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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

    Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

    I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

    Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

    Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

    The one thing about him he was not scared to hold election. WHY IS THE CURRENT ONE?

  2. If this story is in fact true, it makes a total mockery of justice in Thailand. Might this be because Pletnev has shown he will fight the case in Court and the authorities are so incensed by the international media response (which has highlighted the fact that Thailand is a haven for pedophiles rather than the efforts of the country to clean up its act) that they literally want the case and Pletnev to disappear? Wherever he is now, he cannot get back to Thailand and report back to the Court as ordered. So he is doubly damned. Accused of being a pedophile and treated as one without any shred of evidence being brought out in Court! Yet not even allowed to prove his innocence (if that is the case). What makes this even more disgraceful is that the Immigration Chief has acted before getting a reply from the "Child and Women Unit". I am shocked and appalled.


    Perfectly fair point. But it seems the Thai Justice System will not even give him that opportunity! I hope there is an international outcry over this.

    You are right, but outcry 99% of people in this world does not even know it exist or where it is and could not care less

  3. Bangkok Hospital Phuket was going to charge me about twice the price of my local pharmacy for the same drug, outpatient. I got a bit angry with the doctor there as well. I guess Thais never question a doctor. She was a bit taken aback by my questioning her. And then got a bit rude to me, which doesn't fly with an American that is taught to ask questions of their doctor and be informed. At that point I told her to give me all the test results, paid the bill and never went back there.

    Most but not all have the little God complex here how dare you ask me anything.

    Went one time in the evening to an Eye doctor here to his private clinic at night

    had itchy eyes he was the same way, just to keep my wife happy kept my mouth shut ended up paying 800 Baht for eye drops and 30 red pills. Did not help, went to Overbrook Hospital here in Chiang Rai saw a very nice lady doctor

    she looked at the eye drops and pills asked my wife who I saw shook her head, I paid 650 Baht for the red pills they where vitamin pills I have an allergy got some drops paid less then 100 Baht for them. 3 days later I was fine.

    When I complained to several people here, was told that doctor loves money.

  4. Bangkok Hospital Phuket was going to charge me about twice the price of my local pharmacy for the same drug, outpatient. I got a bit angry with the doctor there as well. I guess Thais never question a doctor. She was a bit taken aback by my questioning her. And then got a bit rude to me, which doesn't fly with an American that is taught to ask questions of their doctor and be informed. At that point I told her to give me all the test results, paid the bill and never went back there.

    Most but not all have the little God complex here how dare you ask me anything.

    Went one time in the evening to an Eye doctor here to his private clinic at night

    had itchy eyes he was the same way, just to keep my wife happy kept my mouth shut ended up paying 800 Baht for eye drops and 30 red pills. Did not help, went to Overbrook Hospital here in Chiang Rai saw a very nice lady doctor

    she looked at the eye drops and pills asked my wife who I saw shook her head, I paid 650 Baht for the red pills they where vitamin pills I have an allergy got some drops paid less then 100 Baht for them. 3 days later I was fine.

    When I complained to several people here, was told that doctor loves money.

  5. There is a cost to physically dispense the medication. There is also a cost associated with maintaining an inventory. Dispensing medications in a hospital is a time consuming process with alot of manual labour that only adds to the costs. The markups on medication adminstered in a hospital are used to help cover the costs of having a hospital that is open and staffed 24/7. Before anyone flies off the handle, consider this: You know the local pharmacy where you can buy the drugs for next to nothing? Ask them how much they would charge to have a doctor write a prescription, deliver it to the pharmacy and then have the pharmacy prepare one or two tablets to be delivered to your bedside by an RN, who would then supervise the dosing.

    The markups referenced in the article are insignificant compared to what patients pay in other countries without a government drug plan. It is not unusual for some drugs in the USA to have a 1000% markup. There are however downsides to having a generous drug plan and France illustrates this best. France has a population that is clueless to the costs of drugs since the drugs are covered in large part by the national health plan and/or by supplementary insurance which almost 9 out of 10 people have. The result is that the French spend more on expensive proprietary brands, bypassing generics, and there is a greater likelihood to prescribe drugs in France then there is elsewhere in the EU and North America. When no cost attaches to something, the option is abused.

