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Everything posted by Captor

  1. Do they ever check the brakes after all this brake failures? Or they just beleive the drivers?
  2. Which is another lever of stupidity.
  3. There is sooo much that can be done in Thailand. I don´t know were to start!
  4. Why close them at all?
  5. Just fix the air pollution and the tourists will come back. Why do tourists want to travel with family to a country with dangerous air? Look like TAT don't want see the elephant in the room
  6. I can nor believe this type of accidents are happening over and over again in Thailand. Not even in Africa it is this bad.
  7. I see, thanks! IT comes up as well when Google though. But I guess there are some shops then so not completely stranded.
  8. What means BPD?
  9. So is there nowhere to buy computers and computer parts in Hua Hin? I am thinking of moving there and would like to have that nearby.
  10. Except from that the air polution will kill you if course.
  11. Maybe they could attract them with clean air and low PM2.5? Oh.. sorry I wasn´t thinking stright. Several Hiso´s in the agriculture sector (not living in Thailand) would not like that due to bad business.
  12. Double price for tourists?
  13. The only thing that would help to make the governments to take action in order to stop the burnings, is if the tourists would stop coming to Thailand due to the bad and dangerous air. That would directly hit the economy and could not be ignored. Actually I can't understand that families comes with their children to this health risk. PM2.5 stays in the body and accumulates also after they have left Thailand.
  14. And the motocycles licence number and color.
  15. Maybe Thailand should start address the PM2.5 problem. Not only talk about it but actually DO something.
  16. Wait and see the ranking after the 25% tax for saved money into Thailand is applied. The 9:th rank will sink down like a stone in the water.
  17. Why do they always mention the license plates? Why is that important?
  18. Jesus! Again? Using GPS don't means the driver can close their eyes. Why do we only hear this happening in Thailand and not elsewere?
  19. They are not real polices. Only helping the tourist police with language and such.
  20. Nice machine. Finally! Hopefully that is the start.
  21. The most strange thing is that they are inhaling (breathe) the bad air themself. And their parents and their children. How are they thinking? It´s not affecting ME?? Even if they have air purifier at home they are affected. Is it pure stupidity and low IQ?? That is what surprises me most of all.
  22. I am getting Nebido every 12 weeks. You can not get that in Thailand? What us the name of the testo you use?
  23. Is it € 10 000:-? I thought it is $ 20 000.:- From the Thai Embassy in London: Any person who brings or takes an aggregate amount of foreign currency exceeding USD20,000 or its equivalent out of or into Thailand shall declare such amount of foreign currency to a Customs Officer. The Thai Embassy in Bern states $ 15.000.- Very confusing...
  24. I noticed in one of the videos he stopped for red light. The Thais did not... Thaiger forgot to mention that or not important? No wonder this is the second worst traffic country in the world.
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