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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. For those wishing to help the school, this is on NorthEastern University's Campus Outreach website:

    You can pray for the NEU team and ministry by choosing the “Prayer Requests” link on the navigation menu.


    There are a lot of Christian fundamentalist farang staff there at the university, such as:

    Marc and Sherry Lewis are Georgia (USA) natives who love Jesus and the great commission. Marc's campus focus is on the Northeastern University campus in Khon Kaen. The staff team at NEU spend the majority of their time building friendships with students in order to share the gospel with them, lead them to Christ, establish them in their faith and train them to be multiplying disciples. God has begun a good work at NEU that is only the beginning and foundation of what is to come.

    Very common in the USA,the elite sends their not so smart child to a private University down to the Southern States and a degree is guaranteed. Worked with Bush JR even at a top Univerity I guess father had enough clout :o

  2. And yet another alcohol related incident...in Pattaya.

    Yeah they have Alcohol related incidents all over the world apparently.

    True, not uncommon there to go for a walk at 11 in the morning and see them falling off barstools

    and I am surprised that they do not have 2 or 3 a day fatally breaking their neck that way.

    Been there once and if that place slides in the ocean it would be no big loss.

  3. I fail to see how this is a problem.

    Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

    I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

    I said 'Yep, you're right'.

    All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

    Thanks for your post which reminds us that racism is as widespread amongst Westerners as it is amongst Thais.

    Right on. It is rampant in America and just think how it must eat at some racist every day to have Obama in the White House. By they way I am white Blue Eyed Blond.

  4. I fail to see how this is a problem.

    Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

    I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

    I said 'Yep, you're right'.

    All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

  5. In any other country this would be an armed insurrection, or a revolution - a gang of 40 armed men take over part of the capital city's main airport? WIll they be arrested and tried? I doubt it.

    Another day in Thailand!

    So what else is new! They had yellow shirts take it over a while back and one yellow shirt could walk toward 100 police and they back paddled :lol:

  6. What a backwards country we are living in. By the time they sort this out, Laos and Cambodia will be on 4G. Absolutely zero interest in the wellbeing of the public.

    Welcome to Amazing Thailand!

    Bureaucracy, greed, corruption and fear always stops progress.

    I think we need a foreigner prime minister with full arm body guard to take Thailand out of the stone age.

    Why even post it? We can not say anything against the Thai courts. To me this a NON ADVENT

  7. What a backwards country we are living in. By the time they sort this out, Laos and Cambodia will be on 4G. Absolutely zero interest in the wellbeing of the public.

    Welcome to Amazing Thailand!

    Bureaucracy, greed, corruption and fear always stops progress.

    I think we need a foreigner prime minister with full arm body guard to take Thailand out of the stone age.

    we we have a foreigner prime minister now but its not helping much

    This guy is a yes man for the military :lol:

  8. What no one has mentioned so far is the elephant in the middle of the room. It's not that the Thai Baht is so strong. It's just another fiat currency like almost all currencies since 1971 when the final connection between the USD and gold and silver was severed. Since then the scams and schemes of the international bankers of London, New York, Switzerland, etc. have multiplied and expanded to the point where now the fiat currencies of all countries are being devalued at an increasingly accelerated rate.

    It is like a race to the bottom. It's difficult to keep up with which currencies are actually devaluing faster than the others. Certainly the USD is near the top of the list of the fastest devaluing currencies. In recent years Thailand has tried to devalue their currency at the same pace as the USD in order to support exports and tourism. Now they are understandably starting to rethink that strategy. Perhaps they are following the lead of China which recently allowed it's currency to rise against the USD a little bit.

    The global picture is bleak. There are no obvious healthy choices within the mainstream spectrum of "conventional wisdom" -- mostly Keynesian thinking. The only option which would eventually put the world on solid economic footing again would be a global return to sound money. It would be painful initially, but in the long run there would be the potential for economic fairness and an end to runaway government spending and always the richest 1% dominating the economies of the world.

    The last 10 Economist that won a Nobel price will sharply disagree with you. Maybe you should try to proof your point after all they still pay 1 million US$ if you win.

