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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. ".............investigating both Miss Linda and the judge on many similar accusations involving more than 70 million baht in bribery payments."


    The sewage system of Pattaya smells a bit. Might be a crack here and there; they should fix it.


    Very strange! To talk about the dark side of LOS illegal? PM appears white as snow. I can smell that fishy red herring. Is it just me?

  2. You cannot please everyone all of the time. There may be the elderly that find the screens hard to see or are too old to walk or navigate the airport, however I personally have had no problems whatsoever with the many flights both national and international from this airport .

    Public areas are full a bogus taxi drivers, however that is why they are called public areas because they are for the public.

    I think some people just like to moan and then they will moan at just about anything in Thailand. I live in Isaan and the few farrang that live here about 25% are the moaning kind, we have all met them. Have you met them asiawatcher?.;)

    Major airport all over the world are not pleasant.I have to disagree Suvarnabhumi is far better then most in Asia. The name is a joke they should it made it twice as long, it is BKK for me and who cares what they call it.

    The taxi service need some overhaul actually the whole country does with FARANG PRICES that is really a turn off for most travelers. It is an insult to our intelligence. Try Manila airport that is a real ZOO.

    Loved the one in Hanoi a few years ago.

  3. Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones(congenital hypothyroidism) due to maternal nutritional deficiency of iodine.

    Check the link I posted, showing the deficiency across the world on a heat-map.

    Basically, in general, there is no more deficiency here than in Europe. Ergo...it is an excuse, not an explanation.

    My kids are honor students but THE BOYS in BKK I belief do need an excuse :lol:

  4. Thaksin Economic Advisor to Cambodia? purely designed to Antagonise Thailand with BS,and keep him high Profile,as a big player worldwide.

    The Riot in Bangkok made headlines everywhere. The rest of the world really does not care about him and in the western world no one knows who he is.

    Maybe he gets coverage from BBC. I live here have the greatest Thai wife and daughters and wish Thailand well. Thaksin this Thaksin that, someone is sure afraid of him.

    To me lets quit beating on a dead horse.

  5. These insurance companies are a fraud for not helping a war hero in his hour of need. I hope the Insurance company loses a lot of business over this as other tourists may be worried about what they do cover under the terms of the policy. The Danish newspare should be congraulated for stepping in to help

    Insurance companies are out to screw people where ever they can.So what is so unusual about this case? I bet there are millions more like this in the world.

  6. Another non story and non issue. Women are exploited in Thailand from pimps to the ruling elite. They are beaten on TV and thrown into brothels. But if Miss Thailand looks sexy it is an issue. It would have made more sense to make an issue with the Abhisit government for appointing a brothel owner as minister of commerce. A Brothel (Poseidon) which is known for really exploiting children and minorities.<div>CNN and the NAtion do not know better, Thai visa seems to lack knowledge of Thai society too. </div>

    Like the Thai press and Government have nothing better to do. I

  7. What a way to start life in your twenties?

    Have they actually tried and failed at something legit before this?

    Or they could just be on commission just for withdrawing the cash, now left cold holding the baby, while the repeat offenders are on their yacht somewhere on the Indian ocean.

    Just on commission. People like these are called "the drop" and usually they are the only one who get arrested.

    Yup.They work for the Russians and they having a hel_l of a party in Pattaya :lol:

  8. This is a serious crime and one Thailand continues to ignore. It is now the 21st century so why is it we still have this situation? Equality is in the eye of the beholder - these guys should be incarcerated for life with no chance of parole. Send the message, this could be your daughter - your sister, your niece. But as the police and high ranking individuals are all on the take - it is too often ignored. Organisations such as SISHA help but in real terms, they lack funding and investigative skills. I would welcome any suggestions to assist and would be active in participation. Please advise as I have access to some well trained people who are totally against this type of abuse and will willingly take the risks (for a pay day of course) but well is their intent to put these people down. Open to suggestions.angry.gif

    Clean up the government most have the finger in the pie that is why it is not enforced. To get rid of corruption and graft. Good luck on that one . Chances are one sees one meter of snow first here.

