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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. What about that new Space ship Hotel up from the Dusit ? YouTube it looks pretty fancy?
  2. So much to speculate on, I don't know if she is guilty or not. With so much wrong with Thailand all their rules and laws yet very few enforced while rich and connected do as they please. Death sentence reduced to 33 year still the sentence to me is out of whack. Unless the evidence clearly shows she has a long history of dealing with assets clearly available unexplainable this type of sentence is reserve for kingpins? Personally, on the surface the police botched the case, if they knew the BF was a big fish dealer wouldn't it make a bit of sense to wait until he returns to make the arrest it is he they wanted all along not someone who signs for a package! If it happen once it would happen again! That is how it works. One would think wait until she goes out alone then nap and squeeze her as to how much she knows she isn't the whale to get the whale they should have used her as bait doing so gives her a past. The result would have been reverse instead they got nothing and a big story as if the caught a kingpin! Sounds like the keystone cops to me! That is their investigation? Sure justice system is different based on the article real different!
  3. Wait until the bill comes you won't find the deputy when one needs him most. Guess the new mayor is too busy or ran out of T-shirts to wear acting like he is different. Settling in now collecting his envelopes. ???????? Same <deleted> different face!
  4. I guess the payment was 90% OK?
  5. Let me take a shot at this? I believe in such sayings " Grass is never greener, let he or country without sin be the first cast a stone " I was born and raise in the U.S. in the early 50's, considered myself to be 1st generation Chinese American. I've experience plenty of discrimination growing having the privilege of being able to travel to 49 of the 50 States. But never in my wildest dream living here I would ever feel so much discrimination especially being Asian but of course let me say it first I know that Pattaya and Bangkok been told is not indicative of what the rest of Thailand and its people are all about! What people forget is how large America is and regardless of what people read we are talking a dozen of so major cities and sadly being a democrat in the past majority if not all or liberal Cities. These Cities have gone so far left it has left many like myself in the middle thinking where should my vote go? The formula for such things to happen we forget at times is " Freedom " to much or too little can be bad? Growing up I was provided plenty of opportunities the reason my mother walked hundreds if not thousands of miles from her Canton village to the mountains to hide from the envision of the Japanese and later again from the communist Chinese to Hong Kong carrying very little food, water and my older brother where she waited until my father who served in the U.S. Army during WW2, was able to immigrate here legally into the U.S. My grandfather who I never met was one of those so call " import/exporter " from China he wasn't so lucky in his final visit he refuse to surrender to the Communist so was executed like so many of my other family members. Growing up I had opportunities but didn't know how lucky I was nor did I understand how to appreciate. Instead of taking the right path I follow my two other brothers ended up spending much of my youth in detention centers. I was one of those kids who the counselors were constantly saying " if you spend more time with your studies than trying to get out of it ". The education I past up what I did get I appreciate it now more than ever the ability to think for myself, lead instead of being lead, to speak out whenever I hear wrong and to help others when in need of help in spite of my past. No matter where one lives how much you might dislike your country you don't unlearn what you learn growing up. I like everyone didn't come to Thailand to look for trouble sometimes it find you never how hard to try to avoid it. When I first came here in 2006 for good, I came as a democrat true and blue but was told at some point in my life I won't and living here has proven I'm move to be more conservative. America is less than 300 years old yet it has done more than any country in the world and especially faster. Before others get all bent out of shape ready with all the stats that it hasn't save you time don't bother I'm not here to debate it just providing my view. Is it perfect NO they will never be! What seems to me is true is when things goes wrong they look at the U.S. if they help or don't they get the raft of other countries. It is a no win situation. They don't want the U.S. involvement Asia if it wasn't for them Japan would have taken it all and if it wasn't for U.S. China would have tried a long time ago if it wasn't for the U.S. Brits, Aussie. Based on my timing if it wasn't for the large donation of Pfizer from the U.S. stipulation some be saved for expats many living here would still be waiting and complaining. Instead of saying like China, French, only for their citizen it was open to ALL at a time when the Delta was taking over Thailand and their front line workers in 2021. One thing for sure living here has given me a much different perspective I didn't appreciate what America had given me until I live elsewhere today in spite of their past and not being perfect I appreciate what they gave me growing up. There is no country on the face of this earth that doesn't have a Darkside yet America gives more than any country particular when a country has a crisis just ask Thailand who got billions to build back Phuket. What did the Chinese give in the Haitian crisis 250,000 USD the second largest economy LOL! Just like the disaster in Sattahip, you hear any Thais billionaires the Government leaders who pockets are overflowing from corruption stepping up to cover the victims cost which is a drop in the bucket to help their own people and others? Everyone has a right to their views and from what I'm reading those who left and are happy act as if they did it on their own? They do so because of the resources they worked and earn now receiving from the U.S. system. The medical they received, pension system, the freedom to open I.R.A's, 401's, Social Security without that system not many could enjoy the 35-1 exchange rate which is why majority are here living in their small world while generally the poor Thais who are the majority will never be able to enjoy what we American and many from the West enjoy. As many have noted, I know many Thais in the West, those who are young enough tell me they would never live in Thailand, even many of the older ones who visit said they rather not go back no matter how bad one thinks it is once you see the light it becomes very clear. Like I said no matter where you live " grass is never greener " " let him or country who is without sin cast the first stone " Don't get me wrong I'm no Trump supporter although I support many of his Adminitration policies, I grew up and work along side of many Trump guys you not need to wear a hat or shout it to make America great it has and will continue to be in its own way. When it comes to Trump I just wish the guy would go away I predicted to many when he got elected this will top any reality show ever! Regardless of what America has done or not done for some? For me I ended by saying GOD BLESS AMERICA! If I had won the last Mega lottery net 700 million USD, I would be returning on a slow boat with the entire Thai family whether they like it or not enjoy my Mai Tai!
