Divination is most definitely a real ability.
Just got to do your due diligence on the person and their modality of 'skrying'...and read up on the trickster methods of "cold and hot reading".
Tarot cards are a bit deeper than fortune telling, it just carries the symbology forward through society to new society with its utility value = direction and more certainty.
Ever wonder why each person is so contorted in the Major Arcana...?
I thought so ! It keeps you up at night ...
Each body is a letter - in fact a Hebrew letter - and the cards also map over on to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
"The Paths of the Tree of Life and Tarot Major Arcana"
Yes, cue the laugh emoticons below - those that have never had exact names/events/dates/locations/private unusual items highlighted by the reader.
Anyway, leave you to your belief it's 100% b/s....