  9. Hi Rubi

    they're cannon fodder for what exactly? Haven't the royalist elite got what they want? Now identified supporters of the exPM have their assets seized.

    One senses though that there are more sympathetic voices out there within the elite and they seek change if only to match Singapore's development.

    Great wish but you will see hel_l freeze over first before one can put Thailand in the same sentence with Singapore. Corruption rules in Thailand in every level unlike Singapore.

  10. This is a simple report about a bomb blast and the governments actions regarding state of emergency. To date there is no one making any claims as to why the bomb was planted. It is very unfortunate that there are those that think this type of action will have any effect in what the government does. All a bomb blast does is kill and injure innocent people. All the posts relating to who "might" have done it are just conjecture with no basis in fact. Reds, yellows, elites, military, police: all corrupt and wanting to maintain their power for their own reasons.

    Anyone who has spent any time in Thailand would know by now that the so-called democracy in Thailand is run by thugs with no other reason than for power and greed. The "elites" of all stripes and the military/police only wish to maintain the status quo to maintain their power and wealth. Thailand, for the most part, lacks any type of moral and ethical "culture" as a good number of Thais would (and do)sell their sister for gain. The fact that people can evidently be swayed at a ballot box for 100 or 200 baht is evidence of the fact that people will sell their soul for a price. Sorry to say that in general, Thai people do not share the same values as Western people. That is not necessarily a condemnation but a statement of fact. Their values differ from ours. They do not have a deep history of philosophical thought with which we in the west have been educated. Their sense of right and wrong differs from the West. Other than the teachings of Buddha by way of the local temple, the common man is poorly educated and without deep thought. The common Thai learns to survive. While I surely do not condemn all Thais for all things, many of you posters really don't see Thailand for what it is, a third world country run as a fiefdom by those in power. Until the people seek leaders who will represent their needs not just with handouts at election time, there will be no change in Thailand. Until the people demand that the police protect and serve rather than rip them off there will be no change. One of two things must happen: (1) the people really get angry and demand change, or (2) somehow/somewhere political leaders surface who want something more than to fill their pockets and will struggle to change the way things work in Thailand. Most likely Thailand will continue the coups and changes in government that have been its history since it became a constitutional monarchy. Until the economy works in a way to allow those at the bottom to achieve some sort of middle class status, Thailand will function with the "haves" trying to maintain their wealth and the "have-nots" struggling to survive. Even in so called communist states like China and Vietnam they are surpassing the Thais and are creating wealth for many of their citizens. What is wrong in Thailand: CORRUPTION at every level and a people willing to engage in it as well. Land of Smiles? I think not!

    Thank you and how true.

    • Like 1
  11. I am getting REALLY fed up by the polemic nonsense that so many of you are writing since these troubles started !!

    Specially the smart asses who know "everything" and give comments reaching the Nobel price of stupidity!

    If you have an opinion so say it the civilized way - without insinuations like "Bravo good for them or those"

    What irritates me here actually is that the US (as usual) is pointing with the finger!!

    Now not you nor the US have ANY rights to tell or criticize Thailand!

    DO NOT forget that The Land of Smile is experiencing the worst passage in its entire history - Scandals after scandals, gossips, corruption like never before and (saddest thing) a frail Father - venerated King.

    Respect, be concerned (without inflammatory comments) and observe! Many of us have family here and the insecurity is at its highest level.

    We cannot compare our so different cultures...

    It is an immense task for Khun Abhisit, the parliament and all parties to solve the problem by themselves.

    And, again I think that the US should better concentrate on other priorities like North Korea and Myanmar and assist if necessary instead of preaching!

    Sorry I had to let it out !!!

