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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. Qoute:


    Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.



    1. If you associate with criminals, and engage in illegal activities, (such as dealing in drugs) you need to expect that anyone who helps you...when they get caught...will turn on you and do almost anything to avoid going to jail themselves. That's just as true in the U.K., the U.S., Sweden, or Thailand as anywhere. So "don't do the crime if yu can't do the time" is what I say.

    2. I'm not a "psycho farang". I know the police are corrupt in Thailand.

    3. Entrapment is a common way to catch drug crooks...in Thailand and other countries also. It's usually their greed that gets them trapped. The Thai police use it all the time to get small fry to rat on the people above them, so they can catch those who supply drugs. No I'm not stupid, I'm fully aware they also use entrapment to catch farangs who get greedy (Jeez, If I could just get xxx grams of xxxxx back in my suitcase....I would be rich then).

    4. I have absolutely no mercy or sympathy for drug dealers who peddle misery and pain...and that's what drugs are to the user who gets hooked. Drug dealers sell pain and degradation to their clients. If they want sympathy from me, they can look it up in the dictionary between s_it and syphilis.


    Agreed...especially when many drugs are sold to minors....they have been known to ruin many peoples lives. No sympathy from me. But I do agree the death penalty is a bit to harsh. Life in prison would be much worse...

    Swallowing Government propaganda like a good citizen. I commend you.

    Alcohol is a bigger problem and represents a greater danger than drugs to our children.

    Back to the OP, and death seems harsh for such small weight. Then again, he did produce it, wanted to teach others how to and in my opinion is guilty of a greater crime than simply possession.

    Even life could still be judged to be excessive and in my opinion would not serve any purpose. Better to take the best years of a man's life and then release him into the community an old man.

  2. Experiencing the same thing but haven't changed anything. My son has bumped his head a few times, no tears, and has seemed to learn quite quickly from this bumps.

    e.g. he slid off the sofa once, head first. He wanted to get back on the sofa straight away, turned himself around and went down feet first. Clever boy :lol:

    Wrote the above before seeing the picture you posted of your setup. It looks great and something I think I'll look into - my boy has recently discovered the stairs (crikey) and they're his favourite play-thing right now, which is a nightmare, so blocking off the stairs in a similar way could be a good idea.

  3. So simple and yet so complicated ...

    How do you know if someone is of a "low order" ?

    My employees "wai" me but I "wai" the father of our maid who is much older than me and not my employee. I don't know if it's correct but it's the way I feel it.

    Luckily we are not Thais and our mistakes are easily forgiven ...

    But as least a clear rule is if someone "wais" you, it's basic politeness to return the wai.

    It's actually very easy, age is not the overriding cosideration in most cases, a maids father has no status in your household (unless you are shagging her, in which case he might be entitled to a wai)

    As a wealthy and educated white person, I take the position, every Thai is of lower order (unless, MIL, an important monk or royal family). I do pretty much the same as a wealthy Thai.

    Any monk is of higher order relative to you (as you put it), so you should have respect for all of them, not just the important ones.

    Please also tell me how you know who is a Royal? So you could meet someone for the first time, ignore their wai and only change your attitude once you learn their position? Great first impression you'd be making.

  4. You asked how can you explain tenses to someone: if it happened before today, it's past tense; if it happened today it's present tense, if it will happen after today, it's future. Why don't you have someone explain that to them in Thai?

    Not too hard really?

    You say they mix up their tenses, which suggests they already know correct usage. From my own experience, it's laziness that is the main culprit for poor grammar in speakers of ESL, whether intentional or not.

  5. The Dane travels to Thailand to show off his 3 week old baby to Thai relatives. He must have a screw loose; who takes a 3 week old infant on an international flight? That in and of itself is irresponsible. Then he goes on a pub crawl with violence?

    Darwinism in action...

    Babies at 3 weeks are perfectly fine to fly. All they do is eat and sleep at that age anyway.

