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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. I must say i hate the long, long walk from plane to pick up my bags - what genius thought of that one? and signage is terrible

    Yes, it felt like a kilometer from the plane to Immigration when I arrived last month, seriously.

    And after the long walk Immigration for the 3rd time in a row now seems to have a problem to stamp my reentry permit even after I point it out to them.

    They airlines seem to have now problem to find it and been told I see you have a reentry permit and a yearly visa and I smile and say yes.

    Also was pointed out to me by a Thai relative a frequent traveler to foreign countries, go to any country stamp you in and out on same page right next to it

    except Thailand stamp you out on page 4 stamp you in on page 12 and so on but never ever on the same page.

  2. Yes, I agree. though, when I was young, most of my high school mates were out smokin Pot and having a 40 oz. beer in the back alleys. You can't make a drug free society unless the youth want it.

    Another thread that invites comments for Thai bashing-----O.K. get the Top people who are receiving big money--and turning a blind eye in some quarters. The last 2 posters are telling the authorities what they think. but whats it got to do with us ??? we only get shouted down cause we live here. I am starting to get fed up to the teeth when we are encouraged to reply to the Thai failings--and as I say The rank pro Thai posters, ask why we are here---amazing again

    Make a trip to a doctor and he or she will not charge you until you walk out with a some medication. Pill pushing at its best. The training needs to come from the top and the medical profession

    and both have to get reeducated first.Then there is a real lack of medical doctors all around and especially dealing with drug abuse. I been suffering from anxiety disorder all my life and can not get my Bus Par or Generic

    any more here and was told it was not popular enough, take Xanax instead. Well my doctor from America is of Thai origin born in Bangkok but educated in the USA and her field is Psychiatry

    and happened to visit with us here could not believe it but also told me that is a real shortage of trained doctors here and she come with other foreign trained Thai doctors 2 times a years for 2-3 week

    and they do volunteer work here mainly in the hill tribes to perform surgery here mainly to correct birth defects on children. I find it honorable that the foreign trained Thai doctors perform such a service

    without being reimbursed and pay for their own air fare even to get here.

  3. If they cracked down on fat passengers, I would consider flying with them again.

    Flying a plane uses fuel and each kilo requires a certain amount of fuel to get sky-born and complete the journey. Fat people smell, use more space and more fuel so they should be put in seats away from others and charged by the kilo.

    HOWEVER..... discriminating on the grounds of image and having an arbitrary yardstick such as waistline is just another example of how Thailand's ruling classes are a bunch of incompetent no-hopers who have only got the job through nepotism or graft.

    I hope Thai Air continue to be the laughing stock of the aviation industry and this little snippet will add to their continued embarassment.

    in the meantime I'll continue to search of other airlines rather than fly with this miserable bunch of wanke_rs.

    This whole country has been the laughing stock for years. One just has to live here to believe it!

    Also this subject must be the most important one for years. Does anyone really care?

  4. Hang on a minute, if Abbhisit still holds UK Citizenship (or duel citizenship). Does that mean there's a Brit in charge of running Thailand?? Surely that can't be correct. Foreigners (which Brits are, like all the white skinned devils here) can't own land, but can run the country?? I thought you had to be a full on 100% Thai national with a degree just to be able to get registered as a politician in a political party to run in local elections.


    Nothing really new, he is not Thai anyway but Chinese and just of the few elite Chinese that been running Thailand and hold most of the wealth and have a trickle down effect to the native Thais.

  5. Have you ever been to Vegas, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Frankfurt's Redlight district, or The Wall in Nuremberg? I'm sure there are a lot more.

    I doubt Thailand invented this industry.

    True. Thailand neither invented prostitution, nor karaoke bars. Then again, I doubt that you'll find 13-year old prostitutes (this fact perhaps even being known by some government officials) in Amsterdam, Frankfurt or the US. Nor will parents in those places sell their teenage daughters to brothels.

    They said they are from Mae Sai. Then are most likely from Burma or from the mountain tribe and forced into it. It would be most interesting to me who forced them? I do not think it is the parents.

