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Posts posted by patongphil

  1. Can anyone enlighten me here. A Thai grandmother I know is trying to adopt her own grandson who has been effectively abandoned by the parents and into her care. She has been looking after the boy for some 4 years now with no contact from his parents. She is not married but has some income from rental property left her by previous boyfriend who died. Can she legally adopt the boy without consent fron the boys parents?

  2. My "estate" has 42 houses - 12 are either up for sale or rent. We usually get a lot go up for rent through the low season but never seen it like this before and we bought off the plan quite a few years ago.

  3. Quick question here. How does it appply to kids born overseas and one parent is not an Aussie? Just interested as we have a 2 year old and another on the way and never thought this would apply to us.

    You won't be eligible unless you return to live in Australia within 28 weeks of the child's birth.

    Oh well not much chance of that - thanks anyway.

  4. Lose face are for thai but..he is not Thai, he looks more than Nepali or Burmese.

    I'm going there with my girfriend, and the one who told me to be careful is a good friend from burma who works in a bucket in KSR....that's why I don't know what to do.

    Maybe I will go there alone and not let the police go with me, but if he says no...and run away, then what ? I don't want to start a fight in the street 10 vs 1

    How on earth do you work in a bucket??

  5. Just to be clear, there are three different methods that I know of:

    1 - lay insulation on the floor of the roof void (common but not cheap).

    2 - spray an expansive mix against the inside of the roof tiles (less common but most effective)

    3 - shoot insulation into the roof void (never heard of that in Thailand, only in the UK).

    1. used to be ~80 Baht/m², if properly installed quite effective.

    2. spraying tiles not effective at all. it will only delay but not prevent that the attic heats up and heat is transferred to the rooms below.

    3. best choice but unfortunately...

    4. a must is ventilation of the attic!

    Hey Naam would there be any advantage in insulating the roof in the attic in an area above a particular room/rooms only?

  6. 20-25k a month what kind of education does this tuk tukk guys have? = zero he should be making 10k not more then a fresh student out from Chula..

    Free markets dictate wages not Thai visa

    OK, you want to talk about "free markets"? It's not a free market at all. That's why we refer to their racket as a "mafia". Duh. They perpetrate a transport monopoly, sometimes resorting to violence to do so, and that's why they can "dictate wages". To be able to "dictate" in that manner is NOT a free market. Let these drivers compete, allowing all who want to try their hand at it, without any of the anti-competitive intimidation or smackdowns (against either newcomer would-be driver/providers OR tourists!), and wherever the price settles THEN I'll agree is fair. 'Course that's not gonna' happen, as you & they well know. After all these years and widespread internet exposure of what goes on, their stories must be pretty well-oiled, and you not only eat it up, but actually try to become one of their apologists. You must own quite a collection of bridges to nowhere.

    But I DO take your advice (to NomadJoe). I avoid Phuket, period.

    Look at Australia by a couple of cities. Sydney has only Taxis Combined. Its very rare to get a different cab there. Swan Taxis are the only ones in Perth. That to me constitutes a monopoly. The bosses of these monopolies are getting rich, not the drivers. Last time I looked a taxi driver in Australia isnt exactly a glamour job.

    There are hundreds of different little taxi outfits in Phuket. From mom and pop setups to the black plate taxis at the guesthouses. Larger resorts have their own green plate taxis. Plus they have the bigger fleets in Karon and Patong. I bet if you walked into your local bar the lady behind the counter could arrange a taxi for you any time of the day or night.

    Try that in Singapore after a night out drinking. There are 100s of people queuing up at the taxi ranks till the early hours of the morning. The same in Australia. Getting a taxi anywhere in any city there on a Friday or Saturday night is impossible. Try getting a cab in KL that will put on the meter.

    Lets look at Australian Cabbies

    Do they fix their prices in Australia? Sure. Its a set price everywhere. The meters are pin point accurate. But a lot of them wont even take you if there isnt enough money in it for themselves.

    Do they get into fights with drunks and resort to violence? Yes they do, they even have a panic button where all the cabbies swarm to the troubled spot like a pack of hyenas.

    Does this make the paper when a few cabbies flog a tourist thay probably deserved it? No.

    Do the cops in Australia chase it up or really care? No because the buy was pissed drunk and deserved it because he tried to do a runner.

    Do the taxi drivers in Australia stick together to get better wages? Of course they do its human nature.

    A friend of mine is here now in Phuket. He has wife and 4 kids. He doesnt want to rent a bike as its out of the question and he is too scared to drive a car here.

    He actually picked a taxi driver near his hotel in Kata, and only uses him. He couldnt believe it was only 700 baht to Rawai from his hotel in Karon return..and the guy waits for him for a few hours while he is drinking beer with me and his family are relaxing at my house.

    He said in Melbourne where he is from the taxi would be twice as much. And he would have to get 2 taxis to drive his family over. Because there is no chance ofsqueezing an extra kid or 2 in the taxi to save money. And the guy was waiting for him.

    A very happy camper indeed. and he uses the same taxi driver to do all his family's shopping, and take his family to the beach and all the rest. I have heard plenty of similar stoties from my friends on holidays that are satisfied customers.

    Perhaps focusing more on the positives than negetives with these taxi drivers who IMO are just trying to make a living.

    It wont make any difference at all if they put meters in Taxis. They will just increase the surchages exactly the same way they do in metered cabs from the airport. Meters just mean the owners of bigger companies will be able to see how much money the taxi drivers are making, and take a bigger slice. The cabbies will then refuse to turn the meters on and the cycle continues.

    Your knowledge of taxis in Perth is very limited my friend!!!

    • Like 1
  7. Tell the Dad!!!

    I am in a similar postion with a young girl and sometimes I too work away. I would be very pissed off in the least if no-one had the courage to tell me under the circumstances - Xxxx hope it is not me - oh yeah you said young boy.

    Kiddies deserve support from all and to just standby makes you in some way complicit in what is going on.

    • Like 2
  8. I sense a real business oppurtunity here to open up another EP/International school in KKC. I too have a daughter and another on the way and will be seeking decent education in the near future - I am sure there are many in the same position as me.

  9. My missus has got to be the best mossie hunter around. Just the mere sound of a buzzing mozzie and she is up tracks it down and squashes the little bugger to death with bare hands. Never seen her a the fight but admit some bouts have taken a few minutes. clap2.gif

  10. Every fairly large village in the rice growing areas has rice purchasing depots. The prices they pay are posted outside on boards so pretty transparent. All you have to do is arrrive at the depot, they will weigh and test your rice then payment in cash immediately after.

    Ask your missus' family I am sure they will know where to sell.

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