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Posts posted by thailand49

  1. Thailand: You want high end tourists then act high end!

    I love this! The Thai government got to really take the cake! I live here and I do not want to be so negative as when I moved here I was in cloud nine but years have changed me. I still wake up and give every Thai the benefit of the doubt in general but when I read stories like this?

    This government let in through greed, corruption etc... Nigerians women to sell themselves on Education Visa on Sukhumvit in Bangkok right in front of the police box on Nana while their pimps run around creating crime and when it gets out of hand they yell bloody murder and act if they did not know about the problem. Now it is the Russians, in Phuket etc etc.. Mafia out of hand crime?

    They want the tourist Chinese give away the store to get them by giving them free visas and cheap tours etc... and now complaint about them in Chang Mai etc.. low end.. etc... being too loud and cheap! Maybe the Thais should look in the mirror and see that they are just as low as the Chinese. Hey what about the cheap Indians?

  2. Welcome to Thailand! This is minor compare to what I have gone through and continue to go through for a number of years. Someone should have told you when you came here and brought the land they didn't because this is just normal. Be lucky it is not sheep and cattle running through your land leaving pile of shit through your land and the neigborhood.

    I have thought and done worse than what you are thinking. If dogs can get in your land so can local kids!!!!

    Get use to it picking up dog shit day in and day out or move to a Condo! or find some Vietnamese friends to pick them up at night.

  3. good news with luck the Thais might clean up the mess the US made of this wonderful country during there RnR visits way back.

    Wonder why you came to Thailand to open a Church? Take the blinders off? Funny there are many gogo's opening on W.S. early but no crackdown?

    I made a guess that the curfew was going to be lifted for Phuket and Pattaya but was wrong. I wonder why they could only open from 8pm when again some on W.S. are opening at 4pm and many at 6pm.

    Maybe they do not want any of the clubs to get the bright idea once the curfew is lifted they can continue to open early. But there were a handful of go go opening in the afternoon before the curfew like for example.. Champange?

  4. If you are in Pattaya and you are speaking of a House and as you noted the power and water was cut off then the meter is there? It is usually attached to a cement pole. Pattaya power does not have central turn off and turn on system by a switch especially in homes? Once you locate the meter you will see a gray plate below. Unscrew the plate and you will see two wires! they are live! if I am right you will see one of them disconnected this is how they turn off your power here in Pattaya. They come out manually and disconnect when the bill is not paid or late? Just stick it back in and tighten the screw.

    As for the water you will see two handles left and right... One of them is from the street main water line the other runs into the house. If the meter has been removed then the water is turn off from the main street line. To confirm turn the handle and water should come out! Go the the hardwarde store and get a water pipe (blue) do not use glue since it will be temporary. and insert it between the street knob and house knob. Now turn both on you will get some leakage but this should provide the water.

    This is what I did when my wife forgot to pay the electric bill a few days late. Saw the guy come out and do this manually and when I paid the bill that day they cop a attitude and told me tomorrow morning? I went home and connected it myself.

    As for water... someone in the middle of the night stole my meter. Reported it long wait this is what I did with a blue pipe. both situation they did not like it but I gave them the Thai response " mai pen rai "..

    Now reality is you just brought a house, your book is in England? 5,000 just pay the piper you screwed up should have taken care of the problem before the final documents were signed. Actually cheap for your situation? while you are waiting for the response you are without electricity and water? time is money?

  5. Between the lines and forget the teams doing any kind of assessments? They already know the answer but need to save face as to what they have done to their own economy?

    Not official but let me take a guess, within 24 hours like tomorrow Saturday 31st.... the curfew will be lifted for Phuket and Pattaya!


  6. I know the school that requires O-Net (A.S.) My son has been going to O-Net from day one... it is not a requirement! but it cost extra money and each term it seems to be a waste just like their summer school. I've concluded it is no more than a extra day for them to hang out with their friends. The worse thing is their grades don't get better and it is not all the school doing. I take responsibility for my lack of action of not wanting to rock the boat and go along with the program.

