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  1. Oh well, at least no farang in the mix on this one to take our image down another notch.
  2. "Never meet your heroes" i'm actually a 12-year-old Thai girl not a nomadic Sigma male expat.
  3. UK to Thailand Crypto.com It seemed to come up on a thread on here last year such that if you 'brought crypto in = register as resident in Thailand, then your start total was your baseline to be taxed 15% in that year and not your gain... I'm assuming whether you deposit cash in Thailand or not in that year you are taxed 15% if sales/trades occur in that year with a gain and are in Thailand more than 180 days...aka tax resident.
  4. If you are on a CEX Crypto platform and move from Europe to Thailand as your location will you be charged 15% tax on your total money in it vs the capital gain amount as you are showing up in that location with crypto vs wiring it to Thailand and then uploading the cash on to the platform. Is that they key point when you are already in crypto outside Thailand ?
  5. Cafe Knocking Shop....always comes nice and frothy.
  6. Flip Flop Thailand. Is there any country in the world that changes rules for foreign visitors soooo much ?
  7. Yes, It never really dropped till now but I am passing through a future I saw in 1999 right now....specific motifs and images were remembered...exact to the penny....very dark...I either get through it or perish. The youtube near-death vids are pretty amazing at times. If you are a disbeliever, that is your right...I have no need to debate on this stuff. You can touch upon it with psychedelics...is why terminally ill lose a fear of death as their egos already died second by second to reveal their glassy essence.
  8. More "don't do that" stories from Planet Buzzkill. Why is this even in the news ?
  9. Bhutan Seeks Thai Expertise to Make Tons of New Rules with Endless Amendments, Then Reverse Them Entirely and Make New Ones Amid Cultural Festivities
  10. Thailand Yet to Finalise Policy on Taxing Expats’ Overseas Income Thailand Yet to FURTHER AMEND Final Policy on Taxing Expats’ Overseas Income Thailand Yet to FURTHER AMEND AGAIN Policy on Taxing Expats’ Overseas Income Thailand TO COMPLETELY REVERSE Policy on Taxing Expats’ Overseas Income
  11. £2000 to do that ? I'd dig roads over the choice of the 2...insanity and double insanity going through Singapore. They should put photos of sniffer dogs outside the airport sniffing luggage and scanner photos detecting the weed (if that is possible) to make poor suckers like this think twice. What kind of sentence would they get for this given its legal in the country... 5 years ago it would be life in prison right ? Whoooosh !
  12. It appears they have a threshold over which inheritence is taxed.. So just a tax on the ultra-rich. https://kellerhenson.com/inheritance-tax-thailand/#Key_Concepts_of_Thailand_Inheritance_Tax Exemptions: The first 100 million THB of inherited assets is exempt from tax for direct heirs, while the exemption is 50 million THB for other heirs.
  13. I know most on here are older retirees...but for younger guys here still with parents back home... Would long-stay expats in Thailand be liable for inheritence tax from parents back home if living in Thailand over 180 dyas a year if no tax arose on the total assets received in their home country ? I mean in the UK for example - including property/cash and combined roll-over unused relief - with parent combined totals - its is £1 million tax-free to kids. £325k (Cash etc) /£175k (Property) x 2 parents = £1 million before tax comes in to the picture. It appears it is 5% IHT on total assets received for children who receive any inheritence in Thailand ? Is that correct ? If that is the case, it would be wise to clear out of Thailand under 179 days in a year with such inheritence events if you intend to stay long-term overseas ? It's a whole 2nd layer can of worms this Thai tax stuff now...getting ensnared in other taxes such as IHT.
  14. Yes, it was called Children of Men (2006). Saw that one.
  15. these kind of posts tad dangerous to those that don't know this forum...suicide advice etc. on a trollpost.
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