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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. So why were they arrested ! Must it be their orgin!🤣
  2. It is sold everywhere legally but can smoke it in public what gives?🤣
  3. The conversation with Thai lady is her expectation being with you. Does she truly believe all you have is the SS and does she have in general expectation bargirl or not to live within our means and expectation to support her whole family. Then you got medical in which Medicare is no good here.
  4. You can catch those mini so call buses at specific locations on Sukhumvit. Myself I use to start at the gas station just off Pattaya Klang also know Pattaya Tai near had station which has a bBurger King inside. These Vans makes lots of stops they travel on Sukhumvit 3, stop for locals through Chon Buri to Bang Na then to Ekamai. I've found after all these years to take the bus now 131 baht North Pattaya, tell driver I want off at Udon Suk first station into Sukhumvit, then I walk up to BTS, rest of way so not to have to sit in traffic to Ekamai. I find it also much safer.
  5. Wrong, how you conclude the younger fighter was a Brit, if his wife or so call better half is Thai convinced stupid Brit fighter young full cum " it is always farang fault so let's sue farang have more money therefore they should pay "
  6. If as noted unless there is smoking gun the old couple pay or use influence to get police 15 to set out on the attacker that's on the locals. Of course getting the full details from Thai media is slim and none.🤣
  7. In spite of so many good things about Thailand and living here this is a prime example of stupidity in general of Thais the lawyers who would take such a case and the legal system They are caught on CCTV, admit to guilt cause the problem their own anguish them sues file charges yet the system would take on such a case. Case should have been laugh at by lawyers thrown out long ago. I really hope the two Thai f--kers meet a violent surprise soon. If the court has any dignity in justice rule properly when they do continue to sock it to these two until they are destroyed
  8. I increase mines by just exercising more lifting a bit of weights producing more. 3 months later blood test I was in normal ranges.
  9. Sad, someone get me a towel 😪
  10. For you but not a gap for Thais. You post an incident review that harassment they want to sue. Foreigner do it like unable to find or use a bathroom take a pee, Thais netcitzen want you in jail.
  11. They cant deal with reducing road speeders who kill themselves and others so I guess they are going to tackle a smaller problem 🤣
  12. Come on unlike Thais you were brought up to deal with a bit of criticism stop being such a puss!🤣
  13. Exactly, when Trump was in office 2016, Thailand was targeted because of its trade surplus well below the trillion now red flagged as they called they did nothing but talk. I have many family in China with factories in conversation since the real large fight is with China many factories exporting to U.S. tariff targeted made deals with Thai factories thus shipping China tariff products to Thailand repackage as produced then shipped to U.S. to get around the tariffs. Whether sounded by Trump or not these and all tariff conflicts with countries is to meet at a reasonable point! In spite of Trump big mouth and stuff stance show boating stance this is all he wants for America. All one has to do is go into any market selling imported goods know fairless isn't even close on many products.
  14. A greater stance by the people got to happen for what is 99.9% sure to happen. These leaders lead for themselves, greed, lies and not as they want it to appear to the people. Time to stand up and be counted.
  15. Simple! Education and enforcement 24/7, The driver education you look at the booklet their videos it is nothing more than getting them to pass in simplist terms same with all their test question. The question should have critical think but of course that isn't taught or neuture in Thailand. The driving test go in circles no pedestrian crosswalk the whole test doesn't test the intent or decision making of the driver only can a road type test can. Then even with the best education the major factor in all is enforcement that is a built in education. No country has enough police force the factor of doubt is the major enforcement create enough, cost, time, to make driver think twice. Today, in the States major cities who went defunding police I notice more and more driver breaking the law. My last visit there are more delivery services like Grab, these scooter drivers are now like drivers here in Thailand, stop signs mean nothing.
  16. From my experience I never but my brother did but years back I showed him to use Wise. Before the switch I map out the negatives particularly the basic rate he was getting by the time it got into his BB account by using Wise how much more baht he would get in doing so he would switch back his SS to his regular bank. For myself I was having my SS put into my Charles Schwab Checking from there since they reimbursed me for ATM use but I wasn't getting the highest exchange rate. Using Wise gave me the top rate so high even paying fee I was still ahead. Using Wise I just listed My CC checking by wire to my BB withdraw from BB ATM.
  17. Amazing, the reasoning of the owner and family of the pit! Sister blaming the brother, brother blaming the gate, It has never done anything like this yet they aware but took all necessary precaution rope etc,.... Take everyone including the dog dig a big hole!
  18. I found from my experience Jomtien to be otherwise. The TM 30 I have I have predate COVID, 2022 I got a new Passport they transfered the TM30 to my new Passport. A year ago confusion as to whether a new one needed to be obtained I returned March 5th, visited Immigration prepared if necessary to file new told by two IO, desk not necessary since I had a Imm-o, returning to same address. Due to age of my TM30, they offer to replace it if I wanted but I decline due to time of waiting.
  19. I was recently helping a friend with his finances and notice 15 baht being charged try o use his ATM to withdraw Thai baht from his account Krungthai.
  20. "prompted reflection" No surprise here you got to know the problem to do something about it, expert have told them for years what need to be done but nothing to move the needle forward. Everything is about tourist, appearances as a world class destination while leaders do little.🤣
  21. Years ago my village people were stealing these meters report them take report to PWA, you get a new one. Meantime I got some PVC pipe modified it attached the two ends free water.🤣 neighbors saw what I did followed they came out quick after.🤣
  22. My experience with insurance here. The policy does it indicate it is to be taken to dealer or an independent. If independent the insurance company normally dictates to their shop they do business with. As far as I know you can't decide on your own or get estimates.
  23. Even if you go in clean time in the spin cycle you come out dirty🤣
  24. Even if you go in clean time in the spin cycle you come out dirty🤣
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