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Everything posted by Captor

  1. OK, thanks. Will do.
  2. It is nice to read comments like this regarding the different companies. But it look like it is focus on April, Cigna and WR. I think they are all brokers. Not sure about Cigna. AA is a popular broker as well. But there are many others out there but they seems not to be so popular. Allianz in Germany for example and Generalli in Italy, they are the biggest in the world. And there are for sure a lot in Switzerland and Japan as well. Allianz and Generalli are insurance companies and probably sold by brokers. I Have seen Allianz in some broker webpage but not Generalli.
  3. Thanks, yes, I will try with them as well.
  4. Yes, I have tried apply for April but they want to have journals and reports from issues happen 30 years and 23 years ago. And they want to have the same from when I had Covid 2 years ago. I felt a little bit tired of trying to provide all that. Also I am pretty sure the doctor from back then 23 years ago, when I had an meniskus operation, is not alive anymore and the clinic is gone. So can not provide all what they want. And reports and journals because of Covid? Is that not a little bit too much?
  5. OK, I will search into aseannow from outside, with Google. Did not know that it is better and that aseannow search don´t work so well. Thanks.
  6. Wow! Happy Birthday....(not)
  7. Good idea, I will try that, thanks.
  8. Yeah, so very true.
  9. Thank you very much for the nice answer. Yes the insurance business is a shameful and the private hospitals as well. If self insuring I guess you will use the government hospitals, right? I have no problem with using them mysef if they are OK and having good doctors. I more and more understands the people who, like yourself, are self insuring. Maybe that will be the path for me as well. We will see. I would like to hear if anyone are using WR and if they hav had a claim with them. That would be of interest.
  10. Not so many if search. Only 2 came up. I searched "Health insurance". Maybe I did something wrong. Yes my age is a problem and also the preexisting condition. Better be honest about that I think..
  11. Thank you, Toolong, however for me it is about be covered if something happen.
  12. Thank you very much for the input. Yes, WR look like to be more cheap but how are they when it comes to pay out as you say. Would be nice to see any input about that.
  13. Hi, I am in the position on choosing a health insurance for me as an expat with extension based on Non-O (marriage). It would be of interest to read what other expats here in Thailand have chosen and how good the companies are. How good are they when it comes to a claim? How expensive? Pros and cons? Any input is of interest, thanks. update: Sorry I forgot to mention that I am 65, soon 66.
  14. Humiliating for Russia if they must send the weapons to Iran for dismantling and analyze... That tells a lot.
  15. Exactly! Me too. Very disappointed. Still they are coming in droves.
  16. Thank you very much for the information, Sheryl. I have wondered about the Hua Hin hospitals for some time.
  17. Someone have to start doing something. Hopefully the rest will follow.
  18. Are the doctors not so good in Hua Hin government or private hospitals over all or is it just for this certain operation above?
  19. It is a strong signal to the other pub owners of course.
  20. None, as he came with a lawyer to the police station. And it is out on social media.
  21. Can mobiletopup.com pay automatically and in that case what does it cost? I use to topup manually from my account but I M afraid to forget it. I will check it up. Thanks.
  22. OK, thanks for the info. I use to top up 20 thb now and then to my AIS in order to keep the sim alive as I need to have a active sim with Bangkok bank. I am afraid that I will forget that one day. Maybe I will try Ding or this mobiletopup.com that nglodging writes about above.
  23. The most tourists are not doing any research more than nice beaches and food. Unfortunately. So it is a good idea to enlighten them. There are many FB sites just for mention only one source, But up to you if you not want to participate and it look like that. So buy one more air cleaner instead and stay indoors..
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