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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. An important question that remains is what caused this man to kill himself in such manner?

    The place and way he hung himself was definitely uncommon,  and a lot more difficult to do and for his lifeless body to be exposed to the public in such an undignified manner, what message was he trying to send?


    If he had a terminal disease I think its understandable but if he was cheated out of his life savings by some gold digger(and her relatives) I think it should be considered a criminal case and pursued (even though he took his own life) as the actions of someone ultimately led to his death.

    • Confused 3
  2. Since they are not infants (think SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome) and the chance of two adults dying (of say a heart attack) side by side at the same time are probably a zillion to one it all smells funny...and is definitely not good PR for immigration police and the country as a whole.


    Hopefully someone will own up to the true reason rather then a good excuse.

  3. 21 hours ago, heybuz said:


    Victims as in tricked into thinking they could get married and divorced without consequences.


    Nevertheless it does not excuse them from being "willing accomplices" in the sense that they were doing something deceitful for money.


    I've never met these "victims" so I couldn't judge whether they were down and out on their luck or just greedy but the real problem is the scammers who take advantage of the weakness of human nature and not these women who are akin to drug mules, so to deride them alone might be misdirected.


    Poverty drives Thailand's sex trade and then some....

  4. Thing is, these tickets they are talking about are often issued for minor offenses like crossing a solid line while lane changing, parking violations etc while more serious violations like driving multiple shifts (minivan drivers falling asleep at the wheel), driving under the influence of alcohol or amphetamines (truckers and minivans) are not being seriously addressed.


    The RTP is whining because they want the money, not because they want to solve the pressing issue of why Thailand is top ranked in traffic related deaths.


    Their priorities are never right because the whole RTP system is based on cronyism, power trips and incentives, not to serve the public.

    • Like 2
  5. I disagree with how all this was handled by the RTP.  It looks more like a quick win discrediting witch hunt/country face-saving stunt then what it should be: A sincere approach of concern for the safety of tourists and the victim given the benefit of the doubt and treated with dignity instead of contempt until proven otherwise.  They should have gotten the shirt checked by both the metropolitan police forensics and RTP forensics to confirm for fairness and credibility.


    Yeah in the end she could have been drunk, confused and it never happened or she could have been drugged, raped and couldn’t recall anything.  Lots of date rape drugs for example midazolam cause anterograde amnesia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midazolam


    I akin all this effort and use of taxpayers money to do a press briefing (confirming it was all bogus) thinking they will save Thailand’s tourism image like the saying “riding an elephant to catch a cricket”.


    As a local I am more embarrassed by these charades then confident of our LE abilities.


    Social media PR can turn us into PR media whores.





    • Like 1
  6. Unfortunately minivan drivers are not the most cultured and pleasant of people to be around having their patience already tested in Bangkok's notorious traffic, unruly passengers and silent farting.


    Thankful that the CCTV cameras were working today and very high def indeed.


    Real men don't hit women dude, didn't your mom teach you that?


    Hopefully news will get around that nowadays you have to be accountable for your actions due to CCTV and social media.


  7. On 7/22/2017 at 4:37 PM, lanng khao said:

    Rule number one chaps, if it's got a apple, it will have a banana..

    Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

    Nowadays if you have enough money you can shape the apple down and even the vocal cords to sound feminine. It's getting really hard unless your a gynecologist and can feel the uterus.

  8. Like many countries it depends on which crowd you mix with. Everybody has to think which leads to everyday decisions but the depth depends upon a lot of things.

    Are they knowledgeable or interested about that specific subject?

    Are they the philosophical type?

    Do they have the luxury (time) to ponder about things when they may have more pressing matters?

    Are they opinionated or tend to keep to themselves?


    Thais are often perceived as being less opinionated and vocal then their western counterparts but this like many things we observe are often just limited experiences summed up into generalizations.  

    If you talk to an activist or NGO’s on a topic they are passionate about and you will probably run into tons of thinkers.

    Again it’s all relative to who and what your thinking about.

  9. I've never been to Vietnam before but was interested in what people who have been there had to say.

    Not surprised since looking at indicators from the WHO and World Bank place Vietnam about 10 years behind Thailand but catching up fast.

    I agree that Thailand has probably lost some of its innocence and charm as many touristy countries seem to do but there will always be cultural, social and natural landscape differences between the two countries that generalizations or individual experiences cannot do justice to so I guess it comes down to personal preferences rather then one country being "better" then the other?

    • Like 1
  10. The widespread availability and easy access to pornographic content on the internet, rape-love scenes in Thai soap drama's, and general cultural acceptance of men galavanting around with multiple "kik's" is certainly not helping these youths follow good role models.


    Before we blame the youths we need to take a hard look as to why they walked down this ghastly path.


    I am deeply saddened and disturbed by what has happened to this young girl though I'm pretty sure it happens to a lot more girls and boys then we are aware but is kept secret in shame.


    I only hope the proper psychological counseling will be given to the child and her parents and that in time she will be able to grow up without permanent mental scars or at least able to realize that not all men are evil.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. From a Thai person's perspective your relationship would probably be viewed by strangers as:


    You are a "mangda" which means pimp and your leeching off of her as she is your sugar-mama


    Very few would believe a younger guy would settle for someone much older when he can hook up with girls his own age.


    You will probably get dirty looks from time to time but hey who cares what others think.  A lot of Thai women look great at 40 (Asians tend to look younger especially fairer skinned women and northern gals fit that bill)


    Wish you both the best.  If it feels right then its right.

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