    There is such a push to learn English in this country but I wonder if they did and my son school has their share of Farang yet everything is in Thai, I have to wing it each year as to when I must attend certain events etc...

    Personally, If I had to do it all again... the extra time like summer school and O-net I would send them to private tutor as to what they need. Find out in their evaluation what are their low scores and give them private help in that area. As for my son, there was a time his own teacher said he needed him in a particular area and she can help him at her home for 2,000 baht a month on Saturday. End of term his score was still the same <deleted>? Use your Saturdays to take them to private English lessons classes.

    Good luck but forget O-net but have a alternative first do not let your wife or son make the decsions in this area!

    • Like 1
  7. Oh this is one of those new Anti-ATM overcharge skimmer for foreign withdraws. Siam is the first one to up their ATM charge to 180 baht per transaction. The attachment is to make sure you do not get charge at all... it deceives the machine and makes it think that you are using a local card. 555

  8. One can easily get caught up speaking like this... we are human and as human are not as self discipline as others like yourself. I know first hand because I do it from time to time especially when you spend most of your days and nights with a Thai person. It can spill over talking to your own friends and not even notice it.. When I was lot younger I spend summers in Hawaii with my cousins after a few months I was starting to talk pigeon.

    I have no problem with you but if you truly are a friend you can speak to him privately instead of acting like a child yourself and going on a rant? What you don't ever do is point it out to him publicly if so you should have the balls to do it to everyone who does it regardless if you know them or not!

  9. Don't really know if it will or not? But these idiots shot themselves in the foot and as far as I'm concern the sooner the better and hope it is for a long time........................like a bunch of spoiled children the military steps in as if there was like a war going on. They are killing themselves and maybe that is the best thing for everyone? Let the investment pull out and their corruption money dry up! I love this stuff and now what are they fighting about again?

  10. You are not cleared? You said " talking loudly at you about a girlfriend of mines? " You give me the impression although you have lived here for a number of years that aside from the guy talking directly at you? you have no idea what he is talking about? but yet you say he is talking about a girlfriend of yours? I'm confused? do you mean your girlfriend is with you and talking about her? If so, why don't you ask her what he is saying if she is Thai?

    In the number of years I have lived here regardless of how you feel negative about Thai men they do not do just do this out of the blue? There is much more to this story than you are giving unless you are just not expressing yourself correctly. Once you find out then you should know what to do? and unless you have one foot in the grave you not need worry about finding yourself in the ditch.even if this is Thailand.

  11. "Instead find a way to help out and say I'll make the rice tonight and ask her to show you but then comment the water level might be too high? that take some out?"

    Yeah, tried that and her comment was that my rice is too hard. We just have different tastes in rice.......also she likes her eggs cooked Thai style. fried super hot in a half inch of oil [in a teflon pan].

    Not that big of a problem, but my OP was just wondering of other's experience same.

    Then we are basically back to square one? Everyone has their own taste growing up what they know and like best as I have noted. Just like Pizza here have not found any that I like grew up liking a particular style and the thin crust stuff do not do it for me along with so many other stuff put on pizza here. Your wife sounds she like her rice like Congee 555? based on that no matter how expensive or how cheap the rice she is going to make it with too much water. The best you could do is when she isn't looking take a cup and scope some water out what she does not know will not hurt her.

    I remember my dad needed to cut back on salt... He complaint to my mom she was not using enough before he even tasted the food he put salt on it. I told my mom go back going with what he likes after a week start each day cutting back just a little after a month she was hardly even using any and my dad couldn't tell the difference went on and on how good her cooking was and how much better the food taste with salt.. I nearly choke on my rice?

  12. To put in nicely your "wife" only knows what she has grown up knowing. I too being Asian... from experience believe what you like! but maybe find a tactful way to showing her or even better taking on some serious responsibility of maybe cooking for the family from time to time.

    FYI, I do at least 50% of the cooking anyway because I enjoy my own comfort foods and just creating new flavors.

    I will generalize but this is the 21st century it might be time to stop being a Sumarai and start to help out like cleaning, cooking, etc..instead of ranting! my mother use to tell me in Hawaii? " if you don't like it do it yourself "

    Aloha, I'm from Hawaii too and I do cook, clean and other non 'samurai' chores as well as paying all the bills, managing the money, being the taxi driver, medical consultant and too many other chores to mention so please don't accuse me of being a 'samurai guy'.