    Yes, well in order to even be considered for a Nobel prize for Economics, one must have his head ensconced where "the sun don't shine". Krugman is the classic case in point. He still asserts that the US gov't can borrow and spend its way out of this mess. Long ago the Nobel prize lost all credibility. They even gave the emperor, Barry Soetoro (Obama), the Nobel peace prize at the same time that he was escalating military activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    The Nobel prize is a joke.

    Your wisdom is greater then theirs? Or you just can not handle an Intelligent man in the White House that is part Black? :lol:

  9. What no one has mentioned so far is the elephant in the middle of the room. It's not that the Thai Baht is so strong. It's just another fiat currency like almost all currencies since 1971 when the final connection between the USD and gold and silver was severed. Since then the scams and schemes of the international bankers of London, New York, Switzerland, etc. have multiplied and expanded to the point where now the fiat currencies of all countries are being devalued at an increasingly accelerated rate.

    It is like a race to the bottom. It's difficult to keep up with which currencies are actually devaluing faster than the others. Certainly the USD is near the top of the list of the fastest devaluing currencies. In recent years Thailand has tried to devalue their currency at the same pace as the USD in order to support exports and tourism. Now they are understandably starting to rethink that strategy. Perhaps they are following the lead of China which recently allowed it's currency to rise against the USD a little bit.

    The global picture is bleak. There are no obvious healthy choices within the mainstream spectrum of "conventional wisdom" -- mostly Keynesian thinking. The only option which would eventually put the world on solid economic footing again would be a global return to sound money. It would be painful initially, but in the long run there would be the potential for economic fairness and an end to runaway government spending and always the richest 1% dominating the economies of the world.

    The last 10 Economist that won a Nobel price will sharply disagree with you. Maybe you should try to proof your point after all they still pay 1 million US$ if you win.

    Yes, well in order to even be considered for a Nobel prize for Economics, one must have his head ensconced where "the sun don't shine". Krugman is the classic case in point. He still asserts that the US gov't can borrow and spend its way out of this mess. Long ago the Nobel prize lost all credibility. They even gave the emperor, Barry Soetoro (Obama), the Nobel peace prize at the same time that he was escalating military activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    The Nobel prize is a joke.

    Whatever. Your wisdom is greater than theirs :lol:

  10. What no one has mentioned so far is the elephant in the middle of the room. It's not that the Thai Baht is so strong. It's just another fiat currency like almost all currencies since 1971 when the final connection between the USD and gold and silver was severed. Since then the scams and schemes of the international bankers of London, New York, Switzerland, etc. have multiplied and expanded to the point where now the fiat currencies of all countries are being devalued at an increasingly accelerated rate.

    It is like a race to the bottom. It's difficult to keep up with which currencies are actually devaluing faster than the others. Certainly the USD is near the top of the list of the fastest devaluing currencies. In recent years Thailand has tried to devalue their currency at the same pace as the USD in order to support exports and tourism. Now they are understandably starting to rethink that strategy. Perhaps they are following the lead of China which recently allowed it's currency to rise against the USD a little bit.

    The global picture is bleak. There are no obvious healthy choices within the mainstream spectrum of "conventional wisdom" -- mostly Keynesian thinking. The only option which would eventually put the world on solid economic footing again would be a global return to sound money. It would be painful initially, but in the long run there would be the potential for economic fairness and an end to runaway government spending and always the richest 1% dominating the economies of the world.

    The last 10 Economist that won a Nobel price will sharply disagree with you. Maybe you should try to proof your point after all they still pay 1 million US$ if you win.

  11. the Baht getting stronger is great for me. I would help me able to afford going to study in U.S. My saving is now worth more in USD so no complaint here. i would be even better if it gets to 25-27 Baht/Dollar
    See, someone actually gain.

    Khun Samrit there will be equal amounts of wins and losses by numbers but the losses in dollar terms will far outweigh the wins. Our business relies on international visitors who spend a lot of money here. When the Baht strengthened from 37 to 35 that meant for every million USD it cost my clients and extra USD50,000. When it further strengthened to where it is now it has cost them so much they have pulled out of contracts I had for Thailand. I have had more than USD5M in contracts cancelled as we became the same cost as Mexico/Spain and no travel involved.

