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Everything posted by chrissables

  1. Day 13. 27.01.22. Around Chiang Mai. Today i went for a stroll around the walled city this morning which was enjoyable. An afternoon ride up to Doi Suthep and on to Doi Pui was great. I managed to get a photo of Doi Inthanon due to little burning smog blocking the view. I tried to ride on to the big pine tree beyond Doi Pui campsite, but the road is closed for construction. Day 14. 28.01.22. Around Chiang Mai. Day 15. 29.01.22. Around Chiang Mai Another morning walk around Chiang Mai old city.
  2. Day 12. 26.01.22. Pai to Chiang Mai. 196 km Today was a lot colder than yesterday but I was prepared for it and really enjoyed a leisurely ride to Wat Chan then onto Samoeng Viewpoint before riding to Royal Enfield for a service. They were booked a week ahead! But they agreed to do the work. A slight issue refusing to answer if I was fully juiced up with the magic juice found me hunting for another hotel though. I was going to ask her if she had proof of not having HIV, but for once I kept quiet.
  3. Day 11. 25.01.22 Mae Sariang to Pai. 292km A cold start this morning but bright and clear. Just one stop at Ban Microwave, as always stunning views. https://goo.gl/maps/2c3f3JtKtATv7pvf8 I carried on after the microwave towers to the high point, top of the world, where the best views are. From there a nice ride to Pai. https://www.relive.cc/view/vMq5W8oGP8O
  4. Day 10. 24.01.22. Tak to Mae Sariang 368km Today I decided to ride road 12 to Mae Sot as it been years since I last rode it. It was cold but great riding. Along the R105 I turned up R1267 to the viewpoint Mon Kru Ba Sai. https://goo.gl/maps/zPAtjZ3vmKTis9Y69 On my way up I was stopped and asked to pay an entrance fee off 200 baht. But after explaining I was just taking a photo at the view point he let me ride up with no charge. Good guy! Next stop was Mon Khuy mountain (should be Mon Kluy) https://goo.gl/maps/kzsKQdFf3x5Qcdnv7 I last rode up over 3 years ago and it was far more difficult this time, well for me on a Bullet! From there on to Mae Sariang. https://www.relive.cc/view/vXOd5RdL8k6
  5. Day 9. 23.01.22. Around Tak 163 km Today i took a ride to Khlong Wang Chao National Park As I wanted to get high in the mountains as possible. https://goo.gl/maps/UnuhvDQzQzR5e4Fi8 A 220 baht entrance fee was too high considering what they offered. There was a camping area near the park entrance on a river that was packed. As continued on up the mountain as my plan I came to a wooden bridge when the tarmac road finished. Usually no issues at all, but today I was not confident riding across at all. There were grooves in and I have a total lack of balance at times. The further I went I the mountain the less happy I was, so I decided to give it a miss and rode back Very strange to feel like that and will go again on another bike. https://www.relive.cc/view/vNOPYRYNW26
  6. Day 8. 22.01.22. Lopburi to Tak. 406 km After leaving Lopburi I stopped to take a look at this old Khmer Temple, Wat Prathat https://goo.gl/maps/TsBMMAdjtC2ND11X6 Following that, a ride around Thai Switzerland before riding on to Tak. https://goo.gl/maps/7iEnArphb4TZY1Pq6 https://www.relive.cc/view/vXOnwQJw856
  7. Day 7. 21.01.22 Around Lopburi I decided to stay local today, my first stop was https://goo.gl/maps/f93Kb5hLbtSmD5iNA Nice to view the tree roots growing through the walls and the lotus flowers. Just up the road was an old building, but I am not sure of its name. I then rode to https://goo.gl/maps/6ceJT11ADXsuycDm6 This is an ancient wall held up by scaffolding with an area of dog <deleted> and rubbish in front. Really needs cleaning up Just down the road I could not find what I was looking for due to corrugated tin shacks everywhere and dogs that were not the most friendly! https://goo.gl/maps/sVdyMn8JEJtjUkqw8 Onto another place with yappy dogs trying to bite my ankles. Wat Nakorn Kosa https://goo.gl/maps/TyZwMa2iZo7ydEs36 My last stop was Pra Prang Sam Yod https://goo.gl/maps/9uP9tshktEF38UQv9 Totally taken over by monkeys and I was given a stick to ward them off if they get too feisty.