    Last, Jaideeguy! what bothers you? how she can't make rice or spending too much of your money? Jaideeguy?

    Both, altho not really bothered by her gooey over cooked rice..................just commenting.

    As far as the money thing, I was raised by parents that taught me not to waste money [and we always had some] and she was raised by parents that didn't teach her to not waste and they were middle class Thais, but wasted all their money and passed that trait along to their kids and they all live hand to mouth with not a baht in the bank.

    A very common situation here in LOS................poor money management.

    I agree and I think you agree too except maybe not 100%?

    Regardless of where or what class they are especially if they are not rich and highly educated one or the other? They as I noted do what they have been taught.

    As for money management there was just a survey or study that confirm that the Thais in general have no money management skills.confirming what already have seen for years here.

    Many people talk about eating Brown rice etc.. as we know is really better for you but is slightly more expensive and to Thai that makes a big difference. I have seen Thais get on a motor bike or walk in the hot sun because one place was charging 1 baht too much for a Leo beer.

    It does not seem it is the cost of the rice that bothers you but how she makes it? You will be sleeping alone if you handle this wrong come straight out and say she does not know how to make rice. Instead find a way to help out and say I'll make the rice tonight and ask her to show you but then comment the water level might be too high? that take some out?

  13. To put in nicely your "wife" only knows what she has grown up knowing. I too being Asian... from experience believe what you like! but maybe find a tactful way to showing her or even better taking on some serious responsibility of maybe cooking for the family from time to time.

    I will generalize but this is the 21st century it might be time to stop being a Sumarai and start to help out like cleaning, cooking, etc..instead of ranting! my mother use to tell me in Hawaii? " if you don't like it do it yourself "

    Last, Jaideeguy! what bothers you? how she can't make rice or spending too much of your money? Jaideeguy?

  14. As far as I'm concern from my experience it is like a " bait and switch " get supposed to get a 10% if no claims but the next year your policy goes up anyways.your 10% is applied not much off in the end. I was accident free the first two years 3rd year some idiots followed too closed a small accident close to my insurance company was 16,000 baht.. the guy that hit me had no insurance so my policy covered the cost The next year rock hit windshield my wife handle the claim for whatever reason they would not cover it so next year I dropped the policy.

    I see this type of sell on their medical insurance too!

  15. Whatever you do don't send them to public school or even a semi private... I'm push for money so I did the best I could! I've heard bad things about Burapa too but met a few students there and I was impressed with their English and if I had to do it all over again I have no problem sending them there. If you can swing it in Pattaya it is the Regent but way out of my range! You would do better in Bangkok I've met a bunch of teacher through sports here and that is a better option living too in regards to culture. I met a guy recently here in Pattaya but have no contact.. his kids both spoke real good English and Thai and seem good kids go something in Siracha?

    Good luck

  16. This is the cost at BPH in Pattaya, The full blood test as discussed is around 4,000 baht and comes along with the other usual stuff. A four month supply of medication is around 16,500 baht. I'm able to use my Pattaya Sport Club membership card and get 10% off the medication for my Thai friend so that bring it to around 14,500. So break it down per month for the medication it comes down to around 3,625 baht per month. Forgot there is also in addition a small fee for doctor along with a few other add on that add up to another 1,000 baht.

    Good luck and thanks for the address on the Red Cross

    • Like 1
  17. It is pretty much the same everywhere, forget about what you do in the U.S. just no comparison. The price is pretty much fixed as noted when you pay cash 100%, they will throw in a bunch of stuff basically accessories and insurance for a 1 or 3.. that is about it! The way gas has been going up think about Diesel that price is fixed too. so every litre you are going to save 10 baht that should add up in time.

