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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Backward thinking! The brain isn't fully developed until well into their twenties from studies reason insurance cost more at a younger age. Thailand made a decision to allow kids to ride bikes so the can go to sleep school but the lack of oversight in control allows this exception to go far far above the intent. Authorities force at a age you need to obtain a license through a learning and testing minimum process but give a complete pass to children. While phones today has become an addiction this was coming and happening for sometime not surprising when they say wrong they don't have a clue. Because of that the Factory of death from schools will continue.
  2. There are shops that do recovering furniture some are combo and do seat covering usually indicates if the are hanging bike seats. When they change covers they fill in the dents on the seats which they can add more padding prior to putting new cover.
  3. Agree! No training, what training they got was passed down by their superior so forth and so forth! When it gets heavy block the road off, place a cone move it down to the next light we have all seen It particularly Sukhumvit! ????
  4. Sad, while violations and deaths are occurring we got 15 officers resources going to directing traffic while everyone whizzing by is violating the law.????
  5. I have a 2018 4x4 Revo Hilux, I don't remember the Rocco being much bigger or anything special about it in fact I didn't like the add on designs the black rim and larger tires. Prior to hitting the road I went next down and traded in the stock rims and tires with 18 inch and a set of BF Goodridge. Last year, I decided to give the Revo to my son, started looking for Vans, of course Toyota first but realized majority of them were imported from Japan. Top models like Alphare? Majestic were in the range of 3-4.5 million Baht! Commuter, Hiace as my wife and son noted more for work? Being used for tours, airport, running you up and down Sukhumvit to and from Pattaya. In my research the bare bones Communter,Hiace, start at 1.3 million? then I think the Hiace comes only in a manual transmission by the time you put what you need into the Vans it could run you close to 1.7 Million. Nissan has a similar truck like the Hiace, price starts the same or close. Then Honda has a smaller Van called StepWagon it looks like a Van smaller price range 2 million. I noticed a lot of Hyundai, July 2021, price model started 1.3, next 1.5 Elite, 1.7 Deluxe, 2022 new model new generation 1.7 1.9. 1.3 is barebones, even the Elite, a bit more but they didn't even offer a camera while backing up, in the end, I got the Deluxe just under 1.7 fully loaded. I have a Thai license never cross my mind as to whether I can drive one or even own one! it still a vehicle. Next month I will know the cost to register the vehicle and the insurance since first year was given free. The plates number are Blue not sure what that means for commercial use ( which in my cased not ) the noticed the insurance coverage is bit higher might be because most buy Vans for business use not in my case so I will cut the coverage in have to what I have for the truck. I immediately took the rear seats out for storage so far with Hyundai no problems a real comfortable ride space for a 200 lbs son and his wife who is also big, now a big granddaugther who won't go anywhere unless we use the Van?
  6. Before you get your boxers all wedge up! I was simple making a remark as to my view just as you are taking it as offensive that is your choice. Do I feel I'm better than a Thai or anyone the answer is NO! I said " in my remarks we come from certain learning as we grow up living here although we need to adopted or even lower our own standards " we never let it go? which is what I was trying to point out to the poster! Does not mean we are better than them! In the post just because she didn't jump up and down and smile to the mistake makes her a bad person or whatever people want to call it? IN GENERAL, from my own experience in living with Thais in the lower income for near twenty years their standards don't meet what I was taught growing up but I don't get mad I just accept it as I noted their country their culture it doesn't mean it is bad just doesn't meet my standard. What I do know as a foreigner who look Thai it is often pointed out that I don't do this or that but find Thais do the same thing all the time but don't like it pointed out to them when it happens they act like the clerk being mentioned by the poster. Here is one for you, many times it is pointed out to me don't get upset or mad " mai pen rai" but I see Thais do it everyday! I think I might have a million examples I can throw out if there was ever a debate. But lets be clear! Just because you haven't experience it yourself like I have doesn't mean it doesn't exist or I feel superior to a any Thai. I've met quite a few Thais who have been educated oversea or gone to International schools that have the exact same view and opinion.
  7. You have to remember sadly you are in a different country! Their education their MANNER as we expect it no matter your standard it is completely different some or many will not ever meet our standard even if it is low. Then you got everyone personality isn't the same even companies like Makro at foreign chain haven't taken the time to train how important is customer service. What is posted is more common sadly that good customer service. My experience is because my daughter in law works for them I kindly mentioned to her because she has an attitude problem cashier is too much work you are better stocking LOL. My son got a job also another branch he left after a week the boss who hired him like him but people skill non-existences didn't know how to explain properly the job he was being hired.