  6. If objective is to stay longer spend more? I guess those coming now and into September aren't?
  7. Promoting? Where? When? IS that what they label when the guy must pockets it????
  8. You must feel or not look like a quality tourist?????
  9. Everyone does his in English the list is long. In Thailand " Ting Dong "
  10. Even if he is wrong this guy not in his DNA to admit wrong. ????
  11. Same reason I think? with trying to get VAT for a camera????? I think we are thinking on the same page here with this one.
  12. B.Teaching? So that is his sorry excuse for everything that is wrong????? Suffer does he even know or understand the word!
  13. Most of the stuff sold here I don't trust plus cost is higher and you get less. I've been meaning to use told the same by Sheryl? Not only a bit more cost but for the money you get more for the money. I just came back from the States loaded up from Costco but at my age bags are starting to feel heavy even the Taxi driver needed my help.
  14. In a country where the BIB are the judge and jury why not. Can't enforced liquor sales rules being done close to schools, can't or confused about seat belt laws so they decide to call it New starting 5th of Sept. In the end a big photo op declare it is all clear until the next time.
  15. Personally I've never had second though if it was legal or not. Every trip pre-covid I freeze and bring back some type of meat, T-bones, baby-back ribs, pork Carnisda, Korean minrinated sticks never had a problem the times My bags scanned in Thailand not often even opened nothing has ever been said to me so whenever I see something I like I bring it back my last trip return last month, I brought back a rack of Pastrimai and corn beef. I don't think the TM6 even ask certainly now that it is suspended? ????
  16. Maybe pop is stepping up to save after get a offer he can't refuse to take the fall for the real people at fault and save his son? ????
  17. Who knows right now only one side was told. Maybe the two had a plan on the Guy that didn't go their way? This is Thailand! Farang in the wrong always, jealous, anger, panic, is in all of us some more than others. Maybe he headed to his Embassy? ????
  18. I understand what you are saying but as I noted to the other fella it was meant somewhat as a joke or humor. I get it! Connect here is why many of my grandfather relatives from a particular province in China migrated to the area of the triangle once a time I had to come to Thailand in 90's to look for my older brother he was living in this area while waiting for many legal matter to get him entry back to the States I live with them for a month. During that time it wasn't hard as to how things were set up also with the help of my brother knowledge their level of operation Weed, Mushroom, that is a drop in the bucket. With the Thai love for the Chinese, the pot of gold end of rainbow isn't in Mushroom as you are noting.
  19. My comment was a bit of a joke or humor, I don't really need to think about it and agree the reasons for all the changes is the government want a part of it. But I know those in this area feel there is enough for everyone and the government putting their hands now into it isn't going to deter them from their share.
  20. Golden Triangle leaders are just jumping with joy finally heading legit, Casinos, Pot, now Mushroom to go with the rest of their investment projects. ????
  21. Thanks, personally I love the stuff, kidney, Blood sugar, cholesterol? Wife got a small blender makes pure smoothies. Just ordered another box 400 baht.
  22. Makro ones 49 baht are ones getting soft I use to time it the best I can. From what I see imported but within last year I found some Thai one they are shape more like a small football (U. S.) at local markets selling for 50 baht all cut and sliced ready to eat, wife just ordered a box 13 kilos online from CM, 400 baht. Taste the same to me? I've made dip, shake, ice cream I'm sh-tting alvocodo?
  23. DIY, 900 baht ones not any cheaper. Same at Big C
  24. You are doing pretty much what my brother here was doing a year ago I finally convince him to switch his S. S. Deposit into the BB in New York, back to his credit union since then using Wise he is getting close to 10,000 baht extra a month. Nevertheless I ask if I can help if you are happy with what you are doing best to you. Take care.
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