    From my point of view I am still paid the same amount in Baht I contracted to, so no loss to me financially, other than to find more contracts, which is now harder. But the real loss is to the Thai's. They don't have jobs as my contractors and as low income earners, many close to subsidence, it means they are put under huge financial stress. Many have had to seek alternate forms of work and I feel for them. My rates of ay are four times national average and they want to work for me but if I don't have contracts, they don't have work!

    Wealthy pundits in Thailand or those earning upwards of Baht 30k a month, will benefit only if spending overseas. There are no low end income earners able to invest offshore either in education or assets. If the Baht were allowed to trade freely without Govt interference it is anyones guess where it would go but I would think it would be better for Thailand overall if the Bank of Thailand and the Govt allowed it to trade.

    Very well said. I am married to a Thai so we all know the law that my wife owns every thing. Well the property and the House - villa - mansion what you want call it I could not afford to pay the taxes on in the US. For me even at 1US$ = 30 Baht is a very cheap way to live here. I liked it better at 40 -42 but that was when the yen was very weak also. I have everything paid for so for 40,000 Baht a month

    I am fortunate not even to spent 1/3 of my retirement income and live better then I could in the US. I am from the Pacific Northwest.

    Maybe I am a lucky one

  12. Are they trying to make thailand so expensive no one will come here ? Why don't they follow japan and try to de value the baht !

    Anyone should have figured out by now that the Baht is directly tide to the yen. A strong Yen= strong Baht but it is killing Japan exports.

    Here it always takes awhile for them to wake up and smell the coffee and usually until it is to late.

  13. To all smokers.

    You enjoy smoking cigarettes with all the carcinogens, tars, chemicals and impurities. A by product of your smoking is that my hair and clothes stink just like you do, and you do that without my consent..

    I enjoy a beer. A by product of my enjoyment is urine. Would you have any objection if I pi$$ed over your hair and clothes without your consent??

    Have a think about it.

    I second the motion :lol:

    • Like 1
  14. To all smokers.

    You enjoy smoking cigarettes with all the carcinogens, tars, chemicals and impurities. A by product of your smoking is that my hair and clothes stink just like you do, and you do that without my consent..

    I enjoy a beer. A by product of my enjoyment is urine. Would you have any objection if I pi$$ed over your hair and clothes without your consent??

    Have a think about it.

    I second the motion :lol:

    • Like 2
  15. In my humble opinion the real issue here is the way in which we view people who choose to make money by engaging in sexual activity. Of course kidnapping girls and forcing them into this work is totally wrong but no one ever seems to accept the notion that it is perfectly ok for someone to use their abilities to generate an income. What is so different between sex and any other kind of work? Almost any other human activity is perfectly OK to sell - an artist sells paintings, a strong man labours on a building site and so on. I have never understood why we see sex as so different from any other normal human activity?

    Its a basic human need and for whatever reason some people find themselves unable to satisfy that need through normal relationships - maybe they are in love with someone who simply does not like sex and they need an alternative without destroying the love that they have. Maybe their work forces them to spend months away from home or maybe they lack the confidence or social skills to form relationships - women (and men) who offer these services are helping others while at the same time generating income for themselves. Why should we look down on them or make them feel as if what they do is somehow wrong?

    Alright let make it legal like they have it in Germany. Get license from the government, get regular physicals, pay taxes, have the right to refuses the client.Have no middle man. Pimping is a very serious offense there with

    carries a long prison sentence. I am all for it and it protect the girl too. Forgot to add and never on Sunday.

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  16. The things that qualify as news?? The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

    Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

    And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

    It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. "nuff said"

    Yes, but why are the parents so desperate for money? Is it being left out of the system run by the elite?

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  17. We are all to blame but the cause looks Thaksin again, while he is only an effect.

    When they write an article and try to explane: we are all to blame, they should try for one time leave the prominent place for Thaksin out of the commentary.

    Thaksin only appeared because of "we are all to blame".

    Self-criticism starts not the last 10 years or so.

    To blame Thaksin is beating a dead horse. Not only in Thailand but just about everywhere the rich are getting very rich and the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is disappearing.

  18. Any such message should just be wiped off by whomsoever reads it first; It can only be a lousy prank,Airlines are not being sensible. The world is full of two-neuron people trying to convince themselves they're important, some of them with jobs of responsibility.

    By putting this on CNN very soon you have 100 more cases like this. Some want to get attention at any price. Crazy but true.

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