  8. They have been talking about this system for 5 years, Years ago they purchased radar guns millions of baht wear ate they? 12 points? How many are going to continue to die before they max out their points? And how are they able to check points on the spot even if we're to do a inspection. And then the money exchanged to keep point off the books. ????
  9. As noted I got three, Ive talked to a number of other expat that use Wise they too had no email. I read through the email agreement line by line thinking I might have missed something at the end to click agree but nothing. Unable to fine s quick way to contact because clicking " Help Center " basically came up busy, So I took down their number and called a few days ago lady for wise said if you use after 14th you just automatically will agree to New terms?
  10. I've been thinking the same in Pattaya, making a right turn on Sukhumvit into Theppasit where the Outlets are located left side in front I notice there is a shop been meaning to stop for a price his samples outside look good.
  11. Never had s problem but I've gotten 3 emails in last month that their service is changing read through it starting July 14th, to use their service they need to start a new account? To be more transparent with the transaction not sure about that?
  12. Funny, the whole Bang Na area is China money, the resort off Nongprue HWY 7, with the Casino? ????
  13. TRIAD, you want quality this is what comes with it. He speaks because even with his past " patriotic " he see his country losing control it has gone beyond the police like in China their top government leaders. Thailand is the wild west, everyone's thirst for corruption, prostitution, copying, now marijuana and gambling is.a breeding ground with a untrained and inept police force. One thing lost is the amount of drugs and guns that is here. When it comes to money being made a war is coming they are lucky because although Triads are a large group they are splinter.
  14. You know more than me, what I do know is unscientific on going small bet with some regular expats living here. Everytime I read in the Bangkok or internet complaint or suggestions from government leaders, banks etc regarding the strength or weakness. I put my bet that now it will swing a bit the other way regardless 9-10 that is the case. When it was brought up a few days before here it was 36.40, just happen I ship Wise money over and today it is what. ????
  15. This is the problem! Some how there is a language problem between you and wife and you don't know it and certainly will shoot back something because it isn't what you want to hear. Why? All you kind of know is your wife gave money to a friend? You have no clue as to whether it was a loan to help catch up payment if that was the case there is no need to hide the bike. From my experience payment has been made in the pass if the load company catches up and get the bike they will auction depending on the type of of bike (scooter)? they aren't going to spend more resources trying go after the person they understand if you can't pay for s scooter they pretty much scraping bottom. Sure <deleted> happens but let them just have it. Off, topic. 200,00. Baht for a used bike interesting to know because there is a pattern?
  16. This area does flood they will put in a larger drain to hold the water below instead of above the water will connect to the drains in Naklau then out into the ocean
  17. Yes, swing with the market but next line will take action???? If it doesn't swing their way? Now that they have stepped in on the subject watch it start to get stronger. It was headed to 37 now at 35. Thai, the art of war, give the illusion let it swing then mulipulated a bit in your favor.
  18. Not in my case I also use Wise to ship money over twice a month normal but I don't use income for immigration. Been doing and consistently check out of curiosity, click living expenses each time register on book each time for a year FTT
  19. 9In Pattaya particularly if you are on Soi Buakhao, TT is pretty much consistent giving the best rate. You don't believe knock yourself out in the heat to prove me a bit wrong. On Soi 22, corner Soi Buakhao across from Treetown north end corner T.T rates posted, further South, across from Soi Pothole T. T. Further down across from Cheap Charlie, Hospital T. T. Rates all three the same. Second road corner T. T. Not sure this one open? Beach road, T. T. Just before Soi 7, If you are at Big C Extra there is a T.T. there but it give a slight lower rate usually from my tracking .10 lower I don't know of a Super Rich in Pattaya
  20. When she does hopefully in Thailand I'm no cheap Charlie I'll pay the BF
  21. ItAnd where they plan to play it is 12 years away I'll be too old too even care sure wouldn't be in Pattaya, they been worlking on the indoor stadium for close to 20 year. By then the <deleted> hole will need building again????
  22. Living with covid means since day one get your house in order to deal with it. Facilities, equipment, medication, Stop looking for blame at the airport your problem is look in the mirror your own borders has been the problem and will continue to be the problem.
  23. What has been " scrape " is the brain of many of these leaders it is like road deaths fighting every inch to see who can kill themselves first. What stupid thing leaders can come up with each morning to top each other to win stupidity of the day. Is it a democracy or communism? I thought it was a free market dictating to hotel what they should charge let turn the table and dictate how much these leaders are worth in pay? Brain dead should get NOTHING! Boycott Thailand!!! Land of Stupidity Lead by Stupidity Leaders! Boycott go anywhere but here post pandemic!????
  24. What goes around comes around? I live on 30-1, comfortably anything over thatwhen I transferred is saved old school call it what people want but there is always a rainy day. ????
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