  18. Hate to see anyone die because as I see it majority of the accidents are avoidable and certainly what has been written could have? This kid I guess was more Thai than American. Someone mentioned that bikes are dangerous yes they are so are guns but the bike didn't kill him. It was his reckless behavior and attitude he kill himself and helmet or no helmet at the suppose speed he was traveling and the vehicle he hit. Just look at the damage concludes he was going pretty fast. See what the Thais drivers here on motorbike do not understand " you can not win against a ton of metal... the vehicle do not feel any pain at all it was just damaged it will be fixed can't say the same for the kid.

    I conclude without a medical examination that he was drinking and ran into a park car? This type of damage he was traveling well within a 100 KM/H? In driving law enforcement the higher the risk the higher the chance something will happen. He has done this before and this night he roll the dice and lost like so many other Thais.

    Here in Pattaya the better and wider the road the greater the speed. It is like a invitation to take risk and it is not the car or motorbike that deternine how fast it travel it is the person behind the wheel.

    My moto I say to myself daily as I travel around Pattaya seeing reckless drivers.. if they do not die today they will die tomorrow?


  19. Really you needed to do a survey to find that out? what a waste of money!

    Start by teaching them how to add and subtract without using a calculator.

    Teach them you do not apply for a credit card and then go to Big C shopping and not have enough funds to cover the items being purchased holding up the line while cashier process the card over and over again.

    Tell them if you start to make enough money instead saving it they go out and buy a car or truck that just sits because they can't even purchase gas for it. Then not having any money each month for food or your kids because everything you make now goes monthly for the payments and only in the end find out it is impossible and next thing you know the vehicle is gone back to the bank? Should I go on...........

  20. Not sure of the details but at majority of check points I have seen there is not enough warning for drivers. In the West, there is a standard when and where to setup and allow a certain distant to slow down. Here there seem to be no training just throw out a cone and stand in the road waving them in it is like a crap shoot. It is a shame this happen?

    But when you enforce with no respect you get no respect... I seen time after time in Pattaya people disregard the checkpoints because all they seem after is a few extra baht. Enforce has no teeth and enforcement means 24/7 not only at checkpoints.

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  21. I've had a Real Estate License in the States and managed property for over 25 years. I also own rental here..

    Here is my take.... First ask yourself is what he is accusing you of correct? if so pay up? If not....

    You said he called you? does he know where you moved to? if he does and you truly feel that what he is saying is incorrect then I would wait until he comes meantime I would find someone who understands pretty good English to help you with your translation to explain your side. Although as noted this is Thailand... and this is something for others to know... even in Thailand... get a release of responsibility from the landlord basically telling you are getting your deposit back minus any problems . A simple scratch piece of paper saying that you are getting your deposit back and you are cleared. In the States once the money is given back or check cashed that seals the deal any other problems arising is on the landlord.

    Here you have a 7,000 tab, if he doesn't know any BIB I doubt he can just go to the station and ask them to come with him to settle the matter with you. If he does. I would just wait until they show up. Since he gave the deposit back it is for the landlord to prove. That would be my defense as long as you keep calm and stake your point most likely the BIB is too stupid to figure it out. But if he doesn't his solution will be since you are a falang you are wrong? So in the end, you screwed but I would wait!

    Good luck...

  22. I tell you what buddy... I do you a favor?  You obviously have made up your mind after two weeks. It is not the sex you have a connections right. Within all the advice and from your responses it drips with you thinking " you don't know her attitude "  so you know what just kick out the 30,000 and set her free so you can marry her etc etc...money should not be a issue with you any longer right!  How can you put a price on love and that connection it is your sole mate?


    Or do this... I'll go out on a limp for you.. put 100,000 baht in my bank account... PM me pictures and where she lives along with any other information you feel is necessary and I will go to the location and get you answers and pictures positive or negative if this is on the up and up?  It would cost you much more to take care of the husband my work don't come cheap!  


    Like I said this story is very common... on a personal note... a friend had a very similar situation.. after meeting a women in Bangkok... I couldn't believe knowing him for 40 years he would ever fall for something like this " took it one step at a time, sent her money to help her leave... in the end, I and a few others made a bet after doing all we can for him.. just a small bet between friends... after nearly loosing a million baht... a year later.. he waited at the airport for her to pick him up.  He still might be waiting?



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