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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. I post a lot in the family and children sub forum, you are welcome to read a number of threads with stories saying exactly the opposite of what you state above about no good doctors in Thailand. Some of them are about how surprisingly good service people got at government hospitals in Thailand, for very very little money. I suggest you use the search function on this web site...

    I was also about the say the same thing. I have been nothing but impressed with the medical care available in Thailand. My baby's doctor here speaks better English than those we have in the UK!

  2. Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

    Torture him first

    He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

    Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it

    This story may come as a big surprise for you then. There's a documentary on TV right now (I think NAT GEO) where an Australian was caught trying to smuggle 10.5 kg of heroin out of Thailand.

    Here's a brief synopsis:

    "At age 28, Tim Schrader left Australia to work as an English teacher in Bangkok. He loved the teaching and the nightlife but was struggling financially, so he agreed to participate in a scam. For $1,000 a trip, Tim arranged fake marriages with Thai girls and flew with them to other countries. After a few successful trips, Tim was offered a chance to make $10,000 by smuggling 4-8 kilos of heroin into the U.S. Although he knew he could face the death penalty if caught in Thailand, the money was too tempting to pass up. But at the airport, Tim was stopped at the check-in counter. In a back room, drug authorities found 10.5 kilos of heroin in his suitcase. Facing the death penalty, Tim plead guilty and was sentenced to life in Bang Kwang Central Prison. Depressed, he began to use heroin and after two years, tested HIV positive. Tim managed to kick heroin, and thanks to his mothers efforts, was granted a royal pardon on medical grounds over five years after his arrest. "


    So now, 14 years later he's happily married and living the good life in Australia after serving only 5 years in prison, for 10.5 kg of heroin. Compare that with 54g of methamphetamines. The guy he was carrying the heroin for turned him in. He was found dead in Bangkok some time later.

    How many deads and broken lifes would 10.5 kg of Heroin cause ???

    The pure fact that this type of criminal now is one the street again living a happy life is a insult to all of those who lost friend and relatives due to drugs. And I can guarantee you that their beloved one will never even have that chance to live a normal life again

    Every drug dealer and producer should be sentenced to dead specially if caught in the act and if the reason they did it was just because the amount of money was tempting

    However this penalty should not be applied to those forced to commit this crimes because the son or families are held hostage

    So fast to blame the dealers and producers yet don't stop to ask a simple question: why the user started taking drugs in the first place?

    No dealer puts a gun to someone's head and demands they start abusing a substance.

  3. I don't need a home page.. I have 10 different browsers, each with a multitude of tabs. [From 10 to around 300 (in Firefox)]

    I keep trying to sort them in specific browsers... but some how I always end up with the New York Times and Bangkok Post as Tabs in each browser.


    Christ :blink:

    You have max. 3,000 open tabs at once? WHY?!?!

    I think I clearly typed 300, not 3,000.

    I open lots of tabs on things I want to get back to later.


    I read it as each of your 10 browser windows having 10 - 300 tabs each.

  4. I know this post was not meant for everyone, but I could not resist saying, I have never used any third party to do ours (build or promote), as I did it myself and they rank highly on most search engines worldwide albeit this is not my business (design/build/promote we sites), and with your list I can check all the boxes like,

    Google P1 Serps - YES

    Adwords - YES

    Integrated Google / other APP API's - YES

    Make sure your URLs are pretty and meaningful and not something that signals nothing to the search engines. - YES

    Make sure your photos have alt text and not stock codes - YES

    Make proper use of your H1 and H2 headers. - YES

    Block non important pages such as "Employment" (unless you're an employment agency) from being crawled. - YES

    Make sure your website is submitted to all major AND second level search engines. - YES

    Make sure your content is original and not copied from somewhere else. - YES

    Post articles to article submission sites. - YES

    Build backlink - YES

    Much more - YES

    It can be done, and a bit of fun on the way to.


    You've pretty well hit the nail on the head. SEO is not rocket science. There are some very basic things that contribute a lot to improving your Serp. I noticed you added "Much more" to the bottom and that's true too. There is much more. The list I gave was really just a starting guide for the OP. Some people are able to do these basics and others can't or don't have the time.

    The one thing I'd like to point out though is that while Adwords is great for instantly driving prospects to your website, with Google AdWords you pay for every person who clicks one of your ads and the system is not immune to fraud. There's even been an ad running in TV Classifieds for people to earn money by clicking on online ads.

    An effective SEO strategy will see the reliance on Adwords drop significantly and generate additional profit from money not paid for Adwords, with good SEO driving quality visitors to your website. If SEO is done properly your traffic should continue from organic search well after your Adwords campaign has stopped.

    Too many people think all they need do is throw up a website and that's it. It's like any other aspect of business and needs to be maintained and adjusted. A website is not a billboard - then again, the message on billboards is changed regularly too because people get used to seeing the same thing and it ends up being ineffective.

    You're right tho. It's fun... and also satisfying to see the changing results.

