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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. “We began enforcing the rule from May 3 [saturday] after receiving an order from Bangkok,”

    Mmmm.... So both houses of the govt make rules, but it's up to the immigration / police to decide to enforce them ?


    It's always been the rule that the final decision rests at the individual Immigration officer's discretion, despite the letter of the law.

    Very true. In my case about 8 years ago a bottle of Black Label easily changed their minds.

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  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Well there are bigger problems in Thailand than watching a movie without paying America for it.....At the end it is just a movie...

    A completely ignorant, uninformed comment.

    Sigh, I guess I'll have to educate you. Movie productions cost MILLIONS (100's at times). DVD's help pay for this at the back end.

    Also, royalties (same as the CD's you buy) of the artist' work are stolen by bootleggers.

    If you ever produce a movie or write a song, you would feel quite different.

    Or produce anything else for that matter, other than hot air...

    Thank you Newbie for showing some smarts

  3. They should have done this long ago, no country should deprive their citizens from their nationality , ID or passport cuz governments easily could use this as a political weapon , that's why i don't understand how so many countries call themselves democracies and still they have this kind of laws. :jap:

    Why are we discussing this? It is up to the Thais what the want. This forum has been 95% dead wrong and so far out of tough what the Thais want.

  4. Its OK for a leader to become a little emotional during a crisis,it shows her compassion towards her people. Perhaps Mr (No personality)Abhisit should take notice while sipping on his pina colada in the Maldives.

    Thank you! She is much more appealing even with a tear or two then look at Abhisit arrogant smirk on his face.

    Just keep on bashing her! Because of her we have had all this rain. :lol:

  5. And this is what the poor people get for voting in these Red Shirt scumbags. Disgusting.

    WRONG! This is what Thailand gets for YEARS of ignoring a problem that was staring them in the face. For YEARS of allowing the rich and powerful to destroy natural forest preserves so they could build their mansions and resorts. For YEARS of building factories, houses and condos in areas that were formerly flood runoff areas. For YEARS of asking experts from other countries, Holland for example, to come in do studies and tell them what is needed, and then totally ignoring those studies and reports because "Thai know better than farang". It doesn't matter one dam_n bit WHICH government was in place, this STILL would have happened, and there just not a hell of a lot that anyone can do about it now. Yes, Yingluck and Company can be, and should be, accused of mismanagement, but can you, or anyone, give me any guarantees that Abhisit & Company would have done any better?


    He got all those toys for them and maybe the 10 yellow submarines would have stopped all off that :whistling:

  6. "On October 15, a small ten-man team of US Marines traveled to Thailand to deliver thousands of sandbags and to assess how the American military could help with relief efforts"

    sending sandbags is the least, what US government should be doing, in such situation. Much more important are basic medical supplies, medicines and equipment.

    but, of course, it's a very strange position, not to accept an offer of help. Those marines could be used in rescue work, which is so much needed.

    looks, life thai foreign ministry made a big mistake, because there weren't any diplomatic favours in exchange for help.

    There is a simple reason for that! From then on the Thai military would be asked to perform the same task! They do not even have a clue to act like a military #1 and #2 they have more chiefs then Indians.

  7. '"Today I will frankly tell you the truth. I have left no stone unturned in this crisis but I cannot solve it alone. I need cooperation from all sides," a teary-eyed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra told reporters.'


    As of today, perhaps. But she should have started turning them over weeks ago.

    do not blame her, blame the last 20 years of bad governement: earthen dikes???

    are they still living in the stone age??


    Right on!!!

  8. Rubbish article with the intention of denigrating the elected government . The indirect result is that it insults the Thai military. . The military has been involved in the flood relief and prevention activities since the start of the crisis. It's active role was initiated as part of the longstanding government natural disaster protocol that predates the current administration. The reason that the military has been involved is attributable to the fact that the expenditures of the Defence Ministry are among the greatest of any ministry, absorbing a large proportion of the total national budget (source Thailand Ministry of Defense, http://www.mod.go.th/eng_mod/ ) As the ministry that gobbles up a large part of the budget, it is reasonable to expect that it would then shoulder a large part of the response. The large transport trucks that the MOI has been borrowing since the start of the crisis came from the military. The Nation appears to be on a mission to muckrack and try and stir up unrest.

    Mr. Hearst would have been proud.

    You know if you took off those thick red goggles you are always wearing once in a while you would see the world in a much different light.. so sad to go through life as you do so stuck following someone else's dogma you can't think for yourself. Anything that even hints at a problem with this gov't or the red shirt movement in general you begin to slobber like a rabid dog pouncing on your keyboard to defend your allies... what a sad existence indeed.

    Nice to see reasoned debate on Thai Visa, especially as it takes into account the validity of all points of view!

    To me it is not reasonable. Why always use the Nation? The fact is and it has been stated here before there is not a country made to stand up to severe natural disasters but lets blame it on the reds in Chiang Rai it is dry here. Japan is one of the best in prevention and it failed in Kobe earthquake and never had a chance in the nuclear meltdown. The next severe drought lets blame that on her too.

  9. All politics made mistake, give her a break.

    I believe especially US people should not criticizes too much, considering what kind of president they used to have... rolleyes.gif

    Thaksin family still looks way better than Bush family if you ask me.

    I am a Yank and Bush did not only look stupid but he also was below average intellect. At least she looks great and give her some slack please.

  10. OH MY GOD!blink.gif I posted on this not being in the curriculum 6 months ago. No one new what a swastika was when i queried people who had received multiple masters degrees from upstanding Thai universities. The swastika looks like a Chinese good luck emblem was what i got. When i explained the holocaust to them they had never heard of such a thing.

    They also never heard of Mao or Gandhi. Want them really to look ignorant, asked where H.M. the King of Thailand is born.

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