  8. Day 6. 20.01.22 Ban Kruat to Lopburi. 328 km. A boring and unpleasant ride today, just straight and busy roads. Lopburi seems closed, found a hotel which is ok, can’t find bars or restaurants that are open online. I went to see a couple of the Khmer sites, the first one was not on google maps but in the center of town, Wat Indra. Just around the corner was Prang Khaek, which was a better find. Monkeys everywhere though. https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqDd8WxZwq
  9. Day 5. 19 Jan 2022. Ban Kruat local Khmer sites. 147 km Todays first site today was Prasat Khao Plai Bat 2 https://goo.gl/maps/ayqdXb2VJcYwuBMh7 Near to Prasat Khao Plai 1 and an easy walk up once you find the Thai temple nearby. The problem is there a new roads that google does not recognize. It’s a steepish ride to the Thai temple, park up by the new building. Second site I went back to Prasat Khao Plai Bat 1 to see if you could ride up. The way to find the route it seems is to walk up and walk down the car tracks to see where they come out. I did not bother. The third site was Prasat Ban Bu, which is the grounds of a local school. The guy at the barrier allowed me access and to ride right up to the temple. https://goo.gl/maps/bRugWAsmNebiHE9Z7 Just up the road I stopped at Prasat Nong Bua Rai Which I have been before. https://goo.gl/maps/CKwGY81z8RACtZfr5 After a quick photo I rode to Prasat Nongkong https://goo.gl/maps/Gxg1spha3FvrmFbY7 A few kilometers of easy compacted sand was an easy to ride up to the temple. https://www.relive.cc/view/vdvmdnA9mxq
  10. Day 4. 18.01.22 Around Ban Kruat Prasat hunting. 70km Today’s first goal was https://goo.gl/maps/3Y7WCb48WX7R47gS8 I ended up riding through sand tracks until a dead end and a long way from it. My next goal was Prasat Khok Kranan which with a local farmers help I found, just a piles of rocks in the jungle. https://goo.gl/maps/smbmUWt5JBsHdRYZ6 The last site was Prasat khao Plai Bat if my transliteration is correct. https://goo.gl/maps/MZKPy6C7aYKdLxvd9 Google maps took me to a place with no road according to a local farmer who suggested walking. I carried on and there was a machine building a way through the scrubland. The farmer mentioned another way there, and I found out if you enter Wat Khao Plai Bat (it seems my transliteration was right). Keep going through the temple grounds as far a fork. I went right and parked at a monks place and followed signs to the top, about 25 minutes I guess. At the top a saw tracks back down which must the take the left fork. I have no idea if you can ride up, I may go again to try. https://www.relive.cc/view/vNOPYJwKM26
  11. Day 3. 17 Jan 22. Ban Kruat to Prasat Sdok Kok Thom. 237km I took an early ride south today from Ban Kruat to Prasat Sdok Kok Thom, well worth the ride to view this place. It’s very clean and great to wander around for a while. I did try to find another smaller temple, but either google was wrong or it’s behind barbed wire hiding in the jungle. https://goo.gl/maps/sYobzRFJ5S4gHXdR9 https://www.relive.cc/view/v26MxB7AB3O
  12. Day 2. 16 Jan.22 Around Buriram. 198km Into town to buy a new camera battery and a few historic ruins on the way back to my hotel. The first stop Prasat Hoa Woa https://goo.gl/maps/cA1Ntx8BeP6tKsNQ6 The second stop was Prasat Kracharb Phong, basically a pile of rubble from an ancient Prasat in the jungle. https://goo.gl/maps/Jj5fJoHjU9tfEnyv6 My third stop was at Ancient Fort of Salaeng which I could not find, but I found a cannabis tree where it was supposed to be! https://goo.gl/maps/4mHEkJA4PoUFMonp9 https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqorBW8Gy6
  13. An enjoyable ride through parts of Isan and the north of Thailand. Day one. 15.01.22 Pattaya to Ban Kruat. 487km. A bit of a convoluted route to get to Prasat Khao Noi. https://goo.gl/maps/5GVDVU1fxnDJRuPK6 I was going to visit some other sites, but with the camera having issues I gave them a miss. https://www.relive.cc/view/vAOZzrrxxoO
  14. I suspect go back again to a UK MP What are you talking about?
  15. The minister is the spokesperson for the whole country, you may not care, but if a country can't provide the proof, especially as they are trying to do so to control the population you should pay attention to that fact. I am not 100 percent sure, but this was based on real life studies, not in the lab.
  16. And i point you to the fact a Uk minister who promised to to provide the facts that they work work, has been unable to do so. If he could as promised he would have done.
  17. The problem seems to me as what scientists can show in a lab are not relevant in the real word.
  18. What he said was just that, spoken words no proof as requested. The report did not prove anything. Which i suggest why the mask mandate in England has ended.
  19. The proof he said was being published the next day, proved nothing at all.
  20. Take a look, start a one minute and you will listen to the government minister unable to supply evidence,
  21. https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/testimony/HPOLSUB-1323-20210204-5275-F-SEELY_BRADLEY.pdf And as i mentioned already the UK government have been asked live on TalkRadio (youtube) and were unable to supply the proof.
  22. The British government have been asked asked many times to show actual proof, cabinet ministers have disclosed that there is no proof. Countries or areas with strictly enforced mandated masks had the same infection rates as places without. What a scientist mocks up in a lab does not work in the real world in this case.
  23. Just go to the town hall north Pattaya they sort it out.
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