    Too many people who hold themselves up as SEO experts or gurus make the whole SEO thing sound like rocket science. There's no shortage of snake oil salesmen trying to confuse website owners with smoke and mirrors here in Thailand ad the truth of the matter is that the only SEO experts work for Google and know the algorithms and I can't recall one who has ever left Google and spilled the secrets. Not that it would do much good as the algorithms are constantly being changed.

    One of the main factors presently is page load speed. This was forecast mid last year and lots of people poo-pooed it. Well, page load speed is now a major factor Google takes into consideration.

    For the Op I think your response is very valuable and contributes a lot to this topic.

    I would add to your excellent post that one should aim for a traffic split of 1/3 for paid, organic and referral. This makes sure your traffic is not biased in one way or another and therefore not threatened by things out of your control (referral websites dying, algorithm changes etc).

    Adwords is a good tool and paid search should form a part of everyone's strategy because it can be so highly targeted. Negative keywords are a must as is the correct selection of landing page. I've seen many people just dump all their paid traffic to their home page and wonder why they have poor ROI.

  5. I don't need a home page.. I have 10 different browsers, each with a multitude of tabs. [From 10 to around 300 (in Firefox)]

    I keep trying to sort them in specific browsers... but some how I always end up with the New York Times and Bangkok Post as Tabs in each browser.


    Christ :blink:

    You have max. 3,000 open tabs at once? WHY?!?!

  6. You need medication to fight Hep B. Have you been prescribed any by your Doctor up-country?

    If not, get yourself to a decent hospital sharpish. My friend contracted Hep B, ignored it and ended up in hospital for 4 weeks....

    Not necessarily at all.

    OP, don't freak out reading this. The chances are small you will have these kinds of serious complications, but you do need continued medical attention to monitor the disease process.

    What medications are used to treat hepatitis B?

    Acute infection

    Acute infection with hepatitis B usually does not require treatment. In rare cases, however, the infection may cause life-threatening liver failure. Patients with liver failure due to acute hepatitis B should be evaluated for liver transplantation. Small studies suggest that the drug lamivudine (Epivir) may be effective in this setting.


    You would not consider the worseining symptons the OP has described as potentially chronic? Between 2% and 10% of individuals infected as adults will become chronic carriers, which means they will be infectious to others and can develop chronic liver damage.

    If it were me, I'd be straight to a hospital where everything could be explained in English. You'd also expect to see a specialist who would run further tests and may even do a liver biopsy (liver pains reported by OP).

    Given the OP has openly reported years of heavy drinking, it makes sense to err on the side of caution, in my opinion.

  7. ...about my rather eccentric life. ...

    This is why I've enjoyed this thread. You are clearly eccentric, you write with wit and whilst I was on page 1 ready to jump in and criticise, I've found myself enjoying this thread.

    Not that I agree with you, but the details of your relationship explain why you act the way you do.

    Keep it coming is what I say, better than "Don't do xyz or you're a <deleted>".

  8. 3BB does not require a telephone. They will run their own internet-only cable.

    Other companies will want you to have a phone line. True do for example.

    3BB is definitely under contract. Anyone installing a line to your property will want you to be under contract.

    I'm with 3BB myself.

  9. Why don't you just download a reader and take a look for yourself?

    No need to change settings on your system. Jees, people seem so scared of computers sometimes!

    Or if this is a bit much for you, you can use a web front end, like google groups: http://groups.google.com/

    Lots of spam, kiddie porn and file sharing on the unfiltered network, Google Groups has content filters in place.

  10. Sara and I already have a Website that has a great product that we make that really works.

    Butt for 3 years haven't found a way to get traffic to it that increases sales.

    Most of our Biz comes from word of mouth so far.

    So really trying to find a way too get traffic to what we already have.

    Hired a person on a monthly basis here in Thailand(6 Mo's) Butt so far that has not worked.

    This is your problem. A website with a single offering is a very hard sell indeed.

    If you intend to keep it this narrow, you will have to PPC like mad and bid strongly for related keywords. Be sure to set negative keywords so you don't pay for traffic that has no chance of converting.

    Limit the number of clicks from info to purchase to be no more than 3. You need to be clear about what call-to-action you want for every page you serve.

    Don't use a gmail account to conduct business, it does not build trust. You should be able to set up email for your domain. I suggest you use Google Apps, fantastic free tools for ecom.

    Who is your target market for this product and what territories are you aiming to sell in? Prices are quoted in $ only.

    No social media coverage? No Skype? No Live Chat?

    Your last article was published in 2008? You need to keep it updated but better yet, remove the date! And word count, lol!

    Mailing list call-to-action needs to be above the fold.

    These should be some things to think about. I can't stress enough that with something this niche, PPC will be your friend. Ultimately, you want a traffic profile that's a 1/3 split between organic, paid and referral traffic. This will however be a long term goal and generating decent referral and organic traffic for a single product website will be tough.

    I see the link you are trying to make with Radcliffe, but your splash page is not necessarily the page to do it.

    E-commerce is my thing. I was lucky enough to work for a great company, early in my career, in very competitive industries: the 3 Ps, Porn, Pills and Poker.