    Yes, Thai hospitals take advantage of a situation. We know that. It is what happens in this part of the world. Personally, I find it repugnant, but we all know that the private healthcare system is run on a for profit basis. It would be great if there was a public drug plan, but who would pay for it? Does anyone think Mr. Abhisit could get away with raising taxes on his supporters to pay for the scheme?

    Seven years ago I was paying about 1/4 here in Chiang Rai from the drug store for my prescription drugs then the US.

    Just got another yearly oder it is now up 200% in Baht from 7 years ago, the same I can now buy at Costco in the US

    for 1/2 then I pay here because they went generic there. Everyone is different but this true in my case.

  6. Cambodians are very peaceful and wise because they (the ultra nationalists) make their small stuff in Phnom Penh.

    The Thais are crazy because they (the ultra nationalists, Yellow Shirts) make their provocation at the border TO CREATE A WAR.

    Cambodian police should prevent incident to arise. Thai army obviously helps, sometimes, the Yellow to CREATE A WAR.

    Cambodia does not have the military capacity to fight a war against any of their neighbours; and their military are too busy enriching themselves to bother.

    Much the same could be said about their Thai counterparts. Though the Thai military on paper is much stronger than the Cambodians, I am unaware of ANY successful campaign carried out by Thais in the last century. What makes you think that they want to spoil their perfect record?

    Why do either country need a military? Could it be to stuff their own pockets and over throw a voted in government on a regular basis? :lol:

    • Like 1
  7. Tourists in Bangkok are being warned not to buy food for street elephants or risk a 10,000 baht (310 dollars) fine in the latest clampdown on begging by owners of the animals.

    So the authorities are trying to once again prove that they are morons. Good one.

    Ps. How about they get the police to grab the elephants and the handlers that are trying to get the tourist to get a 10k fine feed the elephant?

    Yes,give the handlers 100,000 Baht fine and 5 years in jail.

  8. just curious, have they used the video as a key piece of evidence? If so I guess Mr. Jeff is not really happy with the guy who explains the situation in the video :rolleyes:

    Anyway, it is not Farang duty to take care for Thai Politics and for sure not running around with a large stick on the road....sry but I hope they send him home :jap:

    You are right we are guest here.

  9. On the other hand, if he has kids, he wil want to bring them along with his wife to England. Presuming the kifs are in school and grew up in Isaan, they will now pay the prize for this by losing their entire universe, effectively paying the prize for daddy's stupidity.

    With this in mind, if I was the judge I'd grant the idiot one more chance to remain in Thailand.

    What is wrong living in England and giving the children a real education and a fair chance in life?

    This is coming from a Yankee. What is the big deal being deported?

    Probably because with no job, money, or house he has about 0% chance of getting them a visa.

    Good point but how does he live here? I am retired would take 6 month to get my Wife and 2 adopted daughter to the States.Well I guess I am lucky also live in a 6 million Baht home.

  10. On the other hand, if he has kids, he wil want to bring them along with his wife to England. Presuming the kifs are in school and grew up in Isaan, they will now pay the prize for this by losing their entire universe, effectively paying the prize for daddy's stupidity.

    With this in mind, if I was the judge I'd grant the idiot one more chance to remain in Thailand.

    What is wrong living in England and giving the children a real education and a fair chance in life?

    This is coming from a Yankee. What is the big deal being deported?

  11. Why is it criminal to feed an elephant but not a street dog or pigeons?

    -feet made for mud, not concrete : they burn

    -eyes sore with pollution

    -ears made to pick up sounds miles around the jungle immersed in heavy traffic .

    -possible stories of drugged elephants .

    -finally, a mad elephant will charge ; or just a clumsy elephant will back up on your toes.

    -they were made illegal 15 years ago already.

    That isn't the question which is "Why is it illegal to purchase food to feed an elephant?"