    Pesche - Living here since 18 years

    You are right. Lets cut those Millions of US Dollars the US is giving Thailand every month and quit having Military exercises together. Get rid of the Thai military is a better idea. What the need one for? Never been to war!Oh, sorry forgot great need for it " Over throw elected governments"

  12. snapback.pngPingManDan, on 2010-07-26 04:51, said:

    snapback.pngtonywebster, on 2010-07-25 20:12, said:

    i wonder who planted it, the government to justify the continued emergency decree, the reds or the yellows, or southern insurgents (terrorists). My money is on the fist one.

    OH ya lets blame it all on the Reds, my guess it was the government boys themselves to keep making them looking good, and to have them win the election in BKK, which they did.

    Read my post properly then engage brain, the government is clearly my first option.

    Jeez Tony he is a red shirt. You should know your statement was to complicated for a red shirt. keep it simple Do not leave a red shirt any room for misinterpreting what you say he will.

    can you show me one red shirt who wont admit the government did it. You are a good little boy you do exactly as your leaders tell you to do they are very proud of you.

    You forget to mention and bow to me 100 times a day.

  13. Predictable that Tony would point fingers at the government and claim they would bomb their own when no evidence has never ever been presented that they have done it sofar during this mandate period.

    We do however know that 'the Red Shirt in jail hoping to become an MP' lost today...and democracy has never been the red shirts strong side.

    Its is sad and an act of a true coward.However real Democracy has never been Thailand strong side and I hope I am wrong but I do not think I will ever see it in my life time.

  14. I don't really understand how what they did falls under "terrorism". They occupied the airports. They inconvenienced hundreds of thousands of people. But they didn't threaten people. They didn't shoot at people or blow things up. They didn't "terrorize" people.

    They definitely should be charged for the damage that they did to the economy and for the occupation itself and also the damage and occupation of Government house, but it's hardly terrorism.

    This part is a bit of a laugh: "The PAD also planned to file charges of malfeasance against all police involved in what Panthep called the "unfair charging"." What is "unfair charging". They were breaking the law. The police have the right to move them on. Not with exploding gas canisters of course, but that has already been dealt with.

    Try that at Heathrow or LAX in LA :lol: It would never ever happen.Amazing Thailand. The whole world is laughing.

    Agreed. But a group peacefully blocking access to Heathrow or LAX wouldn't be branded as terrorists, would they?

    I am very sure both country would find away to not have the Airports shut down.

  15. Not surprising really for in spite of all the publisity the riots, rallys, whatever were very localised.

    The industries that export and contribute to the economy, other than tourism, continued as usual and continue to do so.

    The Mrs's two sisters both work in export industries in an SOE area and neither have been affected at all.

    The port and airports continued as usual through the whole thing so there was no reason for goods not to flow in and out of the country.

    However there could be a slow down of new industry, investment if investors see an unstable political situation as a risk.

    In reality said investors only caome here because of profit so how much they can make will rule the final decision.

    For me it is hard to belief export being in great shape with the SUPER BAHT.One would think

    Vietnam would out do them.

  16. I don't really understand how what they did falls under "terrorism". They occupied the airports. They inconvenienced hundreds of thousands of people. But they didn't threaten people. They didn't shoot at people or blow things up. They didn't "terrorize" people.

    They definitely should be charged for the damage that they did to the economy and for the occupation itself and also the damage and occupation of Government house, but it's hardly terrorism.

    This part is a bit of a laugh: "The PAD also planned to file charges of malfeasance against all police involved in what Panthep called the "unfair charging"." What is "unfair charging". They were breaking the law. The police have the right to move them on. Not with exploding gas canisters of course, but that has already been dealt with.

    Try that at Heathrow or LAX in LA :lol: It would never ever happen.Amazing Thailand. The whole world is laughing.

  17. I think the Kwai is worried about having to fend off younger challengers to his crown as "Mr. Big Show" up there in the great NE? :)

    There are less farangs living here compared to 5 years ago. You can sleep easier tonight and tomorrow knowing this.

    Same here in Chiang Rai. Where did they get the number?

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