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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. No one in Britain will thank you for calling them European, so don't.

    Last time I looked at a map, Britain was a part of Eurolandia. Has that changed recently ?

    Of course, how could I be so stupid.

    I will immediately start calling all my friends from Cuba and Jamaica American as on the map they are spitting-distance away from continental N. America.

  2. You really need to change this thread title: the accused have not even been charged, yet you announce their guilt to the world.

    But would you have clicked on the link if it had said 'Dane died, some confusion as to cause'

    No, and neither would a lawyer be preparing a defamation lawsuit of significant value.

    TV slams users who make libellous comments yet posts threads with titles like these?

    Shame on you if you talk about how to bypass internet filters, but it's OK to call people murderers?

  3. Seems like the Dane was out for trouble and hit one of the English Guys from behind.

    The other one hit him back.

    But the Dane walked away.

    Possible attack by 3 Thais needs investigation.

    Very easy for Police to charge the English guys, but it smells fishy to me.

    English eh?not British?

    English is subset of British. British is a subset of European. Scottish and Welsh people do NOT regard themselves as English. Neither do some Cornish people.

    No one in Britain will thank you for calling them European, so don't.

  4. The Dane travels to Thailand to show off his 3 week old baby to Thai relatives. He must have a screw loose; who takes a 3 week old infant on an international flight? That in and of itself is irresponsible. Then he goes on a pub crawl with violence?

    Darwinism in action...

    Babies at 3 weeks are perfectly fine to fly. All they do is eat and sleep at that age anyway.

    As long as they have a clean bill of health at their 2 week check, there is nothing wrong with flying with a baby.

  5. I think there's a lot of over reaction here - after all, minor overstays are tolerated in most countries around the world.

    Overstayers should be tracked down, arrested and placed into detention pending immediate deportation. If they have no money, their embassy is contacted who can contact family members to arrange finance. Blacklisting is perfectly possible because today it is not just a document you can blacklist; take biometrics of overstayers and blacklist them for 10 years in this way.

    Serious overstaying could potentially attract a custodial sentence but I think there should be multiple breaches of the immigration rules to justify it e.g. working without a permit, not registered for tax on top of overstay.

    As someone pointed out in an earlier reply, Thailand has very biased rules. Everyone is well aware of the situation for extension etc based on a marriage visa, but if you are a female expat and marry a Thai man, you are not subject to the same regulations. Unfair treatment and the opportunity for corruption increases because of this rule; Thailand should remember that their citizens who are expatriated overseas get a much fairer deal out of Thailand.

    • Like 1
  6. Most Thai ISPs already stop port forwarding at source, so you would not be able to run a server anyway.

    Never seen any problems with that so far.... What ISPs are doing this?

    Besides... your router is the place for doing port forwarding and your ISP doesn't have any power there....

    They can stop you from opening any ports by blocking the ports on their own router.

    And 3BB here. Do your ports show open with Shields Up?

  7. I think it was also trying to solve a problem that didn't exist. php colab solutions have existed for years. Companies even create bespoke systems for their own needs, real cheap. All often served off their already existing servers, no need for third party software.

  8. IPs change because the providers do not want consumers running servers on the connection lol

    Most Thai ISPs already stop port forwarding at source, so you would not be able to run a server anyway.

    Besides, you need a static IP to be able to run SSL with valid certificates anyway.

  9. That sounds like a pretty good deal. Who's that with?

    With True. I have a feeling it was an iPhone only deal.

    And even better was that we paid for the phones outright with a Bangkok Bank credit card and got 0% interest for 6 months. This was available to people with K bank credit cards too.

    Thanks. Well they don't generally want proof that you actually own one. Saying you own one is usually enough.

    0% interest is applied to your credit card statement by the issuing bank for the period. You must pay with a qualifying credit card.

  10. No need to close the thread; if you own the corporate network you are connecting to you can setup a VPN server. For free. So don't see why you think this thread is about illegal activity?