    The BMA has recently imposed a stern regulation, banning mahouts from bringing their elephants into Bangkok. Violators will be subject to a 6-month jail term or a 10,000-THB fine. The law, which has been put in effect since 22 June, also applies to people who buy food for the elephants.

    I don't see how buying food for an animal can be deemed illegal. If Somchai brought a pet "lion" on a chain into Central Bangkok, it might be extremely dangerous, but I wouldn't presume it would be illegal for someone to purchase food for it. But then again of course, I don't write or interpret the crazy laws in this country.

    Per se, if I had a pet elephant in my back garden, and a friend bought food for it, that would be illegal???????????

    What if you give the food for free? Is that legal?

    I can't wait for the headline "Foreigners arrested for feeding elephant"

    They all claim to be such good Buddhist but I guess when it comes to money the hel_l with it :lol:

  12. another wonder of Thailand going away.

    No they belong in a refuge and treaded with dignity not out in the street

    for some idiot tourist to look at. I know this forum love to bash any thing American

    but it has been for centuries now in their federal parks been against the law to feed any wild animal and to keep nature in tact. We have a elephant refuge in Chiang Rai come up here

    it is run wonderful for the animals and tourist and enjoy.

  13. who give a flying f*** what the House does ?

    it can't manage it's own country

    let alone get involved in the business of another one

    The Thai military does which gets millions of dollars every month from the US.

    They where cut of before when they removed Thaksin.

    That is the only reason why they have a PM now so they can call themselves a democracy.

  14. ...stuffed into a suitcase?

    this guy deserves to rot in hel_l. That would be an gentle sentence. Totally useless and pointless.

    I do not know, but the deceased woman has children and parents to provide for.

    A sad day throughout the Kingdom for all.

    I hope the guy rots in hel_l.

    Also sad that some gals have to do that job just to survive

    and also that is the only way for them to provide for their family.

    Know a few that a married to farangs now and make great wives lets forget about their past.

  15. How sad... but how many have been closed due the sight of soldiers killing people in the street? How many businesses have been closed because of the airport occupation and how many have been closed due to the incompetence of Abhisit's boss Suthep? Lots more, the difference is that it is pretty convenient to complain when business is bad with this bunch of yellow shirt lovers, they will pay out and they can easily do so by cutting the absurd military budget.

    Right on! What they even need a military for? Sorry forgot to line their pockets

    and overthrow the governments on a regular basis.Sorry I forgot Cambodia is such a great threat

    to Thailand.:)

  16. Amount of money and number of transactions reported seem very strange...there are daily limits which should minimise potential damage.

    When I make 2 or 3 different transaction on mine they always lock the account.

    Thailand is considered very high risk.I called them last night to make sure

    that I can withdraw my daily limits a few time today and the next.Mine is an American Credit Union and they know I live in Chiang Ria. There is something fishy with that bank.

  17. Clean them all up I say!

    There's a few more shady characters that need to be eradicated from the area.

    Pattaya was great before the farang takeover!!!!!!!!!!

    here we go again its Pattaya's fault.

    What does this mean?

    "Pattaya was great before the farang takeover"

    Where you around when Pattaya was great but only just noticed Thaivisa and joined last year?

    I do not know if it ever was great.I was there 4 years ago and to me it was not Thailand it was a drunk and rowdy farang city 24 7. Have to pay me allot to live there.

  18. ya, thats why you don't build all of your structures out of concrete.

    they are putting up a couple new 10 story dorms and a new hospital here in my town that are all formed concrete. even a small shake will take those down with everybody in it. lets hope this is just a stupid scare because all of Thailand is built with concrete.

    anyone ever heard of an earthquake in Thailand? i was under the impression its never happened. fault lines don't just pop up.

    there was one here in Nan a couple of years back but Nan never makes the news.

    Had a few in Chiang Rai the one I felt the most was in the morning, bed was rocking and rolling , was not me and the wife, was about 30 minutes before tsunami hit Puckett but they said it center was in Burma.

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