  6. How is this even news worthy? I was just on Koh Samui for a month. My classmates and I went out on different occasions to Lamai and Chawang for drinks. In Lamai there is a central square of bars around a Thai boxing ring. On any given night there are perhaps 100 girls (and ladyboys), give or take, working at these bars. All of them dressed like hookers and dancing on the poles installed in each tiny open air establishment. Many were open and fairly brazen about what they were there for. I decided to do my own research and bought a drink for the 20ish looking waitress who had been serving us a drinks and said I wanted her to join me for a while. She spoke fairly good English. She went into sales mode instantly but I calmed her anticipated action and said I want to talk for a while first. She was actually 30 and has a 12 year old son and 8 year old daughter back home in Isaan. She had been on Samui for 6 months already and claimed she was saving to go home. (Grain of salt taken) I asked how much to spend the night with her. 300 baht to the bar and 1000 baht to her. I asked how many other girls do I have to choose from. "Any one you see" was the answer. I asked how many were local girls. "Not many" was the answer. I estimate, from what I saw, that besides these 100 or so in this square, there were maybe another 200 in Lamai and the club scene in Chawang having at least that many as well. Point being, how is a bust on one tiny club involving a whopping 13 girls even worth talking about? And as we all know, this does not even represent a real bust. Perhaps the proprietors missed a payment to the local cops or to the local mafia. At any rate, there are thousands of girls across Thailand selling their wares on a daily basis without even feigning discretion due to fear of being caught let alone needing to be "freed" from their "captors". Although many girls would prefer not to be doing this kind of "work", they are certainly not being forced into it. It is relatively easy money and easy to get into. Sympathy? Sympathetic about the whole situation, but these girls are making their own choices.

    Go to Nana plaza that is also known as the largest outside whore house in the world a few hundred gals is nothing but most of the gals do it for economic reason. They need to make a living some how.

  7. Nov. 2008 during the yellow shirt airport shutdown, I stayed at the Thong Ta with the army parking on the highway to the airport outside my window.

    One of the British guests went to the commander and demanded to know "Why aren't you doing something to clear out those people?"

    The commander got a serious and ponderous look on his face and said "Somebody might get hurt".

    This whole thing would make a good sitcom. It does not reflect the thinking of the common Thai person here, they could not care less.

    However the THE BOYS IN BKK are a laughing stock.

  8. This is the same madness as in the US and other nations with obvious problem in handling teenage sexuality. Removing the condom-machine will not stop the kids from having sex -- it will stop them from having safe sex.

    Also that type of mentality does not give a dam_n about the kids born out of wedlock. Pure madness is putting it to mildly.

  9. UNESCO said Tuesday that it was planning a mission to the area "as soon as possible" to assess the state of the temple, the most celebrated example of ancient Khmer architecture outside of Cambodia's

    LOL -- kind of a funny way to put a quote because certainly UNESCO doesn't believe the temple is "outside Cambodia"

    Thailand is acting like spoiled little boys which they are.Lets have another tantrum THAT IS MINE. I get it! They can pass out some more medals and appoint more generals :lol:

  10. Why isn't the Cambodian FM speaking at the UN. Did i miss that?

    He is expected to:

    "Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, Cambodia's Hor Namhong and Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, who has been trying to mediate in the dispute, are expected to speak to the council, diplomats said."

    Let's hope that sanity prevails.

    The leaders of both nations governments and armies should be deeply ashamed of sending their young men to fight and die over such trivial a cause.

    Amen to that. :jap:

    I second that motion!!!

  11. Sansern not confirming Cambodians fired first. "It could have been caused by a mistake," he said. /RT @tulsathit: TR @Nattha_tvthai:

    A Yellow mistake.

    I would call the whole thing silly, but on the other hand it is the grunt that does the dying on both sides while the General are in their ivory towers partying.

  12. 5-6 years for a convicted farang pedophile...

    20 years for the Thai wat undertaker involved in the aborted foetus discovery....

    How exactly does the Thai justice system explain that one?

    They don't

    Thailand like most countries does not have a Justice system.

    They have a legal system.

    Legal and Justice quite often have nothing to do with each other.:(

    Very true and applies in every country.

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