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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. It's Thailand - different departments will all be out of lockstep and there may be an element of 'wait and see'...wait and see if it all rules get changed yet again.
  2. Yes, well mine does....so go buy your car. Being a part of the pick-up community in another Asian country back in day set my head straight..thank you very much. What is cost of gaming a chick off the street in your area into bed for 1-night...? Zero. I don't need to pay whores or that tier of females. Never have - maybe when I hit 10 years later I might but I'm under 50 and have never had issues dating chix. There just happens to be a pervasive chump club in Thailand that seems to think you do need to p4p in some aspect - and its the only way... Your basically faceless to me. Try factoring in age/looks and dating skills into your commentary. Majority of long-termers here are 50+ retirees. Not me. Cue Batman "This one is different" p4p chump club meme gif...
  3. Pretty cut-n-dry what he did. However, so did Biden and Pence....tar one, tar them all.
  4. That actually did me wonders in another Asian country before I moved to LoS. Met my g/f in about under 6 weeks and been with same one so never really tested water here for multi-dating...wish I had !
  5. His heart gave out on top of some 19-year-old chick probably... Randy b----d to the end.
  6. Let's just stick to actual air temp. vs 'feels like' please.... Do we have to refer to the Heat Index as 'they' also ?
  7. 6 days etc bit excessive if they Are you 4real quoting that garbage...visa over-stay of a few days does to sift international criminals from others. Major crimimals probably sitting on Elite Visas running their operations from LoS.
  8. I thought this was another trannie gold necklace theft story....
  9. I'm not triggered by the word - and majority of people will not know cisgender 4sure...except hip woke/circus extra types...and YOU.
  10. 'Cisgenger' - ask most people on street in the west (never mind Thailand) and they'd not be able to answer...
  11. Is there even a retirement option for India ? I like these lists...so I can choose somewhere else. Move half way round the world to hear an Alf Garnett sitting at every table around you....
  12. Would not like to get in a tussle with the western one. Strength of a man plus the viciousness and fingernails of a woman....
  13. There used to be a guy like him called 'Chris from Oz'...did he burn his blog and guides online...never could find his stuff again...he was good at digging out the underground stuff going on...good reading !
  14. So long since I have stepped in one...do they still have naked dancing or is that all clamped on ? Great seeing a stage of fit naked chix dancing away !
  15. Her...she pays all her stuff. I only pay 50% of house mortgage which is same as a studio rental. We are looking to sell house and cash out or halves maybe soon. So there you go.
  16. EVen western wives will hose you in a divorce but supporting her ass monthly..nope ! Not for me...
  17. 'Stop having fun, as we are sour gits and don't like seeing it.'
  18. AMEN, bro. Different for significantly older guys and especially large age gap older guys though.
  19. Speak for yourself. Mine has a masters and supports herself.
  20. Physical mediumship is the strongest evidence of a spiritual reality beyond the body. Google 'Stewart Alexander and New Thinking Allowed'...he is regarded as one of the best if not THE BEST in the UK. Physical materialisation events.... But it's pretty much pointless trying to convince skeptics of this reality... Tit-for-tat back and forth.
  21. A well chosen spiritual medium and reading up on 'cold reading techniques' to be fore-armed would challenge that assumption.... The information you get is beyond generalisations or data mining online. Take the challenge and I'll connect you to one of the best in the UK...
  22. Most of this government implemented policy stuff is a shambles...ill-though out..flip-flops on anything brought in...moronfest at the top government level. Am sure it can't be that bad in Viet Nam or Malaysia.....they are like low IQ grifters the lot of them.
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