    As long as they have a clean bill of health at their 2 week check, there is nothing wrong with flying with a baby.

    Wronnnnnnng. I'm guessing you've flown with a (your?) baby, oblivious to the fact that it screamed almost all the way on a long haul flight, keeping everyone else awake. Selfish bastard.

    Nice avatar by the way. :)


    Yes I've flown with my baby, although not at 2 weeks. He was born in October so is very easy going. We booked one of the travel cots that hangs on hooks and he slept almost the entire way. No screaming, no fuss. In fact, if I remember rightly I got plastered and let the wife take care of him. She didn't murder me on arrival in BKK, so the flight must have been uneventful.

    Don't hate on people who travel with their kids - some of us have no choice, like my upcoming trip back to the UK for business - should I just leave my kid in Thailand all alone? Think not. I hope someone of your opinion sits next to me on the flight so I can enjoy watching him/her squirm the whole way. C'est la vie, upgrade and fly business if you don't want to sit with the great unwashed.

    I will however be flying again soon and my son is now 1 yrs old and more of a handful. He is now too big for the cot and too young for his own seat (and ticket). He has to sit on my lap the whole way. I may well re-asses my view after that flight!

  6. sorry, but what is wrong with Thai bottled water?

    Just wondering...

    We are at the mercy of any organization which tells us their water is pure. Volvic water claims to be natural spring water, a better quality than usual..........Many people are drinking alkaline water, a big help versus the danger of the body turning acidic. Below:

    There is one particular brand I am told Thais , many of them agree on ( in a plastic bottle), as less-than-healthy.

    In the west, there have been arguments that at least one major conglomerate has been filling their bottles with tap water. Tap water, like shower water in general, is suspect until proven otherwise.

    There are various things one can do for better water, and can be searched on the net.

    There is a Thai company (Cermsuk), a part of Pepsi-Cola, not Coca-Cola, which sells 500 ml glass bottles, a case of 24, delivered, plus deposit. for 60 baht. You might consider this very important: plastic bottles leach chemicals, including estrogen. This might be the way to go for anyone wanting to take steps toward becoming a lady-boy.

    Lots of Thai companies deliver water in this way. I get mine from Chang. Great price and tastes good; anything from a glass bottle tastes better than plastic. So convenient to have 100 bottles delivered a week.

  7. .... Where did you get this cost from?

    I'm involved in the 'industry', so the cost is something that has become known to me through my enquiries. It may vary between £120.00 and £200.00, depending upon the contractor chosen.

    Perhaps TV can expect some advertising enquiries soon?


    Can you clarify what you mean? There is no new test that has been designed, they have simply set a minimum level of English such as with Tier 4 applications.

    Why so cloak and dagger about the source of your info?

    Applicants can sit any English test that is recognised by the UKBA, so am slightly confused - your post suggests the creation of a brand new testing system, which isn't the case.

  8. Bangkokney said :

    " Even if no appointment is booked online, the applicant could turn-up on the 29th as a walk-in. As long as you are there early (no later than 10am on a normal day), you can wait all day and your application will be accepted. "


    Again, sorry, as I think your post above is incorrect. You cannot make a walk-in settlement application. It must be made online. Therefore, my advice to the poster is correct, and he should make an early "application" online.

    Perhaps there's confusion here because of terminology?

    Settlement and dependant applicaitons must complete an online application form. That is to say, their data must be entered online. This has nothing to do with appointment date/time at VFS.

    Once the form is completed, the applicant is required to print it. It is at this point that there is a choice between scheduling an appointment date/time online or turning up as a walk-in.

    Anyone, apart from groups, can turn up at VFS, join the queue, and be seen on a first come first served basis.

  9. What is in the test?

    It is not any new type of test at all, but a score that must be achieved.

    You need to show that you and speak and understand (listening) English at the level of a beginner.

    You can sit any one of a number of popular flavours of English test.