    Happy to keep giving you things to think about.

  11. Make use of the Foxtons website as they have expanded to the Home Counties and also provide very detailed info about different areas, including transport, schools, local amenities etc.

    You don't have to use Foxtons to find a rental property (they're expensive) but it makes sense to make use of their website - seems it would give you a good head start.


    Earls Court is full of Thai restaurants, bars, karaoke etc if that's what floats your boat. There is also a club called Thai Square at Trafalgar Square which is popular. It's also a restaurant. But, it can get full of English men (girls enter free). It can be quite funny if you go with a Thai because at the end of the night they'll stop the music, turn on the lights and pretend to close, kicking out everyone who isn't Thai. You then have a nightclub lock-in!

    Personally, I can't stand any of these places, so avoid them like the plague.

    EDIT: Does your company not provide any relocation assistance? They leave it completely up to you to do everything? Big agents like Foxtons provide corporate relocation services - maybe you can pitch your boss? :)

  12. Do any of you know how difficult I.E.L.T.S. or T.O.E.I.C or T.O.E.F.L. are.? These tests are designed to assess the students ability to successfully complete a full degree course at an English speaking University. They are in no way designed to allow entry to the U.K. as a wife. She would ,as most Thais, have absolutely no chance of passing any of these tests. Sorry.

    The tests you named are not designed specifically for students wanting to study a full degree course at University. They are used more generally to asses English language skills for any course of study conducted in English (including English, certificates, diplomas, HND etc etc). Businesses and Governments also use the tests you named as an indication of language proficiency, so, they are not as narrowly designed as you may think.

    TOEIC is not accepted by the majority of UK Universities.

    There are 2 types of IELTS: Academic and General. Academic is required by UK Universities, partners can chose to take the General test, which is easier. King's College, London for example will require a 7.0 overall score in the IELTS. For a spouse visa, partners will need to score closer to 3.0. A huge gulf, I'm sure you'll agree.

    Even Thais who want to study English in the UK for more than 6 months must pass English tests (TOEIC is the most popular) and to a much higher standard than that required for spouses (they must be close to A Level standard already or CEFR B1, following a course at level CEFR B2). So most Thais having no chance? Sorry, but I think you're way off the mark.

    Remember even the tests you have mentioned have been selected specifically because: 1) they can grade right down to beginner level; and 2) they assess all 4 language skill areas (only speaking and listening are required for spouse visa).

  13. Yes, there are farang/farang couples living in Thailand, and some of them may even be members of TV. But how many of them will be active in a visa and migration forum? How many will have applied in Thailand for a settlement visa, or any visa, to their partners country? Not many, I suspect.

    I am still surprised that there is nothing in your passport to indicate your immigration status in Thailand. As I understand it, just as Thais must carry their ID card at all times, so foreigners must carry their passports and any police officer can stop a any foreigner and ask to see their passport to check their immigration status. What would you do if this happened to you?

    Work permits are indeed in a little blue book and separate from passports.

    She would have a Non-Imm B visa in her passport, I hope, rather than extensions of stay based on work.

    To the OP:

    from my own experience, and the set-up you've kind of described, does your employer handle your visa renewals as well as work permit renewals?

    If not, you could tell your employer that you will be extending your visa and will update the blue book at the Labour Department yourself - surely you can get the blue book in this way?

  14. And, in this day-and-age, there are many UK IOs who speak only elementary English themselves.

    As I'm sure you'll agree, Tony, an IO is not legally empowered to pass an opinion in relation to a subject in which he is not qualified (e.g. a medical opinion). Therefore, in the absence of a contrary professional opinion, a pass certificate is, as Effin2ret says, a pass certificate.

    Anyway, there are many centres in Thailand that are/will be offering UKBA-accredited A1 tests. I know of two other test centres that have signed up with EMD, and EMD is only one of many accredited providers. The market is already perhaps saturated.


    PS: Perhaps it's as a consequence of Thailand being replete with retired UK IS staff! :lol:

    There are 64 different English tests that would be accepted, of course not all will be available for teaching and testing in Thailand.

    Can we try and move away from calling it a UKBA accredited A1 Test - no such thing exists!

    A1 is a score that must be achieved, not the name of a new test designed, implemented and managed by the UKBA. The tests themselves and test centres are not even accredited by the UKBA, but by the awarding body e.g. City and Guilds, Edexcel, Trinity, ETS, Pearson etc. "UKBA-accredited" is very misleading, in my opinion.

    The UKBA has simply chosen which tests it considers to be robust enough as proof of English level and flexible enough to report scores for the four key language skills.

  15. what do these sadistic children killers think this country is, a haven for them to peddle their wares and kill babies and young adolescents so they get rich by illegal means, die you sick lying mother f----ker

    who cares about you I see young boys with brain damage in the village where I live caused by all kinds of this crap it makes me sick to see your pathetic excuses when you get busted

    Nothing to do with the mother's continuing to take drugs while pregnant then?

    You also pay no lip service to the reasons why people choose to use drugs - simply blaming dealers is far too simplistic.

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