    You never did come back to me on this point following your initial reply. Unless you're just being sarcastic.

  11. "J Walking Farang"

    LOL. How else do you expect them to cross the road when zebra crossings aren't given any attention? There are no J Walking laws in most of the world.

    And he's right to call you a dick, as you passed so close to him and cut up a truck to avoid the people in the road. You could see him in the road for ages on your approach, why didn't you pass with space? He should of knocked you off. Bet you wouldn't post the video then, would you?

    Especially as you're a westerner, you should know better.

  12. Given her mum is ill, surely you do have mitigating circumstances which the UKBA should take into account.

    As horrible as it sounds, it comes down to a matter of proof of your mother-in-law's sickness.

    The link 7by7 provided does show that the UKBA will consider "compelling compassionate reasons". However, she will need to demonstrate that her family and home is in the UK as well as a significant proportion of her estate.

    If you do go ahead and apply, you would need to provide credible evidence for all the above.

  13. That sounds like a pretty good deal. Who's that with?

    With True. I have a feeling it was an iPhone only deal.

    And even better was that we paid for the phones outright with a Bangkok Bank credit card and got 0% interest for 6 months. This was available to people with K bank credit cards too.

  14. Are they fresh water fish?

    My Japanese Red Cap Goldfish keep dying, so maybe it's time for a change!

    They are fresh, but they're a bit of a specialist fish.. Need the right water conditions.. And if you can't keep goldfish alive, a tropical chichlid is probably a step too dfar..

    LOL, fair enough.

    But I think the goldfish died because of old age - some are still going strong from the first batch that were put in.

  15. That;s not correct below, to the best of my knowledge....

    Here's the link to the True Move web page that describes their Wifi services and prices....

    Here's a link to their web page for Wifi/GPRS/EDGE packages. True's basic calling plans don't include data services, unless you choose to add and pay for that.

    Their 3G service, available only in central BKK and only on the 850 Mhz band, is included at no extra charge when you purchase one of their regular data packages.

    True have 100% free data plans and I can get a wireless connection pretty much everywhere, making 3G irrelevant.

    Of course it comes as a bundle. This arrangement is the same in the UK too.

    Perhaps I should clarify; I am on a mobile contract with a call package that has unlimited data, no per unit charge, whatever the flavour.

    599 Baht per month gives me unlimited data, 300 minutes call time and 300 texts.

  16. The IP address should only change when the router is disconnected for a period of time and the current IP is released. Your IP should not be released whilst you are still connected, so don't think the problem being booted from game servers is a change in IP.

    I've never come across a situation where you need a static IP to play online games.

    Why does he have to go through a proxy server in his building? Why have they set it up like that, as opposed to a switch and router?

    Most Thai ISP's accomplish a modem resync every 24 hours...it lasts a only about 3-5 seconds...but during that time a new dynamic IP is issued. For example, if you check your modem log and see a resync occurred at 2:30am, and assuming their is no power outage, modem reset, etc., the resync will occur again 24 hours later at 2:30am the next day. But like most folks who may experience a brief power outage (1 or 2 seconds) frequently, then the 24 hour resync clock starts from that point. If you reset your modem at 10am in the morning then the 24 hour clock starts from that point. Now this resync has never affected my browsing, downloads, VOIP, etc., but I expect it could kick some folks off whatever server they are communicating/playing with.

    JI-NET offers a static IP package under their BizConnext Plan via TOT phone line. See their web site at http://www.ji-net.com/home/ The web site only shows their 2Mb Bizconnext plan but they have 3Mb and 4Mb BizConnext plans also.

    Thanks for that, interesting reading.

    Do you know why Thai ISPs insist on forcing you to renew your IP? Strange practice, given it increases their server load.

    Back in UK I've been able to hold a dynamic IP until the router was disconnected for considerable time. Even a quick reboot would not release the IP.

    I'll go check my logs now.

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