to try to return the most relevant, the most useful, the most accurate search result that we can find. That's not going to change."

    I think the real takeaway here is simply to make your site as fast and user-friendly as possible, within reason. If it means you have to spend less time producing relevant content that is likely to get you good search engine placement, then maybe it's not worth it. However, if it means providing a better user experience on top of relevant content, and it's within your means to do so, it will only have good implications for the future of your site.

    I also do not agree with you that nothing can be learned from talking with people in the SEO industry. Google certainly will not give anything about how it ranks websites through their official blogs (and why the hel_l would they?!). Sites like seomoz, webmasterworld etc etc are fantastic places for learning about SEO. But according to you, as the info comes from SEO professionals, it is not valid.

    Just as with any other SEO tactic, it is up to individuals and the industry at large to speculate, analyze, and test.

  10. Missed the edit deadline, so apologies for another post. Here's the run down:

    Section 371 of the Thai Criminal Code prohibits openly carrying arms to a public place or carrying them to a gathering of people assembled for any purpose. One can be arrested and convicted with a small fine for this, and the weapon confiscated. The word "arms" in section 371 includes all weapons such as hunting knives, clubs, nightsticks, machetes and firearms. It also includes anything not necessarily intended to be used as a weapon, but that can be, such as a golf club or a rolling pin.

    There is no law that would prevent you from having them in the home and using them as protection from intruders. Please remember, though, that there are limits on how these weapons can be used, even in the home. Section 371 does allow for carrying concealed arms in public places with "reasonable cause", which would be defined on a case-by-case basis. This is, however, a very limited exception. Examples of this reasonable cause would be:Transporting arms to be used for sport;keeping arms in the car while transporting large amounts of cash;arms transported along with other household goods as part of the process of moving.

    • Like 2
  11. It's illegal to carry any offensive weapon in Thailand.

    On a side note, the majority of people killed or seriously wounded by knife crime are done so by their own blade. There really is no use in pulling a knife unless you intend to inflict serious injury. <snip>

    • Like 1
  12. Now assume that you have nothing to hide and don't break the law but say you've made a Thai person loose face, and they want to screw you over and they have family/friends/connections in the police. should you worry?

    Why would you worry then? Hypothetically someone connected could have your phone tapped, but if you've nothing to hide, what's the problem? How will they screw you over?

  13. The Mosquito is certainly controversial and in some countries could land you a charge of assault! Also, all studies into the unit's safety have been conducted on adults, not children, so fears still remain surrounding its safety.

    I would not recommend a DIY botch job, especially as you are not an electrical engineer, or you could be facing a world of litigation.

    As others have suggested, IR triggered floods are probably a good bet. But, you could well annoy your neighbours so could be creating a new problem for yourself.

    Have you spoken to your neighbours about the problem? Do they share your views?

  14. Can you also please describe the environment your laptop is in when the problem occurs?

    First, does it just happen say at home? Have you taken the laptop elsewhere and had the problem repeat?

    Are you using wireless keyboard / mouse? Is your wireless router located very close to your laptop?

    Also can you describe a bit more about exactly when the problem occurs. Is it just when using firefox, IE, or all the time (e.g. playing solitaire, or on the desktop etc).

  15. Non-genuine OS will only deliver warning messages, not bounce the screen around the place.

    Is it a separate monitor, laptop...etc?

    It's a laptop.

    Have you done the usual like check for viruses etc?

    Update your display drivers from manufacturer's website. Or completeley remove them, restart and Windows will re-install.

    Please also reboot into safe mode and see if the problem happens there.

  16. I used it quite a lot many years ago...but there are so many other places to get that info now. I've not really found it necessary to use this service. Plus, as mentioned above, I found it was full of spam and took too much time to get everything sorted out....

    K better forget about it, seen the reactions it really sounds not interesting maybe just for some strangers who adore everything the old style.

    Thanks and have a nice day ;-)

    I still don't understand why you don't go and have a look for yourself? Maybe you'll find something that interests you? Best not to write something off solely on the opinions of others...

  17. There's a little shop in Siam Square, around the corner from Kanom Fashion Bakery, that sells imported cigarettes and rizla. They sell Dunhill if I remember right. Anything lighter like Silk Cut, I have never seen anywhere in Thailand.

  18. Please excuse me and my own ignorance.

    Did you say that you are an English teacher?

    No he didn't.

    He said he was a teacher, not an English teacher (despite the sub-forum it is posted in).

    To the OP: Have you thought about hiring a Private Detective to track them down? A friend did this when her husband did a runner from 4 kids and the monthly child maintenance bill.

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