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Everything posted by chrissables

  1. Well as you can see i did a fair bit, i put location references for a lot of the places. They should be helpful.
  2. I have Honda Rally, but keep falling off 555555 Only off once on the CT, and that was alongside the Salawin river, very steep and the front tyre hit a rock causing a wonderful, but uncontrolled wheelie ????
  3. Riding through the Salawin National Park to the Salawin river was challenging, best in the dry season due to riding along some river beds.
  4. You can ride up to the dam, park and walk along some of it. Worth doing i think. This is my trip earlier this year in reverse to yours, have a look, they should be some ideas for you. What do you look for? Fast roads, good views........? https://aseannow.com/topic/1211660-honda-ct125-a-testing-ride-around-issan-and-the-north-of-thailand/
  5. It's all good road now, changed so much. My last trip was this year on a Honda CT125, but i didn't hit R105 south until Mae Yuam.
  6. If the weather is good as you near MHS take a ride up Ban Microwave, keep going to the masts there, just past them some of the best views in the area are there. It is a steep road, one of the steepest in the country. https://goo.gl/maps/sZKZnytjNTZrwQw99
  7. I have stayed here a few times, not the cheapest, but good value. https://goo.gl/maps/pe64QfbwsxhQsohw9 Not far from the beginning of 1175 the dam is worth a visit. https://goo.gl/maps/LM6TxHLvzpehyRQk7
  8. It's just north of Tak and goes through Mae Tuen Forest Park and come out onto the 105 at Mae Ramat. It's a slower road, but my preference due to views. 1107 Tambon Ko Taphao, Amphoe Ban Tak, Chang Wat Tak 63120 17.064003, 99.048825
  9. Also it's nice there and you can take the slower road R1175 which is great.
  10. Nice route, i have done similar a few times. But now i ride to a place with good amenities, stay a few days and go exploring before moving on.
  11. Is there a reason for not wanting to stop and see some sites on the way? I often do long rides like that if there is nothing interesting for me to stop and see, but usually i like to in the scenery.
  12. I agree governments are stupid, along with people who think a small piece of fabric will save there life, whatever country they come from.
  13. Look back on the most clever people in the word and ask yourself were they peer reviewed or leaders in their field. For example, Edison, Archimedes, Tesla, Da Vinci, Plato, Socrates, the original Buddha.
  14. Peer reviewed, meaning the same people that learnt the same things from the same book all agree what they learned is correct. marvelous
  15. I suggest taking medication that does not cure your illness or stop you transmitting it does not work.
  16. so if you don't want to get vaccinated, infect the elderly then good for you, your doing your thing for humanity. People who worry can take the magic juice, i have no issues with that. Forcing someone to take it is totally wrong morally, and should be illegal.
  17. Because if the unvaccinated get infected, they can still infect others Even the vaccinated? Cancelled. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58535258
  18. If vaccines work why would you worry about the unvaccinated? They have just cancelled the vaccine passport in the UK, there is a reason for that i suggest.
  19. Covid is not going anywhere and here to stay, vaccinations ensures people do not die and do not end up critically ill, but recover with minimal or no medical help. It lowers the risk of illness and dying, it does not ensure it.
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