  10. Everything is judged based on the date the application was submitted and paid for. So, the new requirement will apply to all applications made on or after 29 November 2010.

    Not quite correct, I think. See my post above. You are saying that an application could be made on the 28th November. In theory, yes, but in practice that will be too late to get an appointment slot.

    Please re-read: the date the application was submitted and paid for.

    You seem very defensive in your posts. I am trying to make this clear to the poster, not to you. He asked if this test requirement applies to applications made only after the 29th November. I have tried to inform him that leaving it late to apply may cause the application to fall under the new requirements, and that to be sure of getting an application date before the 29th he should make the application in good time. We can get into the semantics of " applying " if you want, but the poster wants to know how he can avoid the test, I believe, and I am trying to tell him that he must get a submission date ( is that better ? ) for earlier than the 29th.

    No, you've simply interpreted a 12 word reply as being defensive. Sorry if short and concise gets your goat.

    You assumed the OP wants to avoid the test and have judged my reply to be wrong based on that assumption.

    I do not disagree with what you have said about leaving enough time to make an appointment. Common sense really, given one can assume a surge in demand before the new requirement is enforced (as was seen when the use of TOEIC scores under Tier 4 was limited in August). You chose to explain that in great depth and detail, so thank you.

    Even if no appointment is booked online, the applicant could turn-up on the 29th as a walk-in. As long as you are there early (no later than 10am on a normal day), you can wait all day and your application will be accepted.

  11. Everything is judged based on the date the application was submitted and paid for. So, the new requirement will apply to all applications made on or after 29 November 2010.

    Not quite correct, I think. See my post above. You are saying that an application could be made on the 28th November. In theory, yes, but in practice that will be too late to get an appointment slot.

    Please re-read: the date the application was submitted and paid for.

  12. Dont forget This is Thailand , money makes most things easy, Money = Pass.

    Whilst it is true that English languages tests and centres have been abused all over the world - there have been cases reported in the UK of colleges sitting naturalisation tests for students, producing fake attendance and level progression certificates, fake IELTS scores etc - serious steps have been taken to prevent this.

    IELTS will be making test results tied to biometric data in the near future. Other testing providers will have to follow suit to remain competitive.

    Besides, even if you do have a forged proof of English level, the Embassy can still call or interview you and if discovered, you face a 10 year ban. Since CEFR A1 is complete beginner, there really is no need to flash the cash - it's simply not worth it at all.

  13. Thailand should refuse to decide the extradition case until the Thai national who has been jailed for over 20 years in the US, following a confession obtained illegally when he was a minor by the Arizona State PD, is repatriated to Thailand.

    The US demands people be extradited to face charges when they want, but will rarely extradite one of their own out of the US; I don't think the US has a single reciprocal extradition agreement.

  14. Any test centre will need to be approved by the UK/BA .

    It is the testing system itself which is under scrutiny, not the location it is taken.

    The UKBA has no plans to inspect and licence every single testing centre around the world, it is not their job to do so.

    In other words, any test centre listed by the awarding body will be valid (as common sense suggests).

  15. Or you could just sit the TOEIC test for 1,200 Baht

    Do know where that can be done and does that meet the CEFR A1 requirements? It's certainly a lot cheaper than the 5,900 Baht the British Council charge for IELTS.

    Looking for the test centre details for you - need to ask my colleague which centre we normally use at that price when she's back in the office.

    CEFR A1 is equivalent to the following TOEIC results:

    Listening & Reading - 120

    Speaking & Writing - 80

    [Applicants must have passed the listening and speaking elements of this test]

  16. .... Where did you get this cost from?

    I'm involved in the 'industry', so the cost is something that has become known to me through my enquiries. It may vary between £120.00 and £200.00, depending upon the contractor chosen.

    Perhaps TV can expect some advertising enquiries soon?


    Applicants can simply sit the TOEIC test which costs only 1,200 Baht in Thailand.

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