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Everything posted by chrissables

  1. I recently had a visit from Pattaya City Hall and was given a bill for nearly 50K. They back dated it, but not for the full time i have been here. 7,500 a year tax.
  2. Very rarely go to bars, sorry to disappoint your wrong vision of me. You are arguing that essential travel is ok to spread covid, but relaxing in a bar is not. How strange. There is little to zero proof that masks work at all anyway.
  3. But there is no proof of masks working. And in counties that adhered to strict and quality wearing of masks, they did nothing to reduce the people catching it.
  4. The question was can vaccinated still get and pass on covid. They can The science and knowledge is changing every day and there is a lot of false information from both sides of the argument. Government scientists who have lied or misrepresented evidence have a lot to answer for. I would think people who find out their lies would be wary and rightfully so.
  5. Not cherry picking, the question was asked if you can still get covid after vaccination, you can. So one can get double vaccinated, booster and still pass on covid.
  6. Omicron, a virus somewhere between a common cold a the flu. Should we quarantine everyone with a sniffle?
  7. It is relevant if vaccinated people pass on covid. You break out of prison not a medical testing facility.
  8. It's possible he spread the disease, but unknown. As anyone who is fully vaccinated with the magic juice can do the same should they be given hard punishment too? Who are the expat you know with covid who think like that?
  9. https://www.google.com/maps/@12.920361,100.8796978,3a,75y,24.47h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s62tzLtFnfCHYa0L5dl5_6A!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D62tzLtFnfCHYa0L5dl5_6A%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D24.469513%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192 Map for location of Northern Thai food.
  10. I visited a restaurant here in in Pattaya over the weekend, the waitresses were extremely friendly and accommodating, the place was packed and buzzing. I also heard quite a few bars are up and running as usual.
  11. Also for people who like to travel. Planning to be away is fun, making sure you are in the right province is a right pain. They could at least let you sign at any province.
  12. Tried 3 times to register, failed This message came up "Failed to save data."
  13. The 90 day stupidity can be a real pain, if i wish to travel i have to make sure i return to Chonburi to do. Great if in the north or south of the country, not! Why on earth it is still demanded is beyond and logic at all. I admit i have not tried the online app, but most of what i have read about it is negative.
  14. this kind of attitude is why the 'plandemic' will keep dragging on for ever and ever. This is the reason, masks do next to nothing. Being vaccinated means you can still catch and pass on covid.
  15. https://inf.news/en/auto/f89371665ead562902b4c4c89f79f1bc.html
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